Thinking of Everything

I think of what?

I think back over my fate
and the metaphysical encounters
that compelled me to turn away
from an exclusive focus on the mundane
and embrace the sacred
and wonder
if my fellows can accept the compulsion
that drives all who have experienced
the Divine nature of spiritual revelation
to share the wonderment with others

I think of the Utopian vision
that is outlined in my theory on Psyche Genetics
and the artifcial barriers that keep most of us from believing in it
and wonder
as I review all that I have written
if it will resonate powerfully enough
at a common sense level
to break the choke-hold of indoctrinated input
and affect a significant change of attitude
about the way the world is going

I think of the early Greek philosophers
who were also caught in the same synapse
between an Old and New Age
trying to articulate the ethics of a whole new paradigm
and all the centuries of heartache and bloodshed it took
for their revolutionary ideas to take hold
and wonder
about the new challenges we face today
as we stand in the cusp of the next New Age
attempting to initiate yet another great shift of the collective consciousness

I think of Pythagoras and Socrates and Plato
and of Confucius and Buddha and Christ
and the metaphysical proposition they all advocated
at the end of the Iron Age
arguing that the Truth of existence
can only be found in ethical spiritual conduct
which sustains an intuitive realization
of the infinite reaches of the inner Being

I think of how they had to face down
the entrenched superstitions of their day
and taste the poison of rejection
and wonder
if they were as torn as we are
between hope and trepidation
while struggling to demystify their culture’s sacred totems
and establish a new social order

I think of Aristotle ’s intrinsic opposition
to the metaphysical approach of his Master’s
and his insistence that the reality of existence
can only be discovered physically
through an analytical investigation of the outer Being

I think of the intellectual daring that it took for him
to challenge the wrath of the Gods
break the Iron Age taboo
and question the dogma of rigid Scriptural Beliefs
so as to usher in a new Steel Age
based on rational argument
and thereby hope to reveal to some greater extent
the True Nature of Reality
and our Reason for Being

I think of the mixed results of Aristotle ’s reactionary stance
of how he succeeded in establishing a Protestant mind-set
of scientific inquiry and technological advance
which has dominated the human psyche
for the past one hundred generations
and wonder
at the weapons of mass destruction that technology has produced and
just how much closer to reality
our prodigal gamble with a nuclear holocaust
has brought us to knowing our Self and our Reasons for Being

I think of all the centuries we invested in the empirical approach to
unravel the secrets of the Universe
with little more of the Absolute to show
than Newton’s mechanical conclusion
and Descartes hollow rationale
that we exist simply because we think
and wonder
as we approach the finite limits of rational discovery
while we scan the Universe for other signs of intelligence
how trapped and unsatisfied it will feel
to be left alone and uncomforted for the rest of eternity
on the edge of our galaxy
without an eternal Reason for Being

I think of the ineffable mystery of the subjective aspects of reality
that hint at Divine Design
and all the metaphysicians of the Ages who have tried to affi rm it
and wonder
if we are indeed made in the Image of God
why do we allow the illusions and temptations of a physical reality
to continuously confound us

I think of Einstein and the impact on our psyche
when the massive implications of the Nuclear equation
revealed that a few pounds of matter
could release enough energy to destroy our entire planet
and wonder
why we cannot acknowledge the mass release of consciousness
his theory also unchained
and accept the Key of global responsibility
that our kind has been elected to wear

I think about Oppenheimer
and his ethical dilemma as he built the Bomb
and wonder
what would have happened if he had broken with the Torah
with its “ eye for and eye”
and placed his faith in the New Testament
and listened to Christ
and focused on love for our Family
instead of reasoning with the Gita and harkening to Krishna.

