You say tomatoe I say tomªtoe; who’s right and who’s wrong? There seems to be an inevitable ambiguity in every answer that any person poses as a solution to a problem. So how are we to know what the truth is?
Life is a great paradox, we can learn from this paradox. The moment we voice one truth we have to immediately accept that there is another truth and that truth is never complete. On the surface these truths appear to oppose each other, but if we remained on the surface, our lives would be meaningless - that is the wisdom of creation. If we truly see things as they really are, we will also see that there is no paradox.
We are NOT.
I’d call that “the sophistic victory”. Maybe those ill-famed philosophers were right when they said that nothing REALLY exists, everything that we KNOW is an incomplete interpretation of what we see (or think we see ), but we do not REALLY know anything. Life is an illusion. Everything changes every single moment , everything passes by, every tear we cry, every smile we see in other faces, everything passes, nothing stays the same for at least one minute, nothing truly is SUBSTANCIAL, nothing EXISTS.
There is no fact, there is representation. There is no truth and therefore there is no real knowledge. Our own life is nothing but an illusion, a despicable illusion.
Those questions that cannot be resolved, dissolve into disagreement, debate, argument, and increasing levels of force until one side attains (temporary) victory or the question becomes irrelevant.
Life is a great paradox, we can learn from this paradox. The moment we voice one truth we have to immediately accept that there is another truth and that truth is never complete. On the surface these truths appear to oppose each other, but if we remained on the surface, our lives would be meaningless - that is the wisdom of creation. If we truly see things as they really are, we will also see that there is no paradox.
So you’re saying that in all actuality there’s no such thing as a lie and everyone is telling the truth realistically?
Fabiano Pedro Lourenço wrote
There is no fact, there is representation. There is no truth and therefore there is no real knowledge. Our own life is nothing but an illusion, a despicable illusion.
Would you consider it a good idea to take my own life then? Being that it is merely an illusion? Should I do anything? If I can’t even really know the truth of my happiness can I really even be happy in anything I do? Is there worth in the universe anywhere?
prove-it wrote
[i]you spell it ‘tomatoe’ i spell it ‘tomato’
let’s call the whole thing off[/i]
You’re right. We’re better off not knowing anything about eachother at all. THAT’S why I got on this forum.
romelouis wrote
you spell it ‘tomatoe’ i spell it 'tomato. Lets peel the tomato whether its tomatoe or not and look inside it and then call it quits!
Who’s to say we’ll see the same thing?
Xanderman wrote
Those questions that cannot be resolved, dissolve into disagreement, debate, argument, and increasing levels of force until one side attains (temporary) victory or the question becomes irrelevant.
It is within most people’s resolve to assume that killing a bright young enthusiastic human being is completely wrong. Why? Why is there such an easily attainable “truth” in similar examples when we can find no resolve in others?
No, I’m saying that there is always more information, upon investigation. For me there are not only minutes, there are seconds and there are nano seconds. Anyone witnessing the way I operate might say that I always change my mind. Actually if you look closely you will see that in truth, I know exactly what I want, that my heart is fixed on one thing in each and every moment. But from moment to moment everything, the whole picture has already changed. Of course there is absolute Truth. That is undeniable even if we don’t comprehend Truth in its entirety, it is what this universe is made up of. We know that night follows day and day follows night. Summer follows spring which follows autumn. These things are true, yet upon investigation there are things unseen, affecting these cycles. We human beings have perceptions of this Truth based on our own circumstances whatever. Each and every perception of truth is an incomplete picture - because the part of us that perceives is incomplete. As we live, experience, we begin to perceive the world as it really is. The whole picture. There is always more. Problem is we live in a society that wants to achieve the end. But where is the end? Where is the end of this moment, of this paragraph? I will always write and then wonder if I couldn’t have expressed my idea in another way. It is never complete. There will always be someone who completes it for me and in the end…another beginning, so there is no end. Life is continuous. Continually being born, dying and being reborn.