This Bite's For You.

A word about me, before a word about you. I form bonds quickly, bonds that I don’t often talk about. It’s been more than once that I’ve come to see someone as a very quick and fast friend, someone respected, admired, perhaps even looked up to, when the other person had no idea I felt like that. I keep secrets about how I feel almost as a reflex, while at the same time, I never lie.
I know there is free will, because I have it. But sometimes I wonder if it’s not a recessive gene. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it to you- it’s a curse to be able to see into other people, and see what they’re going to do and why. Sometimes I think people are paintings, and the world a story. Or maybe a cheap made for TV movie. You wanted to know how I knew. Part of it is surely a simple formula I’ve used for a long time- think of any situation, any body of facts about people, as though it were the Lifetime Television Feature Presentation, and try to predict what would happen next if life were a crappy movie. You’d be surprised how often it works. Besides, people with secrets just have a sort of…weight about them. You can even see it on the net, especially if you’re used to lugging a few around yourself. What we say, what we refuse to say…it’s all such a delicate balance…it’s hard to master, and if I’m clever, I’m not so clever that you should be thinking I’m the only one who figured you out.
How do I feel? To be blunt as ever- hurt to very nearly the point of tears, and with no good reason, I know. What was none of my business before will become none of my business again, of that much I am certain. It’s funny, though. What happened, I could almost live with. Facts is facts. History is history. What twisted the knife was this ‘Have my cake and eat it too’ approach you’re apparently going to take with the whole thing. You would tell me that the strong make the rules, though not in so many words. I’m not convinced that you’re right, but cynical enough to believe you just may get away with it.
But here is the lesson, and here is the part that makes this something the public may benefit from, and not just you. Nothing is so ugly as a crime unpunished. Some husbands of murdered wives, some jilted lovers, some soldiers and some victims of identity theft are no doubt nodding their heads in agreement as I say this. But, everybody has a little power. I can sleep easier knowing that all actions, even the actions of the powerful dominating the weak, can be punished in small ways, even if not in equitable ways. And so here’s two fangs.
You have my loyalty, you have my ear. I told you that won’t change, and so they won’t. But what you can’t have any more is my respect. I told you before that I knew my respect was a small, unimporant thing compared to what you stood to gain- and you told me it was bigger than I knew. I guess we’ll see. We are aquaintences, you and I- the deeper bond I was hiding isn’t hidden anymore, because it’s not there. I will still smile and joke.
The second fang is this- you don’t surprise me anymore. I’ve met a thousand of you, and I’ll meet a thousand more before I’m done. From what I know, there’s nothing particularly grand, or particularly terrible in anything you’ve done. Though we won’t be the greatest of friends, neither will you live on in infamy. You will be stacked as ‘another one of those people who couldn’t hack it’, and ultimately forgotten. In fact, I can honestly say that for a second there, I thought you were something special. Thusly do I condemn with faint praise.

This has nothing to do with the bulk of you, I’m curious to know if it was a good read, just the same.

That sounds like a virtue.

I love threads like this. It’s like a real life novel literally playing out on my screen. Who is Ucci talking to, and why? These questions tickle at my curiousity while my imagination fills in the rest.

A good read, a daresay it is art in the truest sense – born from pain.

Aren’t we all born from pain?
Or born in pain?

Wow . . . a fascinating read, Ucci. :slight_smile:

So many thoughts are going through my mind . . . first of them being, who are you referring to? :laughing:

Anyway, I can definitely sympathize with you. I form bonds with people quickly as well. I’ve navigated many friendships in the same respect as you have. I pick up on things pretty quickly. I know my mom used to think I was a bit cynical. People no longer surprise me like they used to when I was younger. When I was younger, I was more willing to stick out situations that weren’t healthy for me. I choose my friends more carefully nowadays.

I hope that I’m reading your post correctly. I almost feel as if I’m heading OT. :confused:

Dan~, we are born from pain and navigate our lives while exposing ourselves to various degrees of pain.

Good read, and very well spoken Ucci.

I do not form bonds quickly, but I form them strongly. I don’t know that that is better or worse, but I feel that were our positions reversed, I could not do what you have done here.

Keep the wellness you have found.

I’m confused. Ucc, were you in love or something? I’ve got a crush on Dan~, for what it’s worth. No pain yet.

Nothing sexual, Dan~. No need to worry.

No, isn’t that interesting faust? This has nothing at all to do with love. I’ve got this problem, where I take the moral failings of my friends very, very hard. No idea why. A friend of mine did a Very Bad Thing (they could have killed somebody and it wouldn’t have been so bad in my eyes), and now I can’t see them the same. That’s all.

Maybe that judgement of yours is a form of strength?
Intolerance can be a very good thing, depending on how/why/when.