I think about us dropping the bomb during the 2nd World War
and thereby initiating the arms race
and the insane policy of mutual destruction that decision spawned
and wonder
if our stock piles of weapons of mass destruction
will actually force us to graduate
beyond six millennia of conventional warfare
and rethink the whole idea of using military might
as a medium for enforcing mass changes of consciousness
or will it take a nuclear holocaust to activate the New Age

I think of the Atomic Consciousness that the Bomb ushered in
and wonder
if the 21_st Century coincides with our fi rst stage of adulthood
if it ends our teenage gamble with Russian roulette
if we are going to accept the Key to our majority
and become responsible Global Stewards
before some bureaucrat reaches out and presses the wrong button
or a rogue terrorist state hands us a dirty bomb

I think of Plato ’s original injunction
to know the Self from within
and wonder
after 25 centuries of vigorous investigation
with only the destructive potential of reality partially uncovered
if Aristotle was too analytically precocious
and if Plato and the masters before him
intuited something more consequential than he

I think of Planck and quantum theory
and how Heisenberg transcended Newton
by proving that Narcissus is merely staring
at the distortions of his own reflection
and wonder
now that we know that reality is ultimately immeasurable
and God can never be observed directly
where do we go from here

I think of the metaphysical implications of quantum mechanics
and wonder
if any particle physicist will risk excommunication
and explain in metaphysical terms
the attributes of the Charm and the Beauty and the Strangeness
radiating Cosmic Consciousness in the nucleus of the atom

I think of the evolutionary spiral of graduated consciousness
and wonder
after an Age of intellectual effort
that if God cannot be known directly by the Mind alone
what if the Heart is evoked in concert

I think of entering a new Nuclear Age of undivided investigation
that evokes both the analytical and intuitive capabilities
of the human psyche
and wonder
if we succeed in melding physics and metaphysics
into a more holistic investigation of the attributes of the Atom
if our Reason for Being will be more completely revealed

I think of the massive cultural change such an initiation will involve
and wonder
how a New Age spirituality of Atomic Consciousness
can be peacefully accomplished
and allow us to displace the status quo of a dying Steel Age
without engaging in a nuclear war

I think of the Age of Reason that has brought us all
to this pseudo-intellectual moment in the evolution of the species
and wonder
if a wiser Age of Enlightenment is finally at hand
and what will be the state of Collective Realization
that we might all arrive at by the end of the Nuclear Age
if a mass change of consciousness is initiated right now

I think of the evolutionary dynamics that have gradually blocked us off
from extra-sensory perception and telepathic communication
and how that 6th sense would have allowed us to pool our thinking
without argumentation
and wonder
if the artificial development of our speech and our script
and the warring tower of Babel that has resulted
will cost us the planet
or finally succeed in its diverse purpose
and bring us to an eventual consensus
that produces the global solutions we need

I think of the endless arguments between Religion and Science
and between State and Church
and wonder
as I study our libraries of Laws and endless new legislation
at the increasing degree of our collective confusion
I think of the extremes of social dysfunction
of homicidal impulse and missionary zeal
and wonder
if my culture is more confounded than most

I think of all the stockpiles of nuclear missiles
and wonder
about the state of international confrontation
and who is really in charge of the button

I think about the primitive origins
of Man’s universal Belief in God
and wonder
as I stare up at night at the infinite mystery of nuclear energy
radiating out there in the Milky Way
if their intuitive insights into the unknowable nature of Being
is what made our early ancestors kneel
and put their unquestioned Faith in Him

I think of those ancestors
all 100,000 generations of them
and their Ages of struggle to lift up human consciousness
and sustain our Belief in a God
and wonder
if any one of them could truly understand who they were
and what our specie is trying to achieve

I think about how the pace of Reason
has gradually unraveled so much of the mystery of the universe
and how that knowledge has enlightened us
and at the same time stripped us of the naive comfort
we once found in a simpler God
and wonder
how many of us still believe as devoutly as our ancestors did
that He exists and is in control
and that he actually has a personal interest in each of our lives

I think of the Dark Ages that have overtaken us before
and wonder
as the Four Horsemen gather speed
if we are in for a historical repeat

I think about our modern reliance on science and technology
and wonder
about the long-term effects of our fading religious Faith
and increasing neglect of ethical mores

