For me its a close call between “Pretty Fly For A White Guy” and “Honky Tonk
And you?
For me its a close call between “Pretty Fly For A White Guy” and “Honky Tonk
And you?
Christ, how could I narrow it down to just one?
mine iiiiiis :i belive i can fly sung by William chung!
(i did not actually HEAR it,i heard about it from my brother who was so driven nuts by it,he started singing it! AAAAA!)
anything by john lenin lennon
“all we are say-ing… is blow it out your ass!”
SOAD - Lonely day
noooo i love that song…
the worst song i have ever heard, is dido, white flag
or anything by dido…
There’s just way, way tooo many
The eighties yielded a rich harvest from agado - to wham rap, the birdee song, grand ma we love you, every thing by spitting image
I’m totally out of touch wth the young folks and find almost every ting mildly offensive but to pick a few
Well “hips don’t lie” by Shakira - in fact any thing by her - the woman’s voice is just uniquely irritating also lemme see all boy bands - agree on Dido (of course), that mutha fuckin crazy frog (and the axel F original from the horrid eighties)
Here’s wikipedia’s line - I’d agree with a lot of em
jay sus FUCKING ANYTHING by U2 they bring shame to our country in regular and large doses!!!
Weirdly the wikpedia songs “labeled best ever” (just the results of various surveys stuck together) contains many people’s (myself included) worsts including whingy John Lenon
Have a gander
Why no dido love? White Flag is actually one of my favorite song, but also a character of mine was totally described by the song.
Now, songs I hate.
I don’t know who does it, nor do I care, but I can’t stand Milkshake. I espeacially hate this song because a friend of mine will sing it around me just to piss me off, and it too damn catchy.
I hate anything that Gwen Stefani has put out recently(except Hollaback Girl that hi-laridy and a kickin drum line).
There are others, but I can’t think of anything right now.
kelis sings milkshake
i like gwen stefani, but i much much preferred her in no doubt.
dido is soo whiney and annoying, i mean cheer up a bit, and SO overplayed, and so only famous cos eminem made her that way
its like james blunt, his songs individually are all right, not my piece of cake, but i can see why people love him, but my god the album, even my dad, his biggest fan can’t listen to it all the way through its all the same all all whingey as hel, but dido is worse shes not even good to begin with
Ok, I could see that. Really, I like White Flag, that’s about it, I haven’t really cared to get into some of her other work.
Weirdly I love Milk Shake and also the one she did with Outkast – millionaire? - In fact every ting on de last album - haven’t heard the recent one yet
I think Kelis has some really nice lyrics and even appears to write them herself – though the line between good and bad pop and r n b is very, very thin (and subjective like all music)
– I love Toxic by Britany to my SHAME – doubt she had much to do with it besides screeching – unbelievably dark production…
James Blunt stinks beyond all description thanks for reminding me of him – that you’re beautiful thing should be regarded as an actual war crime! – Mind you I could see Plato getting down to it (form of truth/beauty and all that crap)
It’s rank.
The cool version of Dido is Beth Orton – what a singer – I love her description of Central Reservation as “A song aboutgoing home with your knickers in your pocket the morning after”! …
Ah God be with de days!
Actually anyone who likes female vocals check me and paul watts on radio na life Dublin tonight 10-12 am oirsih time (translate to your region) (in Irish too though!)
OK stream at
I don’t know if its bad or just bizarre! But Bob Dylan’s version of Radiohead’s Creep is pretty awful! A very strange cover!
“She Blinded me with Science” - Thomas Dolby
“Kokomo” - The Beach Boys
“I love you, always forever” - Some annoying bitch.
any song with a title like…
“stab my heart because i love you” or “Rip apart my soul” or “stabby rip stab stab”
i forgot to post:i also hate anything by no doubt. ugh!
Hollaback Girl- Gwen Stefani
'nuf said.
I really think disco is the lowest point in musical history, and also one of the most irritating things man has come up with until now. There is nothing I can think of that sounds worse.
Any song with the word ‘love’ or ‘I’ in the title, especially those with both.
Also - and Tab will remember this - Doop, by Doop. … oop%20doop
You may not like disco for whatever reason, but musically it’s actually very interesting. There’s some rather complex beat subdivision and synocpation used. It’s actually a very intricate form of music.
My source: A Northwestern University Professor of Music Cognition.