Yeah, but you got a crush on that animated pic of Elisha Cuthbert saying something explicit.

I get crushes a lot.

I’m with Dan~ on this one, Ucc. If you’re sad about this, maybe you shouldn’t be. What is the use of having morals if they don’t produce exactly this kind f result?

Is that what Dan said? I may have to hire you on as an interpreter. I really dunno how to feel, to tell you the truth. My first post was a gut reaction from within minutes of learning what I learned. Part of me thinks I’m an SOB for being judgemental, part of me is irritated because I honestly think the rest of the world should be as irritated as I am- call this thread a primer on shunning, I really think it’s the most important of moral law, compared to which prison pales.

Thanks for the lessons Ucci

Hello F(r)iends,

If I were your friend in this position and you told me this… I think I would be devastated. Imagine that you are a snake (I suspect that’s not hard to do :wink: ). Someone comes along and he is a charmer… a snake charmer. His dance becomes hypnotic and every move he makes you follow and try to anticipate. He suddenly makes a move you are unable to mimic because of your (snake) nature and although perhaps in his mind he has only been true to his own (human) nature, you strike at him… If you have struck him and injected your poison your friend is dying as the poison courses through his veins. He is wounded and reeling in pain… What will the snake do?

By the way, didn’t I warn you about snake charmers in a recent thread?


I guess, thirst, I’d have to fall back on those twin towers of wisdom: The Army and Aesop.

This is my bite. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
It doesn’t matter if the bite is very, very bad. It doesn’t matter if it barely hurts. It’s the very best (worst) I can do, and that’s enough for me.

The fable of the fox and the scorpion. If the fox only did what his nature told him, well, so did the scorpion. What I mean is, I’m old enough, and know myself well enough, that everything I said in the first post would be true no matter what I did- this is the very natural reaction to what has occured. All I did this time was say it out loud, instead of keeping it to myself and letting it poison me.
There’s more that needs to be said. I’m thinking it through.

Ucci - There is no purpose to morality or philosophy in general if it does not produce judgements. It’s what we do. You may feel differently later - you may think of this differently later. But these are all judgements of a sort. I practise philosophy in order to be more judgemental - to peform more and better judgements. We often change these judgements as we learn more about those (things, persons, ideas) that we judge, and as we learn more about what our beliefs imply. But that is not a condemnation of judgements but only a description of the process we undertake as philosophisers (or just as people).

Are you struggling with the idea that you may wish to continue to be a friend to a person you no longer respect? That’s a toughy. The basis of friendship is a little complex in the event, but simple in theory. There is nothing about friendship that implies permanence. Perhaps you would like to tell us what the act that has caused you this trouble is.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you are questioning the basis of your friendship with this person, or of friendship in general. This is philosophy. This is not easy. But this may be what you are.

Hello F(r)iends,

Uccisore, you should certainly tell your friend everything you feel…
In fact, I suggest that you do as my sig line says:
find “what’s good for you”



 Most of what I'm concerned about is the stuff you addressed in the first section- whether or not I'm a crazy person for letting this affect me, whether or not a 'real friend' would stick through regardless of whatever occured, especially if it didn't affect them directly. Really, those questions pain me, but they only have one answer- I just know myself. I know how I am around people I don't respect. 

Perhaps I would like to, but I won’t do it. I posted this here because there’s a good chance the person in question will see it, if you follow me.

Well, you know, I chose this life for myself. I wasn’t born a judgemental prick. And it has benefits. But today it makes me feel like crap.


The ironic thing about your sig line, is that I envision the person in question thinking that same sort of thing- that in some twisted way, what happened here, though tragic, will end up making me a better person. That I will accomplish something meaningful at the expense of them. It's a penence, a solace that I know they like to seek for themselves. After all, they've sought it in the past. If the person in question ever reads this, I guess all I have to say is this:  Maybe I'll channel this into something positive, maybe I'll let it turn me into a more jaded, more judgemental person than ever.  
Whichever way it goes, [i]they don't get to know[/i]. It's none of their business.

Well, Ucci - that you feel like crap is not enough, I would wager. You can’t abondon your values over a momentary feeling - or what purpose do the values serve? This may be one of those things you can’t decide all at once. Maybe you just need to be patient, and accept the feeling as the price of your own integrity. There is a price for integrity - which of course you already know.

Nah, I won’t abandon my values or change my stance- if I feel bad about anything, it’s that I said all this, instead of just keeping it to myself and pretending everything was cool. Or maybe I regret being the kind of person that has to do this, even though I don’t regret doing it, if that makes sense.

And yeah, it would be fair to say that this whole mess is about the price of integrity, for everyone involved.