"There is no truth" is a bold statement, but true.

The fact that there is no recognizable truth for me to latch on to doesn’t bother me.

What does bother me are the people around me that proclaim a disdain for all things contradictory. “You just contradicted yourself,” they tell me. “You’re a hypocrite.”

We should revel in contradictions, as they are the clearest indication of our existance (maybe not), albeit the most extreme aspect.

Congratulations to me and us. I had a thought. I printed it. I let you read it. And I’m already starting to change my mind about truth.

Anyway, I beginning to agree a lot with Berkley about ideas. They way people discredited him makes me want to agree with him more. At least its a truth worth fighting for, no, I dont mean that.

Where is the love? is the new title of this thread.

Truth is relevant to the amount knowledge someone has at one point in time. Depending on someone’s knowledge there will be various views. People have this thing called empathy. They see from many aspects and not just their own. Hateful people are misinformed of what they’re hating. They don’t understand it so they fight with what they do understand, I think. It’s a downfall of not having adequate communication. What one person thinks is right will always contradict someone else’s and is subject to change. It’s why we all have mouths to speak and ears to hear. Maybe, if we all used speech without listening we would be content in oblivion. Maybe, if we all listened without speech we would be content in awareness. But, that’s not how it works.

communication huh?

ok, but how about this. I say something like this: “I want to pm and chat with you for the hell of it.” But inside my mind, "I’m thinking, I’m not really holding back from pm’ing you, I’m just flirting in public, putting you on the spot. But you only heard I want to pm and chat. Does your mind reasonably conclude that I’m putting you on the spot, indirectly. What happens to the that part of communcation?

Where does the truth of my motivation go for speaking go agoudrliht?

I think language was developed for either song OR deception. Right now I’m listening to music.

Trickery is an underlying technique of conquering your truth over someone else’s without their knowledge. And, being about knowledge it fits in perfectly. You’re still conquering because you don’t have knowledge of why you’re doing it really. If you knew the full consequences of a lie you wouldn’t do it. Lies are always cover-ups with good intentions.

I got a good innocent chuckle out of this, knowing I want to conquerer you, and by telling you, I’ve made it all the more impossible. What an approach.

and my spelling is terrible today. ohs wells

the truth of this hipocracy is amusing, essentually you are creating a catch 22 with that statement, just like saying “there are no absolutes”, If you were to word it as “there is no one truth” or “there in no aboslute truth” it would lessen the hypocracy but not elimante it.

essentually you are screwed no matter what unless you said something with less edge like “I feel there are not truths, only perspectives” or something like that.


Right now, I’m listening to the clash, Rock the Casbah.

That crazy casbah sound . . .

How dare you encroach on my hypocrisaaaaay?

If I’m gonna be a hypocrite, please allow me to be a full blown one. I need the edge.

looks like I’m screwed.

Its a familar position.


I feel like being an imperfect little/ I feel like being god’s little punk rocker and I just

I’m alienating you with a flurry of responses major turn off.,

I just exhaled. tired of this drag you through the mud game.

Come on Eileen, ah dont you know what I mean, I mean everything.

do do do do

two ra lu ra lay.

I’m gonna hum this tune forever.

I just gave up giving up.

You seem to be engoying yourself quite thuroghly. have fun!

yes, we are enjoying that moment.

Revel in contradiction as a sign of our being?

Perhaps you should be a poet.

Or maybe a continental philosopher…

The truth is one’s presentation of reality that matches reality.

Because reality does indeed exist, so does the truth.


she speeks the truth.