Things in transit

I would, if I could but borne that way.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Got It, but does a simulation of another get it as well?


That can a simulation be able to be responsible for it’s actions as well, or better than the one that is simulated? , unless simulation and the simulated are functional derivatives up and down the line, and even genetic and memetic distinctiondms proceed toward an objective criteria, where there is a simulation going on beteeen them? Maybe an aciomatic copying, where even the memory is involved in coding and decoding the corresponding signs, in fact the result would become a world where every feature of it becomes simulated, hence sentience would be another simulation.

Are we living in a simulation? If so would that simulation result in the twofold world, where morality and ethical codes form a genetic double , forming a kind of double helix? Of which reminds of genetic and neurologically mapped diagrams.

Such diagrams could have to correspond to God’s unwritten law, for which sacrafice would become sacro sanct since.

(As the sacrafice of His own Being, in order to show the sin in questioning it’s applicability to the Creation of His Word, or of human consciousness given as the proper , responsible , singular imitation of that nihilization of existence.

In other words, The Word can be simulated, but not be misrepresented to achieve application toward other aims then generalized progression of The Good.(Agatha’s)

I’m the beginning was the Wird, and it was Good.

*In *Word


grant that the concept of (super)natural action-reaction karma, though not in name, can be found in a) “the wages of sin is death” & b) the first (& every following) sin poisons everything, & c) sins are visited on future generations (who don’t depart from the evil path of their parents)… fine, karma. Ditch the past lives theology.

also karma: eye for eye (fair justice)

Jesus corrected our thinking so we could jump free of (overcome) that cycle spiritually (which has earthly impact)… not that we would get away with not being held (or holding others) accountable for murder… but that we would have unconditional positive regard that leaves vengeance up to God and writes nobody off as a lost cause & gives infinite chances (with appropriate boundaries). Basically you’re a pacifist UNLESS God speaks through a prophet in a verifiable way. It’s one of those “safe, legal, & rare” situations [as if abortion is ever safe… as if human legality/rationalization really justifies when out of alignment with self=other… as if abortion is rare].

do more than you’re merely obligated to do (there is basic self=other, but why restrict yourself to the minimum—why not valorize & overflow that cup of joy?) (self=other basic is natural, self=other extra is supernatural, but super/extra is the origin of the natural/basic miracle/creation… Time subsumes time)

forgive what no one else would forgive

do it for reasons other than recognition or how you feel about or want in return from someone (the world’s reasons)

in that way we overcome the world with kindness

fun fact: transcultural & transpecies self=other is in our DNA … which rather resembles a spiral ladder, don’t you think?

funner fact: [removed… ascending/descending unclear]

Just thinking of that cycle of spirituality, and similar to the functional reverberation of the entropic-redundancy of an undifferentiated artificial/Real eternal progression, reawakening-revocation , that an undefferentiable, de-differentiated analog can compete with iit’s digital counterpart- phenomenologically

I edited this into it:

self=other basic is natural, self=other extra is supernatural, but super/extra is the origin of the natural/basic miracle/creation… Time subsumes time.

We are co-creators subsumed in the Creator.

Glad that ‘familial’ time doesen’t consume ‘familiar’ time, other wise, we could not even conceive one another, much less apprehend each other‘s blindness.

Or, something like that.

I forgive the speck in your eye. I hope you will forgive the log in mine.

and vice versa Ischthus, would never give it a thought we’re all human all so human