this is dull but i was bored

what way would you least like to die?

i’m thinkin drowning in a deep fat fryer.

Surely it has to be being eaten alive over several days, perhaps by rats or buzzards or something?

nah drowning in boiling fat would be worse

Definiely being burnt at the stake. Ugh.

it can’t just be burning because that is bad enough but with drowning you have to time to realise you are going to die, and your thoughts are clear enough (as they aren’t blocked out with pain) to allow you to be truely terrified.

hanged by the neck. (as in “dancer in the dark”. horrible. horrible. horrible.) specially when u know ages in advance.

nah, i’m thinking dying on the cross. if you think … you’ve got a mini triangle to rest your nailed feet on. and after a while you’ll lose all the strength in your limbs and will just be impailed on those nail things. i think your neck breaks in the end (very slowly, of course), because your chest collapses under the strain, you can’t breathe very well and it generally takes a few days. not nice.

drowning is supposed to be quiet nice after the initial coughing and spluttering part. because yes, you know you’re going to die but hang on … you’re underwater. being underwater is well nice.

however, if we’re going for methods of drowning, being stuck in something like a leaking submarine or something has got to be the worst. just think how scary submarines are at the best of times … it’d be petrifiying.

in fact, running out of air in a submarine wouldn’t be too nice.

hmm, i’m still going with crucifixion though.

in a plane crash. wins hands down.

plane crashes don’t scare me, my dad’s a pilot and he says that if for instance half the side gets blown off you are knocked out instantly (if the cadin is preesurized), if the plane crahses you usually are killed on impact, the worst ones are if the plane lands fairly intact na don fire, because then the whole cabin can go up in flames.

anyway i was at work again this evening and another bad way to die was thought up, you know those things that kebbas are cooked on, the rotating thing, well if you were tied to a big one and stretched then literally cooked we thought it would be pretty bad. or using electrodes to stimulate your nervous system so that it is driven to the point where you have an embolism pop becuase you can’t take the pain. - we get very bored

I think being slowly grated to death, while alive, with a cheese grater. That way it can be long and drawn out. With other forms of torture in between. Personally, drowning or dying by plane crash is heaven in comparison.

i didn’t say just drowning, it was in a deep fat fryer

i agree with clarice… the cross is probably the worse way to die!

what about the nerve system stimulation???
that could go on for years, till eventually you had to give in and die, it’s my personal favourite…

being locked in a padded cell with george w bush, with my fingers cut off to stop me sticking them in my ears.

What about being stuck to a wheelchair and you can’t move. Then one drop of water falls on your head everyother second. The water keeps dropping and slowly filling up the room / pool you are in. Slowly, over a period of days, you start noticing the water rising. At first the hungar gets you. Maybe thirst. Maybe. But then the sadness. Knowing that either malnutrition, dehydration, or drowing is going to kill you.

You bite your own tounge to try to kill yourself. But you can’t even do that. Then the water is at your chin. You know your time is up!

bein in one room with a sick bastard like smooth? :unamused: :wink:

Eeeuuuuuww! This is a horrible topic. I want to join in!

When I was a kid I remember reading about a biblical punishment where they bury you in sand with just your head sticking out, and people can some along and take it in turns to saw your neck with a blunt saw.

It still haunts me.

Any of the deaths in the movie Seven would be in my top ten worst list, too.

Or the the Pit and the Pendulum. Any of those medieval tortures. They used to make people eat burning coals.

I feel ill now.

Gaius Grassus’ death is allways a topper of course…

i don’t know if any remember, he was a very rich roman, financer of powerfull faction in Caeser’s days, i forgot most of it, so you may wanna look it up if interested…

anyway, he thought he was able to take on the persians, but proven wrong…

because he was such a greedy man, the persians poored fluid gold down his throat, so he would literally drown in his greed

if you know the temperature of fluid gold… it’s no laugh, down yer throat, i can tell you (not from experience luckily)


Do you remember exactly where in the Bible an example of that punishment is found? I’ve never remember hearing or reading anything like it. :confused: :confused: :wink:

Good grief no! I can’t remember where anything is in the bible!

I was a Christian many years ago and have (purposefully) blocked most of it out. It may not have been in the bible, it might have been from a history book, I genuinely can’t remember.

Normally I’d offer to look it up but it’s too icky.

Let’s pretend it’s from, oh, I don’t know, 1 Corinthians 15:55 :wink: