Theater Of The Absurd


United States

You see, you interpreted it your way because you’re biased against me. :evilfun: You don’t think that I have even the smallest funny bone.


I do see your point there.

Unfortunately, we cannot escape ourselves. What we are we take with us and ARE constantly reminded of that, except for those who refuse to see. Those who do see have the ability to rip that skin off and become more human.

I love wolves but I wouldn’t use the word “cut back” unless you mean to relax.
The internet wolves seldom cut back. Indeed they feed all the more at times. The internet is where they come to find their prey to feed on.

Well, you’re working on your humor. It has been noticed. Credit is due. :wink:

More human?

Well, for the wolf there is all kinds of feeding and consumption.





Consumer index down because holiday shopping is over. S and P up because tax time is almost over. Duh. How does this mean the economy is collapsing?

You have these mainstream talking points memorized, don’t you?




[youtube][/youtube] … se-in-2015



I don’t know what the main stream talking points are. I was just pointing out normal cyclical trends. Overall, there’s growth in the world over the long term. And even then…does it mean that if something is from the mainstream that it’s necessarily false? That was a terrible reply.

Hey! Whose working place is it?