Hmm, I just had a weird thought.
There seems to be a paralell between theism and solipism.
First, they both appear to be fairly indefesable. Once someone accepts the position there isn’t really any reason they have to accept for abonding it.
More importantly, they both seem to be the kind of thing that have to be none-the-less disregarded for the sake of inquiring furthure.
I mean there is not much point in trying to figure out the way the world works if it’s all in my head.
Simillary, one of the charateristics of philosophical and scinetific investigation is that only internal explinations are consisderd. No amount of reasoning will allow you to predict the weather if it’s under the control of a God or Gods.
So what do you think? Could theism be one of those good old indefesable yet uninteresting (in the philosophical sense) positions that we neatly sweep under the rug?