Theoretical Physics Questions

Could someone please elucidate a few concepts for me in the realm of theoretical physics in the simplest manner possible while still maintaining the integrity of the subject matter? I’d appreciate if you didn’t give me links to overinflated articles with esoteric jargon [-X .

Thank you very much!

Theoretical Physics are all around you in modern scientific culture.

Here’s what the term means:

The life-span of a star, for example, is an entire idea is based on theoretical physics. Noone has actually observed the whole life-span of a star. They just guessed how long it was antil a star burns out.

ooops! I forgot to list the topics in question.

I’d like to know why Einstein’s theories work (I know what they say, so you can jump right into the explanation). I mean, space and time are merely measurements between objects and events, respectively. How can one bend measurements? Furthermore, what is your take on the gravetomagnetic theories? Finally, how can it be that light always travels at a constant speed in vacuum, regardless of the frame of reference?

Lorentz contraction is a simple logical consequence of relativity, theres no easier way to explain it then Einstien’s attempt to explain it to the public. All it takes is some highschool algebra, but if its too hard… well then you can sort of understand it from some strained analogys I suppose, but really, come on chin up and put forth the effort !! It is worth it

I don’t know about the gravetomagnetic theories, all I know is that frame dragging is a consequence of relativity.

once the speed of light is established it becomes the frame of reference.

Your question can apply fairly well to both Special and General Relativity, but the answer greatly depends on which one you’re talking about.

In Special Relativity, measurements can be “bent” very easily. Think of the Doppler effect - how the train pitch goes down as you pass it. This change in pitch comes from a change in relative measurement - you subjectively measure the sound waves from the train to have shorter wavelength when you approach them, and longer wavelength when you are moving away from them. If you apply the same principles to space and time, and you insist that 1) space-time motion is absolute and 2) the speed of light is constant, the math spits out Special Relativity.

In General Relativity, there really doesn’t seem to be much of a “why” about it. It seems the most we can say is that mass/energy warps space, and that inertia leads objects along world-lines (the curved-space-time equivalent of straight lines). But we can’t really say “why”. If it turns out that string theory works, that might provide an explanation.

Ah! So, the chrono-tunnle I saw in my visions during destiny control were the fourth dimension, and I need to break through the wall of the chrono-tunnle somehow before my astral body can exist within the fourth dimension’s exverse, which would be the fifth dimension.

Thank you Gobbo, for the link.

no prob

It was quite informing in the conceptual sense for me as well.

The problem with Newtonian mechanics was that it was background dependant, Relativity is background independent, thus space is generated from the theory, and interacts with matter rather then it being a blank canvass where matter does its dance.

The link Gobbo posted refers to string theory, it has the same probem as classic mechanics had, and that is being background dependant. Loop quantum gravity seems to be more loyal to relativity in being background independant.

It will take a while before minds can come up with a “Theory of everything” which works in a flawless fashion, and this theory cannot afford to be simple at that point, therefor it would be very difficult to teach it to others wholely.

The Time Dilation Effect interests me, where time slows down the faster you go.
It must be fascinating for an astronaut in a high-speed rocket to see the second hand of his watch move around the dial slower and slower the faster his ship accelerates… :wink:

Well, unfortunately, Relativity doesn’t work that way. No matter how fast you go, you’ll never see your watch tick any faster or slower.

Relativity says that if you see someone else moving really fast, then that person’s watch will tick at different rates. Since your own watch is always moving with you, it won’t change ticking rates, since you will never see your own watch moving very fast.

In fact, there’s a pretty simple equation that describes time dilation. It says, if you are observing a person travel from point A to B, and that person is travelling at speed v and thinks his trip takes T seconds, you will observe that the trip takes

T / sqrt( 1 - v^2 / c^2)

seconds, where c = the speed of light.

In other words, the faster your friend travels, the longer it seems to take him to get to his destination. Kinda paradoxical, but true!

put me in hyper-speed towards the sun and watch me enjoy the incenerating flames when i barely reach it’s surface - please? :laughing: .

Sorry to break it to you guys, but I’m afraid there are only three dimensions.

And… Dare I say it… Einstein was wrong ?

Thanks, Ebrum and Gobbo!

This thread, with its links, regardless of who’s right, is still incredible.

You could almost say the entire past century of theoretical physics is here in a nutshell.

So the body of physics may now be saying “p OR q” where

p is 3-dimensional space with very little to make it so much more magnificent- and at the same time give us the security of knowing things are basically as we presumed.

q is 10-dimensional space with merging mathematical and philosophical concepts- challenged by p but still wondrous and making us feel even smaller than the universe does as observed through a microscope.

I still want to see p explain reason behind the very real experiments which prove that telleportation is possible and accomplished.