I want to know your opinion about it, because it’s legal in many countries and as for me I don’t think that the science is going too far. Scientist research the stem cells to help people who are ill and have no chance to recover. And this
process helped many people to survive. Today in my religion lesson the whole students were not sharing my opinion with arguments like:
“Who are we to decide about death and life?”
“We kill embryos to help the others…” etc.
My point of view is that such an embryo has no human dignity 6 days after the fertilization. And I think it’s worth it to help another person. If you see a person dying (maybe one of your relatives) wouldn’t you think the same way. Would it matter for you that by helping someone who has already a life and achieved some things or even if it’s a little child […] that a 6-day old embryo dies. I mean of course it’s a question when we can start talking about the dignity. In my opinion a 6-days old embryo is a living being, but it is doesn’t have the human dignity yet. To say it in a scientistic way: it’s a lump of cells (sit venia verbo) and you can’t compare it to a already born human. And apart of it all, scientists used to breed such embryos! And if we kill embryos then abortion (which is allowed till the 3rd month of pregnance) should be forbidden, too.
I don’t presist that my opinion is the right one, but it’s just the way I think.
a couple of things…
where the heck does the 6 days thing come into play? is that the only age that embroys can be attained, or did you just pick that? i would like to know the significance…
right. and it’s another question if simply a lack of dignity gives scientits full permission to kill the person and use them for testing. if so, i can introduce you to a lot of adults that can be candidates…
finally, i think stem cell research comes down to a perception of the self. for the religious people out there, then yes, stem cell research should be banned – a thing is human if it has a soul, and an embroy must have a soul. for everyone else who doesn’t believe in this soul, then stem cell research does no harm.
now, what’s important is what stance should the government take to allow one of these options. i personally would perfer my government take the latter.
– That was told me by my biology teacher and It was not a creation of my own fantasy, but a fact. The research starts after 6 days … (-> read above). That means after the 6th day such embryo will be “killed”.
You misunderstood me here I see. I didn’t ask if there is a dignity at all. My point was: Do these embroys have already got a dignity after 6 days of life…
the 6th day thing basically has ties to not only religion but something with fetal development. (on the seventh day god created man)
My biology teacher knew everything too.
BluTGI - God rested on the 7th day. The point of the film (which I`m guessing the biology teacher probably watched too) is that on the 6th day God created man.
The embryo is only approx 64 cells at day 6 - big enough to do stuff to, but not much of great significance AFAIK.
i still misunderstand. xplicit^ wrote:
and then:
my response was that to justify killing because someone lacks dignity is a weak arguement. a stronger arguement could be if an embroy at days is really a human.
Blu’s point seems to make the government prohibition of stem cell research even more absurd.
Having dignity means in germany being human, that’s why I brought up this argument. The others were saying that an embryo already has a human dignity after 6 days of “life”. And I don’t think this way.
Yes, I think a born baby has a human dignity anyway.
One question to you trix, which people do you mean, by saying :"and it’s another question if simply a lack of dignity gives scientits full permission to kill the person and use them for testing. if so, i can introduce you to a lot of adults that can be candidates… "
Regards and thank you for your replies.
Im sorry but it is very easy to make the gov. absurd. heh.
dam right do it up! ill take 50 clones of me minus the brain, that would be sweet.
The only reason there is a debate about is it right to use stem cells, is the religious take the body much more seriously as trix said (like eternal red hot poker in hell serious).
The religious man would say “the soul is not united to body, but by the spirit, nor understanding to the spirit but by the soul. So we see that when nature hath framed the body of a stem cell, by this very preparative she presently fetchth the spirit from the Universe”.
Well if i was going to die and some religious narrow minded * tried to stop me getting treatment from - stem cell research id kill him. xplicit^ what do you mean by the word dignity? if you mean that we would feel pain, well perhaps the stem cell feels pain. Or if you mean a human that is 987 days old has more reason to life than something thats lived just 6 days, i dont think it matters about its development. People die you get over it, stem cells die people get over it. Would the problem be going on if it was animal stem cells?/ (probably known animal rights protesters)
To dignity …
I mean the human dignity…
I don’t think that a 6 days old embryo is that developed. Of course I don’t think it’s right to kill them. They may feel pain, but they are not human yet. They don’t have any brains. and a 900+ days old human being is already developed enough to have a dignity. I think the both have the same rights to live. But if you should decide which stem cells to take …
I guess you wouldn’t kill the already living baby, would you?!
To Fighter:
when we are so far
But clones age faster because their mitosis happen frequently and no variation in sex gamates.