Theater Of The Absurd


You are right, Pandora.

I know what Random Factor is trying to say, but his sentence (see above) is more “politically correct” than correct. It has too much rhetorical tendencies, regardless whether he admits it or not, and this rhetorical tendencies belong to one of the totalitarian ideologies, namely the egalitarianism.

All totalitarian ideologies are largely wrong. The error magnitude of egalitarianism is as high as the error magnitude of liberalism. Humans are not equal, they are merely relatively equal (relatively unequal); and they are not free, they are merely relatively free (relatively unfree).

It does not make egalitarianism and liberalism more “right” just because they have become migfhtful ideologies. And if they have become mightful enough, they always turn out as dictatorships.

Also sexuality has always been a subject of politics. Formerly everyone had to learn that all humans were or had to be heterosexual. Now everyone has to learn that all humans are or have to be homosexual.

So: What about those who have no homosexual tendencies? Why does who want everyone to have homosexual tendencies, although most humans do not have such tendencies? In other words: Why are heterosexual humans discriminated? Formerly the homosexuals were discriminated, but they obviously did not learn from history. Now the heterosexuals are discriminated, and this shows that the homosexuals, and probably many heterosexuals too, have not learned from history. Most humans are probably not capable of learning from history.

This is what I’m asking.

Joker, posting charts like that without being able to explain them is literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen you do. You can do so, so much better. Nothing you’ve posted here is remarkable. What is remarkable is that you think that those charts are showing something to indicate the collapse of the economy. They just aren’t man. Please, for the sake of preserving your own dignity…explain yourself.

Sounds like bullshit to me. Sounds like a desperate bullshit question that you’re pulling out of your ass based upon some sort of mindless presumption on your part.

The charts are self explanatory for anybody that knows anything about economics and what is going on currently in the world economically. You can’t be that dense or maybe I’ve overestimated you over the years and you really are.

You’re posting images of normal trends. I feel, with a fair degree of certainty, that you do not understand what those lines on those charts mean in the context of the overall economy. I think that you’ve got an emotional investment in your notion that the world is all going to collapse, and that you’re grasping for straws in this particular attempt to evidence your assertion that it is. You’ve done much better work than this are there are far better ways to show what you want to show. At the end of the day, you seem to think that there’s something good or evil about the way that money moves around in the world. That means, it seems, that you see some link between economics and morality, which in some sense makes you a moralist.

Am I wrong?

Normal trends? :laughing:

Apparently you don’t know shit of historical economic trends. The more you talk the more you disappoint me.

Moralist? Wow, you really have been dumbed down over the years. Some say too much success over the years has a way to conquer oneself mentally. Success has robbed you of your mental vitality apparently.

Moralizing money? :laughing:

No, I’m merely studying the entropy and self destruction of a dying economic system or empire in real time. Morality isn’t even an issue and only a feeble mind would think so.

Anymore I am finding that what motivates me beyond the strong desire for revenge against a world that has abandoned me in the deepest pits of torment, misery, or punishment is also my strong desire to see humanity along with its civilization destroyed. I only hope that I live long enough to see it and have some small ample part ushering in its demise.

There are two kinds of misanthropes in this world. There are those that retreat from society and civilization within reclusion in their loathing of humanity. Then there are those kind of misanthropes where loathing and living in reclusion isn’t enough that actively seeks out the destruction of humanity where loathing ovetime turns into active hatred, anger, or utter contempt.

If you’re a misanthrope reading this, what kind are you?

The world has abandoned you? So? The world doesn’t owe you a thing. Why don’t you take responsibility for your own life? There are people out there that would say that it’s the worst/best thing that has ever happened to them. And here you are, carrying a grudge and whining. And hoping that something bad will happen to the world. I mean, are you really that weak? You remind me of those spiteful superstitious women who put curses on others.

They exist? 8-[

If someone is physically disgusted by homosexuality, is it because he was brought up so? Is that your point?

Whether I like it or not? Is this some kind of prison talk? Or do you have a serious medical condition that requires you to “get off” anally - whether you like it or not?
It seems to me that the core of your argument is: you are gay - whether you know it or not - whether you admit it or not - whether you like it or not.

I don’t see a “more appropriate” way to be gay. Perhaps you’re referring to consequences, like HIV/AIDS among gay men.

The mentality, yes.

Good! Then my paranoid delusions are wrong. :laughing:

They say the world owes you nothing, by that same token the individuals living in the world don’t owe the world anything either. That goes both ways…

In a world or universe of zero free will and that is deterministic, what is responsibility?

In a world devoid and absent of morality or ethics, what is responsibility?

I despise insulated liberal politicos with their feign pretend and contemptuous care of the poor.

The other day I was listening to this old liberal woman who has never been poor or lived a single day of her life on the streets talk about the need of the poor to take up breathing exercises and clearing their minds to cope with daily stresses other than tobacco usage and drugs. This woman clearly knows nothing about stress or actual raw insecurities of life that pushes people over the edge. Talking to her I fantasized what it would be like to strangle her to death while she was sleeping. Suffocating her with a pillow over her face.

^^ See? Pure rage right there!

I never quite thought this thread was being driven by depression and self loath, but rage. I don’t think you’re whining, Joker, I think this thread is a big “fuck you” to the world.

I see you clearly have victim mentality going on here. And a chip on your shoulder. You shouldn’t even worry about that woman - there will always be people like that, there always have been. Mind your own life, would you? She can’t live it for you. And you seem to be living in front of the mirror, always comparing yourself to others, like a woman.

We live in a world of causes and effects, a world that responds to actions.

The responsibility is to your self, and that has nothing to do with what is going on in the world. Everyone was born into the world they did not choose, and everyone had to adjust to the world, and not the other way around. If you want the world to respond to your will without lifting a finger, then you’re just a dreamer. And there are plenty of those around.