Theory of “give and you shall receive, the measure you give is the measure you get back, be merciful just as your father is merciful,†said Jesus
Christmas, how much does a person spend? How much gifts does he buys? For what purpose? Is he buying it because someone bought him a gift, or is he buying because he expects something in return?
What is that quality of love or friendship, when someone does gives you a gift? I remember as a child, my sister always buys me presents, as I grow older I felt a deep in debted to her or some sort of love. Is that the same feeling when I give some one a Christmas cards?
I suppose the measure you give, the presents to many people, the quality of friendship that they will bring, which I believe ( Krishnamurti ) relationship grows more stronger. Relationship is the ultimate goal in life. Whether a business or personal .
Now what about giving money to the poor? I believe that is a different concept. Because there is no relationahip between the poor and the giver, but the receiver will always remember that moral moment, and out of love, he will face to give when he is asked by a poorer person.
Now a new question just pop up now.
The phrase of $ 500 pieces of silver vs. $ 50 pieces of silver, debt people. What is that significance?
Which I will leave it next time.
When I give, I don’t expect something in return because I know someday I’ll be repaid in other ways besides material things. I have proof of this law. I also make sure I’m kind to everybody because you don’t know when you might need their help. I also have proof of this law. Also be kind to animals you don’t know when you might need their help too.
The reason I give, is to promote good buisness relations.
IF there is no buisness, then it is a bad transaction, unprofitable investment.
But what I believe, not expecting anything in return, means a seed, a way to make the giver to give. For the purpose of good relationship and friendship. Which is one reason why I remember my few best friends alot.
Seems like it is but there is also another meaning to the second half of my sentence which is: understanding of the law which is: reaping what you sow, or law of compensation, or for every action there is an equal reaction, so let me improve my sentence construction: “When I give to someone or some organization, I do not expect something in return from that person or organization because I, know the law which is God.”