I think of all the effort we have put into scientific exploration
and wonder
as our numbers keep climbing
if the steady pace of technological development
can accommodate our rate of expansion
or will it be over-taken by the limits of fi nite resources
prick our scientific bubble
and a final collapse of our Religions of Faith

I think about how we are relying on birth control and abortion
as a solution to global population growth
and wonder
about the ethical constitution of such an unnatural solution
and if we are capable of more holistic resolutions

I think about my children and the global pressures that are building
and wonder
about the long-term needs of the future
that our short-term system is not preparing them to meet
I think about the broader questions
parents should be asking of themselves
and wonder
what each family can do to contribute to the bigger picture
and ease the tensions before it’s too late

I think of family values and the solemn sanctity of our vows
and wonder
as we break them how we can ignore the disgrace
or the long term consequences
as divorce breaks up our homes and screws up our kids
who will then surely screw up theirs
and how seriously we are undermining the foundations of our culture

I think of national values and endless political bickering
and wonder
if our Republican Uncle Sam and his Spartan philosophy
and our Democratic Aunt Samantha and her Athenian compassion
will ever stop fighting and suing for divorce

I think of our rights to an independent view
and the conflicting reality of an interdependent existence
and wonder
if our Christian cultures will ever mature
and grasp the dynamics of a marriage
that both weds and accommodates
the essential values of Mind and Heart
and produce a generation that can behave like Christ
willing to die no matter what the provocation
for the salvation of our World

I think of the importance of meticulous sharing
inside the family group
and how that ethic is directly contradicted
in the national arena of the extended family
via the accumulation of vast hoards of private wealth
and wonder
why despite the disharmony it causes
it is not only condoned by the State but actively encouraged as well

I think of the importance of the home estate
as a base for encouraging family values
and wonder
at short-sighted home ownership laws
that tax both home and improvements
which forces families to idle their lives in cheap mobile homes
depriving both state and family
of billions of creative man hours
that could be lovingly invested in gracious family estates
which entrench core human values
keeps families together
and ennobles the country

I think of our State Governments making out like gangsters
running numbers rackets disguised as State lotteries
and wonder
why gambling is no longer considered a vice
and if each of our citizen’s private dreams
of winning a fortune at the turn of a wheel
has undermined our spiritual Hope
and our faith in Divine design

I think of all our billionaires and the corporations they run
and with due respect for their initiative
I gasp at the sheer size of their slice of the communal pie
and wonder
if they appreciate that they are cashing in and cashing out
on generations of ancestral knowledge
that belongs equally to all

I think of the Capitalist dream
that we have sold to the whole wide world
and wonder
if our economists can figure out
if all six billion of us eventually become billionaires
who will endorse all the promissory notes and control inflation
and then when the playing field is nice and level
and we are all stinking rich
who is going to carry out the garbage and wait on tables

I think about our Yankee rationale
“It ain’t perfect but it is the best there is”
and wonder
if that glib epithet will be enough
to carry us through the exponential realities that lie ahead

I think about the national excuse
that what happens abroad is none of our business
and wonder
about the fact that our business does reach abroad
and we should be minding it wherever we squeeze out a dollar

I think of fourteen generations of ancestors
gathered from all the cultures of the globe
engaged in a pioneering effort in the American wilderness
to build a New World nation
and wonder
if that collective effort has imprinted our genes
with enough revolutionary character
to handle our post as a global superpower
and grasp the scope of our leadership
and endow us with the wisdom to institute a New World Order

I think of the Holy Bible
and the serious argument between Jew and Gentile
over the Old and New Testaments
and wonder
how it will eventually be resolved

I think about Jew and Arab
and their serious argument over the Old Testament and the Koran
and wonder
how that will eventually be resolved

I think of the time bomb in Jerusalem
and of intelligent young Semites strapping dynamite to their bodies
just to blow us all up
and wonder
as I think of a superpower strapping dynamite to missiles
just to blow them all up
whose side God is really on

I think of forgiveness for trespasses
and turning the other cheek no matter what the provocation
and wonder
how we can righteously preach one thing
and yet wage wars on each other in the name of Christ
then call the carnage collateral damage

