Theories, who doesn't love 'em?

Hardly believable, but a fun take on the afterlife…

Always been somewhat agnostic, but I lean towards Christianity. There is def a higher power that created man, maybe not the way the bible tells it, (you can’t just disregard cavemen bones and evolution) but something beyond had to be at work.

It really helps you to understand if you read into all religions before you dedicate your life and beliefs of the afterlife based on what they say.

But it almost blows my mind thinkin about it. Who made God? How is eternity even possible?

One thing I pondered about one day was this:

Maybe my soul was granted another chance to go to heaven after serving it’s time in hell in a previous life (My past lives share the same soul as this present life.) and my memory was erased.

After my memory was erased, maybe this entire universe was created for ME, and you are all just pawns in some kind of matrix type environment (who have no afterlife) and you just help develop my conscience and mindset through all different scenarios you are involved in? Your only goal being to bring me towards or away from God.

There would be an infinite number of these Matrixes created by God, each inhabited by one soul. The only time these souls are brought together is either in heaven or hell. (since the pawns, or other people on the planet, do not have souls.)

Based on my good deeds, or however they tally a soul’s worth, I would either go to some kind of heaven or hell. If I go to hell I would serve punishment and get another chance at my next Matrix and my next life, and if I go to heaven… then I guess thats pretty fly.

…Or maybe I am one of the pawns, and this is your universe? I’m just meaningless?


Interesting. I would only point out I have never believed good deeds is a path to any good afterlife if there is a bad afterlife. This is why I’m a Christian, salvation is the key to heaven, not works. If it was works you’d have to go into many many thoughts about what the standard was, and if it was fair that some people had more opportunties than others. It could possibly be for yourself only, as you talked about, and quite possibly you have a certain number of good deeds you must complete, but you still dont’ know how many that has to be, and because of that it’s basically just hoping that an afterlife does exist and hoping you’ve lived up to the standard or else your screwed, where as I believe and hope there is an afterlife, and that I know forsure I’ve completed the task that grants me a good afterlife.

But you make some interesting points, fact is if Jesus Existed and really was who he claimed to be, really truly made miracles happen, then all of these other ideas would be out the window. This is where the truth lies, at the heart of Jesus’ story, and its’ one reason why many have tried to corrupt it and keep it alive, it’s why it’s so controversial.

Many people pointed me to this:

Too much for them to handle, I suppose. =D>

Mudman, it sounds like you’re not even Agnostic, but really a Theist. You seem to feel that there’s a higher power at work and that you could have a personal relationship with that power if you wanted one, which in turn would make you feel you have a purpose.

If you still think you’re Agnostic, that’s fine; I’m just basing my observation on what you’ve said in this thread. Regardless, if you’re interested in Christianity, Club29 is hardly the person to be speaking to about it. After all, according to his religion, he’s already guaranteed a place in hell; he’s damned, condemned for all eternity for denying the Holy Spirit. He may say he’s still a Christian, but he’s still going to Hell. How can I say these things? Because it’s already been proven: here. Of course, he claims that in “his” Christianity, denying the Holy Spirit is forgivable, despite there being Biblical evidence to refute that.
Anyway… if you’re interested in Christianity, you should certainly look up Bob. No one on this forum has a more clearer outlook on what a Christian could be than him.

OR… you can take my advice: Question everything until you come to an answer that cannot be refuted.

Well remember folks, this IS just a theory I made, for the sake of fun. And just the “what if” feeling. I doubt I would ever actually believe what I just wrote.

And yes, I do believe your right about the Theism thing. I should’ve written it in the first place, actually.

You just don’t understand context, lol, but I forgive you.