This is how I am

I’m on the good side of being a psychopath; sociopathic; the lesser known variation to people still caught on the wrong side of life and living. I do believe that these terms get batted around by people who know too little the value of the terms in appliance to living individuals; and that belief is weighted in heavy observation. But, for those who lack the wit to trust the observations of others; form your own hypotheses and give it the ole scientific method.

Reality is a mix, sometimes it’s zero sum, other times it’s win-win, but more often than not it’s a trade-off.

Which some non-psychopaths, no let me correct that, many also hate.

Right but psychopaths have to navigate normal workplaces, just like the rest of us. You talked about getting ostracized. I took that to mean socially. In most workplaces you cannot react as you feel to the boss, coworkers - at least, often- and customers. There is a huge pressue to act within a very narrow range of possible ways - worker drone - as you put it. For some reason you are focusing on feminists. Try laughing at the bosses hair. Telling an asshole customer where he can shove his soy latte. And so on in thousands of micro-cultural interactions, with millions of rules. Psychopaths and non-spychopaths alike must navigate this world. They protect themselves, but, again, the psychopaths are not living in fear of feminists. Feminists present just another set of rules and bullshit they must navigate. Many of them actually do well in certain fields and even become leaders in, for example, the business world. Because they are good at manipulating. Yes, they avoid making mistakes in the context of all these rules, and they do this to get by and to thrive. They see others as loopy people bound by morals the psychopaths do not give a shit about. But your image of the psychopath living in fear is a giveaway that you are not a psychopath.

There are lots of places in the Midwest one can go, for example, and it is not just hick towns. But again see my answer to the first quote above. Prefeminist any psychopath had millions of rules to follow to keep his job.

Yes, there’s one more category of ‘normalness’ psychopaths have to keep track of.

You’re saying you’ve been a good guy and other people did not reciprocate. You are describing yourself in moral terms, and it seems like arguing that other people have not treated you fairly. That’s normal talk for why you resent other people. Couching yourself in moral terms…not psychopathic, unless you are simply trying to manipulate me. Saying you are a good guy others have wronged—not psychopathic.

Sure, anyone with a poor background has it harder. A psychopath has it easier than a normal becaues the psychopath does not need to pretend to himself that he cares about the women - so he can lie whenever it will help him get sex, for example. A normal might feel guilt about many types of manipulative conversation, false promises, pretending affection one doesn’t have. The psychopath will not. A poor psychopath has advantages over a poor normal. And so on up the scale. Sure a poor man has problems, though if he can come dressed alright to a meet up, getting laid is not at all off the table, Getting marries presents him with the same problems as a poor normal, except the psychopath can lie his ass off and misrepresent himself. Psychopaths also tend to be charismatic, at least in early encounters, which gives them an advantage in a club and other shallow meeting places where poeple try to hook up for sex.

I don’t think Ps are anhedonics. I just see them as seeing others in purely instrumental terms. They do not walk around thinking ‘I am a good guy. I have treated others well and they did not reciprocate’ type stuff.

You know what, maybe I am not a psychopath. I think I am a sociopath. Pyschopaths are inferior to me, they are genetic defectives. But also superior in some ways. But at a price.

I was born a nice person. Always was. It was the humans that did this to me. Made me hate them. Even as early as age 4. I wanted the world to be different. To change things. All I saw on the news was humans doing bad things. Polluting the environment. Killing animals. Overpopulating. Making us eat junk food, and poison. Ever since age 4 I hated them all. Wished God would come down, destroy them, with fire and brimstone, sending soldiers of the Light to burn down their villages.

I’ve hated humans for as long as I can remember. Except for the ones who are nice to me. If a psychopath is a good business partner I’ll tolerate him. Won’t look up to him though. Won’t admire him. To me he’s just a piece of meat. A soulless automoton of irony. Psychopaths don’t have souls. They are subhuman.

Lets say it like this. Imagine there was a boatload of psychopaths. And they were all on a wooden scaffold, in a skyscraper. And I pulled the lever. And they all fell and went boom. Makes me laugh just thinking about their bodies on the floor. Except for the vertigo.

My relationship with God was like this. I was born a cuck for the Jews. Circumcised, molested by the priest. I would read stories of Jews killing the Goyim in the Lord’s holy name. It filled my heart with piety. I would make sure to be pious and free from sin, free from lust. But then I started to realize, that God was the enemy. That Yahweh was the enemy. That God created hell. That God was the torturer who deserved to die and burn in hell. And I hated God. After age 14 I no longer believed there was a God. I looked down on people who believed in him…they were like children, beneath me. Sad, pitiable, pathetic.

That story on the news about the jews. Didn’t feel a thing. Still don’t think I’m a psychopath? I could care less about those 11 dead jews. Do you know how many humans die a day in this world? 160,000. So why am I supposed to care about some dead fricken jews I don’t even know? They did nothing for me except mutilate my dick. I’m not a racist. If it was 11 dead whites I wouldn’t give a shit either. They are fucking randoms I never met. 160,000 people die on Earth every day. I don’t have time to care about random nobodies I never even met.

People are soft, brainwashed, cucks of the Matrix. Each generation gets softer and softer. More rules and more rules, every new generation of pathetic nobodies, retards. And I can’t hurt them because then there’s prison. That is why psychopaths are inferior to me. They are like animals. They don’t fear the cage. They are less than dogs. Psychopaths are less than human, subhuman.

Psychopaths are so far out of the Matrix they paid a high price. They are no longer human. They no longer have souls. Thus defeating the whole idea of exitting the Matrix in the first place.

Because thats what it is. Life is just a game. Its not real. Its a hell we are stuck in it. I’m going to make a thread explaining it all. Then it will be clear to you. People cling onto this life, like maggots. Not knowing the real Truth of the situation. And I will share this Truth to you later on. And it will all make sense.

Personally, I can’t be a psychopath 24/7. I usually hate people and want them to suffer. But when I do it too long, it wears out my immune system. And like most psychopaths I can’t hold a steady job. I hate having to follow the rules, rules made by automotons of the matrix, simple minded automotons who are unenlightened, wastes of space, that I have to tolerate well because everybody says so. Personally I am anti-social as hell, I just want to relax on a beach and have a good time, not deal with the bullshit of society, always watching me, always judging me, and always walking around like a fat pig telling me what to do. If the Dragon wants to give me a hard time about it, and judge me over it, fine, I wont have to hear her while I’m at the bahamas, sipping a lemonade and getting hot spas and foot rubs from beautiful women.