I think of the collapse of Communism
and the high ideals of their revolution regarding the equality of MAN
and wonder
if they realize now that Marx was wrong about religion
and that atheism eventually corrupted their Union
by leaving them without hope of an ideal higher than man

I think of the Cold War policy of outspending the Soviet Government
and breaking their hold on their Empire
leaving them unable to police their own
and now that the super giant has fallen
how we have magnified the nuclear danger
and wonder
how we alone can keep tabs on splinter groups
and stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction

I think of industry and pollution
of technological advances versus environmental destruction
and wonder
how to keep progress going without further hurt to our planet
I think of the fuel needed to keep our industry going
and how we are burning up precious fossil oils
that should be stored for the future
and polluting our lungs while we keep the wheels turning
and wonder
when we will institute real long-term energy plans
that will sustain our momentum

I think of short-term presidential administrations
and short term corporate profi ts
both dominated by short-term accountability
and wonder
if we have anybody able and willing
to invest in large scale long-term global solutions
that can relieve the pressures while we still have the time
and the reserves of energy to facilitate the change

I think of how past civilizations died out
and marvel at the magnificence of their ruins
and wonder
why they abandoned them
then realize that they must have run into the same urban congestion
and short-sighted administration
realizing too late that they were out of fuel
and out of communication
which forced them to abandon their cities
sending everybody back to the farm and the jungle
and wonder
why we can’t see that same history repeating again

I think of how our cities would not last a month without fuel
and how much time and energy is wasted just getting to the workplace
and wonder
with our own assets now on the line
why we as citizens don’t fully recognize the exponential reality
of the freight train that is bearing down on us
and stop burning the fuel
and actually do something right now
while we still have the time and resources to sustain our momentum

I think of Constitutional Government
and our growing distaste for partisan politics
and all the emotion they waste and the divisions they create
and wonder
how long we are going to keep paying out salaries
to a divided Congress made up of a few hundred strangers
Whose lives we don’t personally know
and keep leaving it up to them to do our thinking for us

I think that we have progressed beyond the stage
of sending rich men on horseback to Washington
just to represent our individual votes
and wonder
now that we have instant two-way communication
where every issue can be aired
why we don’t properly institute a government of the people
run directly by the people
and take on the responsibility of managing our affairs ourselves

I think of the air we breathe
that it constitutes 99% of our daily diet
and how it is contaminated with a deadly cocktail
of toxic chemical molecules
which burn and destroy the tissues in our lungs
contaminate the water and food we drink and eat
and ruin our chances for a healthy retirement
and wonder
why all of us not just a few
cannot see the enormity of the problem
of cleaning the air

I think of the labor of our elders
who have breathed that industrial air all their lives
and wonder
if that is why so few of their minds remain bright
and why they don’t live to become respected sages
and end up instead as pathetic objects
dumped by their children in old age homes
hooked up to life support systems

I think of Capitalism objectively
and wonder how one can extract a profit from a transaction
without someone or something else having to suffer a loss
in order to make it
what happens when we run out of people
and resources to exploit

I think of the vast wealth of the United States
and the abject poverty of the 3rd World
and wonder
what kind of World Order we can institute
that can put an end to all the resentment
that is seething below

I think of the Past
of eighty generations of our ancestors working as serfs
and living in hovels under castle walls
of the privations they suffered and the revolts they staged
to get out from under the baronial heel
and regain their personal dignity
and wonder
why we are confused when the poor that we exploit today
are obliged to save their dignity
and revolt over the same high-handed treatment

I think of Africa
and what we did to our home Continent’s spirit
how we degraded Her cultures
by insisting that God was white
how we mined her of Her riches
and enslaved Her people
shipping ten million to work our plantations
and wonder
how to back pay what we owe

I think of a hundred million African descendants
left stagnating in Western ghettos
after ten generations of humble service
and all the racial indignities
that they continue to suffer under
and how few are integrated into the mainstream
and wonder
if they too will eventually stage a people’s revolt

