i have attempted to view 2 great philosophers view on what truth is and i would like to present you with my view on the 2 different theories and would like to hear any arguments you could find either for or against the two:
William james said that truth any event that has useful consequences (the pragmatic notion of truth). So lets take the example of the earth going around the sun. A pragmatic person would say that we believe that the earth goes around the sun because it is “useful” to science (for instance) because it helps prove alot of theories that we came up with, and that fact would never be true if it wasn’t useful. Up until now it seems okay, but for the lesser truths we have like “i just moved my pen to the right of me” the pragmatic notion becomes very vauge by saying that even that truth is a truth because its usefull. I don’t know about that, you see i can’t think that moving the pen is a truth due to its usefullness, i feel that weither we like it or not its true.
Which brings us to Plato. Plato says that truth is simply independent of us and hence independent of our usefulness. The earth revolves around the sun if it is useful to us or it isn’t, and i moved the pen to the right , its a fact a truth , it happened and it doesn’t matter if i gain anything from the move.
Now i believe Plato has a more logical and less vauge approach to the problem.
Any views comments, please feel free, its all for the love of philosophy