Theurgy / High Magick: … magick.htm
^some terms.
^wikipedia definition of Theurgy.
In this link, Juliet Nighting, like many others, describes what “The other side” is like, in her own – personal style/understanding, but it always seems to share similarities with other NearDeathExperiences.

Due to passed, present and future all running simultaniously in “the other side” [dimension5, exosphere of our timespace], the “being of light” tends to personize itself with each person, in a unique way each time. “The light” could really be reflections of the finest future self, and as people absorb “the light” shining upon them, they try to fallow it, as it makes them feel more completeness and meaning.

In many cases, is “worship” of a god, secretly a desire to become that god?

Also, if you would like to talk about the methods for developing the inner, higher-self, we could talk about:

  • Reflective-meditation.
  • Ritualism.
  • Moral changes.
  • Astral projection.
  • Visions.
  • Experimentation.

etc. - Each of these can at times be “spiritual”, helping people to get closer to the divine.

How would you develop your higher-self?
Would you want to be the highest-self?

That makes perfect sense, Dan. I would present the flower as the finest example .

And there are many different methods which can be used in order to cause a person’s inner self to “blume”. A few were listed in green, above. If anyone would like to talk about these specifically [how/why], then just ask.

Thanks for reply, also.

I seek a higher self. I don’t exactly use any guidelines though. The green methods, they are a good start.


I think what’s mainly important is:

Knowing who and what you really are.
Knowing who and what you really want to be.
Finding hidden and vast meaning.

I think mainstream worship is a submission, a surrender, a throwing up of the hands. Fringe religions, New age magick… Childhood ‘magic’ causality monkey see monkey do - but modern science is also an unknowing attempt to become God. All technology auguments, the end point of that… Is omnipotence, omniscience.

I consider those religions to be spiritually parasitic.

You’ve obviously put faith in the science religion, after all, it’s most recent, most developed and most funded.

But… as usual, it’s a tool for civilization, which only works for those who fund it.

I’ve been working on Astral projection and Lucid dreaming – both of which seem to be progressing somewhat. I was playing around with a psi-wheel too but I couldn’t tell if it was room’s airflow or me actually doing it.

The hard part, I find, is keeping focus while still applying the appropirate amount of will-power.

Question: If I project to the same room I’m in (I try to envision watching myself at the start) and ‘in between’, my actual body feels a chill, does that mean I was close? Or… just that I happened to get a chill, coincidentally?

PSI takes awhile, I’ve been working on it too. I don’t know if weed would make it easier or harder though.
Its easier to lose track of your thoughts while high, but you can also focus in dramatically for a certain amount of time too.
You need to meditate for like 30 minutes before you seriously try PSI.

It will be odd… in a little while when the world is separated into the psioncs and the regulars.

Already I’ve seen footage of these young kids with incredible psychic power.

I think PSI should be trained at young ages, it would be interesting to see the results.
Of course mainstream society would never except this.
One of the main reasons PSI is so hard to do is because everybody thinks its a myth.
If we were all taught that PSI is real and that you just need to practice it, there would be a lot more people who could do it.
Furthermore if PSI methods were taught at young ages, such as PSI wheels in the classroom, the the results would be overwhelming I think.

A chill is a good sign, it means that there is an abundance of physic energy flowing within you.
Thats how you can tell if you’ve succeeded in making a PSI ball.
Though I think astral projection is a bit advanced to be trying out at first.


I fully agree with you on the teaching and acceptance of psi, and the results which would ensue. Belief is such a key, and if you’re not sure as to if it’s actually legit you don’t have a chance.

As for AP being too advanced… I think it’s hard to really put a qualifier on it, but you could be right. I used to Lucid dream as a kid, I haven’t had one in a while though I’ve seriously been getting close in the last few days. I started to have a lucid (aware, but unaware of the thought formulations of the person I’m talking to) conversation with a dream character before I woke up last night. The problem I find, is that I only get 1 shot, because after i wake up that first time… I often just drift back into regular sleep.

I think lucid dreaming is realistically where its at for the average folk. I won’t give up on learning psi, as it’s definitely cool to actually move things with my soul, but LD could and can offer so many insights into people with mental predispositions/traumas. After all… what better shrink is there than your mindset reading this, delving into your subconscious?

That’s good to hear. You can learn more new things about your mind and the subtle realms of existence through this.

Keep the psi-wheel under a class container to prevent airflow.

Often, metaphysical work is best done in short, but regular sessions.

Chills can have many different reasons.

If a spirit-form manifests in a room, and uses up allot of the energy in the room doing so, then that explains the temporature change.

Kids have a higher vitality and powerlevel, though.
Don’t let 'em intimidate yah. :smiley:

Forget the weed it will not help you on that level. DXM, however, I have found to greatly increase my spiritual prowess. It is a disassociative (Olney’s Lesions FTW). It’s easier to concentrate on things such as PSI when your body is not a factor.

DXM will trip your life out.
I did DXM one time, trying to lucid dream.
So I went to sleep and woke up about 3 hours later, tripping balls like I never have before.
I went to look in the mirror (don’t do that) and I freaked out. I began to realize things that I cannot recall. Its a much more harder trip than shrooms or acid.
For some reason I had the desire to get out of the house, so I ‘robo-walked’ outside and got into my car (probably shouldn’t do this).
I had my Ipod hooked up to the radio and it was the most amazing thing ever. The Ipod was like God to me at that point and I turned on some Pink Floyd and starting driving.
I drove with cruise control and gear shifting and didn’t use my feet, I was sitting cross-legged on the seat (a very, very bad idea) and doing about 100 on Manatee ave in my Jeep.
I made it out alive, did DXM one more time, and have never tried it again. I think you build a tolerance, and I also think its REALLY bad for you.

You’re all freakin’ me out. :laughing:

Get at the higher states that aren’t artificially induced. … p?t=151754

Practice once a day. Gradual, solid, real progress can happen without drugz.

It’s happened allot more often then you think: for people to mix spirituality, magick, drugz, etc., and later on they say:
“Muhahahahha. Omthia, I command you, rise from your grave.”
And nothing actually happens, but they see some amazing shit. :laughing:

For psychic development, what works best is mastering the ability to enter into a trance, then learning about which parts of your mind and which classes of thought/emotion can alter the world physically to some degree.
