deconstructing deconstruction requires a bit more than random insults about the author, but it was a nice presentation nonetheless…
I’m guessing no without clicking.
It’s a shame that inner-city literacy programmes in the US aren’t working out…
All in all, not bad. He didn’t say much, but he was surely correct in what he did say.
No Faust, he really wasn’t…
Let me rephrase - I agree with his assessment. I think Derrida is a moron.
Was, Faust…
It was an entertaining review. As far as philosophy goes all he said was that derrida is a moron and that what he wrote is incomprehensible gibberish.
great critic, but not philosophically.
Are you objecting to my use of tense?
derrida has left the building
I’m good with my choice of tense there.
At least I was.
And I probably will be.
of course he’s a moron now, he’s dead and has no brain…
when he was alive however…
one man’s moron is anothers Clouseau
Yeah, but to be clear, I don’t actually mean he’s a moron. Or was a moron. I obviously didn’t know him. I mean he wrote like one. I am talking about his body of work. “Nietzsche Sucks!” seems clear to everyone.
In other words, we can sensibly ask “What is Hume saying here?”, for instance.
Obviously, if I wrote this today, it’s incorrect to use the word “is”.
It’s just a convention.
So, he’s dead?
That’s sad.
I’m not sure The Hooded Negro is operating on some higher plane of genius, either. I just think it’s cool that he chose that name.
“Derrida queries De Man” You can’t make out the writing on the cliff walls, degraded pixels.
Faust, don’t worry about it so much, it’s only Mundane Babble - only take me seriously in serious fora, as 'twere.
Also, I don’t think I need to make any effort to set forth my view of Derrida or defend his credentials, but at least I know the book is called Writing & Difference. Which just goes to prove that the vast majority of Derridetractors haven’t actually bothered reading him properly.
I’m pretty much with The Hooded Negro on this one. I have never made it all the way through anything by Derrida. And i have made it all the way through Kant’s Critique. At least Kant was trying.
I made it through Kant and Deleuze.
Kant is pretty dense and dry- luckily for us his influence was so profound that we’ve pretty much all learned him by osmosis. He was right when he immodestly claimed his philosophies constituted a “Copernican revolution” in thought. I personally read his Critique of Pure Reason almost 20 years ago, and God willing it’ll be 20 more before I have to read it again. As for Derrida, I have The Gift of Death but I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet.