The YouTube Video Thread

as it’s been in the news a lot lately (fireman in dryer)

hee hee hee

Who knows what really happened, I just thought the fighting and graphics were badass.

Haha I thought that was real at first, until the bear did the roundhouse kick :laughing:

Lionel Richie ‘Hello’ - for sheer comic value, this is a seriously hilarious piece of work:

Hehe, Lionel Richie met my sister’s best friend at a club and got her number, he still calls her from time to time.
For the record she is like 20 years old.

yeah it was great, the graphics were amazing and it was made so long ago… sephiroph had already died but, there were allot of experiments conducted where they used his dna and Jenova’s still alive in the life stream so maybe she could bring him back to life…

great music vid for ff7 ac :

guy making a drum n base beat with some empty paint cartons, buckets n drum sticks.

The Goons - What Time is it Eccles? … ed&search=

My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to become the greatest comedian in the world.

(You’ll have to be quite tall for that)

Borat’s guide to wine tasting!!


lmao ali g was good to, didnt find the gay guy he played that funny though…

I love this video, I lol’d.

Hope is Emo

Isn’t a video (or on YouTube), but in response to the psi video, if you want to do it yourself, it just read up, go here.


Can you do any telekenesis?

Ali-G the cop

“dont move! you is fuckin with the wrong cop! * points gun at criminal* do you like the taste of steel?”

* Warning * - [size=84]Most of these are around 10 minutes long.[/size]

Are You Popular? - 1950’s

What to Do on a Date 1 - 1950’s

What to Do on a Date 2 - 1950’s

What Makes a Good Party - 1950’s

Good Eating Habits - 1950’s

One of the greatest scenes in this film: comic, macabre, farcical, dark brutal, passionate.

In order to dispel the myth that detrop is a legendary titan who stands seven feet tall and commands mammoths in battle, I’m posting some doodling I did earlier on guitar.

(I stumbled upon the riff in Two Rivers while playing. You can tell when I smile.)

Yes, video footage. You will see that I am quite ordinary, and, indeed, perhaps even mortal like yourself.

I think PersistentMemory (I spell it forwards because its easier) was on to something with the video he did.

Video communication…the next step for ILP.

We will need matching head-gear sets, which will allow us to stay logged in all day, everywhere we are. Mobile ILP units.

Instead of typing responses, we will simply say them into a small microphone. An eye-piece will produce a screen image of the member you are talking to, in real-time.

This is gonna be great. Together at last.

Since you hate anyone complimenting you in any way I’m going to say that your video is thoroughly woeful.

Oh wow, I didn’t know you were one of those guys that does stuff with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth.
That puts you up like 2 points on the ‘cool scale’.
Nice guitar slappin’.

The Faint are one of the few things cooler than detrop’s cigarette smoking, sunglasses-wearing bad self:

Worked up so sexual (ludicrous video, amazing song)

Same song, live, awful sound, but it’s punk so it doesn’t matter

Glass Danse, with one of the best keyboard riffs I’ve ever heard

Agenda Suicide

Posed to death, dunno what the video is