I think of all the things that are going right in the world
and wonder
why just one starving child can rob me of my joy
I think of Heaven
and wonder
how anyone can even dream of retiring there
while there is just one of us left crying in hell
I think of being a parent and of all the responsibilities that entails
and the depth of how sound family values
underpin the whole structure of human society
and wonder
how do we raise and educate our kids
in a way that gives them a sense of ethics
and reasonable answers to all those puzzling questions
so that they can know more than just that they are because they think

I think about our untapped potential for spiritual insight
and wonder
what kind of argument it would take
to put equal effort of inquiry
into developing the dual nature of the human psyche
so that we can look for the answers we need
both in the macrocosm of the Universe
and the microcosm of the self

I think of our Christian culture
and how it was initiated by a simple Jewish carpenter
who in a time of Roman occupation
when all men accepted without reservation
that might was a Divine right
had a profound realization
that this was not necessarily so
and wonder
after all the wars that have followed since
why the fundamental wisdom of his insight
has never been universally understood

I think of Jesus as an enlightened socialist
and how he was crucified for preaching his doctrine
of love for our neighbors as we love ourselves
and wonder if Christians everywhere
can ever transcend the pagan superstition
of elevating him to the Godhead
and see that an omniscient God is manifest in every culture
and thereby forego their primitive curse of eternal damnation
and their endless holy wars
that so disrespects the Brotherhood of Man
and disgraces the messianic message of the Prince of Peace

I think of the Utopian vision this book proclaims
and the strain such a quixotic quest
has always placed on the credulity of “practical” men
and wonder
if they will ever get to realize
that without such a vision of the Holy Grail
and the constant effort of Seers
striving to reach a perfect relationship with God
with an unfailing belief that it can be attained for all of us
all other worldly ambitions and machinations
even the whole extent of human evolution itself
has neither meaning or purpose

I think of all these questions on the mountain
I recall what I have done over the past thirty years
to confront them and find answers for myself
and wonder
whether I have satisfied Plato ’s injunction
to know myself

I think of my high school physics teacher
and his lectures on levers and fulcrums
and his proposition that if we had a lever long enough
even a child could shift the weight of the world
and wonder
as I think about 2.5 million years of ancestral discipline
to lift our consciousness to ever higher levels
and the fact that all that human effort
equals roughly 8 light minutes of Time
which is the distance we are from our Sun
if that alchemical formula has enough leverage
to end the Kali yuga
and move our World into the dawn of a Golden Age.

It’s terrible to spend so much time thinking and elaborating your own ideas and see that they have no effect whatsoever over other people, and when they do, they just come to poke fun at your perspectives, huh, Magnet Man? I think this is the fate of the genuine idealist: he must spend his whole time telling others what they should do and how they should think, while they keep repeating to him, through their words and acts, that they couldn’t care less

“Nothing in life is for free…”

We are born alone
Think alone
Die alone

never bother to think

The hardest part is to accept that people generally don’t bother to think because they don’t really need to.

Philosophy is a luxury, totally useless to most people.

Without philosophers
dreaming of what can be
all we have are shit machines
and copulating

No, MM, all we have is a lot of human beings living their lives exactly as they did when the philosophers didn’t even exist…people don’t become shit simply because they can’t ‘think philosophically’. And you should really reflect upon what I say when I say that philosophy is nothing but a luxury

If there is any spiritual intent in Creation
as i believe there is
then the essential purpose
underlying the emergence of a self-reflective consciousness
is for our species
as the supreme focus of 3 billion years of evolution
to try and define the meaning of life
everything else
including all the resoures of Nature
and the Cosmos beyond
serves as support for that soul search

The ancient Greeks
and our theologians
were all in agreement on that

And what’s the relation of this with your judging everybody else who disagree with you as ‘shit machines’, MM? :unamused:

Because my dear Fabiano
just like everybody else
I know I am always right
and you are always wrong :mrgreen:

In other words, you are as deluded as everyone else… :unamused:

Nothing new under the sun…

I rest this case.