this is like, my Home?

Only place I can seem to write about philosophical concepts without being hated or personally attacked, to be honest. Been off and on for a few years now, best philosophy forum hands down, it’s like an archive of knowledge here as well. If only more of the general public tried understanding it all.

I think so, as well. Territorial integrity is disputable. Go back to the colonial days, before the West was won, and conquest and territorial expansion. Were keys to progress.
During the Communist days, key words were anti-capitalism and anti colonialism.
But if it can be dished out, then of course, the retribution has to be accounted for.
And cheap labor is the current economic litmus test , with pseudo colonialism.
Constitutionally, freedom implied enterprise with the capacity for immigration laissez faire.
This construction does not fare well, when the executive disputes fed. policies of trying to delute this focus on inflationary money policies.
The control of world markets has been the sign post of political and economic policy.
Economic and political policy during good times, are two parallel sinus waves. On the other hand, they may become almost inversely proportional
during lean times.
The Fed, is connected to international banking indexes, and as a consequence the contradiction has never been more outstanding.

The political freedoms become hostage , and external defacto policies become the projects with which executions of internal policy appear to wrestle with.
This is nothing unusual , when US dominance is fairly easy for opinions to subscribe to.
But when North Korea can dictate nuclear policy to a degree that has not been matched in history, when Iran can hold ransom for dominance in the Middle East, when giant China can exert increasing influence in Indo-China, when Trump-Putin can abrogate age’ old nuclear treaties , then a sudden unqualified reversal is pretty obvious to any thinking agency.
The NWO, yet a conceptual entity, is becoming real by the second, when it becomes obvious, that the real executive is artificially subscribed by
AI. This is becoming a fact, and there is probably no doubt, that the efforts to appear reactionary through fiscally conservation , holding for only one sustained policy :
The covering of deficits by any means not only possible , but necessary.

The Chinese will destroy themselves if they dump financial US assets, and North Vietnam is compelled to use this knowledge only as a bargaining chip. They are strictly Chinese puppets, and current policy is merely an optical game of configuring vadious levels of illusion.
The only catch in game theory is the odd occurance of a systemic breakdown due to higher levels of uncertainty which have not been accounted for.
This is why a superpower executive humbles himself to a minor leader of an impoverished country. The David and Goliath scenario may wreck current well prepared scenarios in current affairs.
The game is very dangerous , and the stakes very high.

Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom. — Theodore Isaac Rubin, M.D.Jul 12, 2017

Well then perhaps one can also call ILP a Sanctuary.

This is definitely reflective in the posters, who post freely, without (too much) censorship. We are a pretty cool group indeed :wink:


I guess its good not too many people come here as it would be turned into a regular place which means stiflingly boring.
Instead its a place where half of the people could actually be your friend, regardless of who you are here.

If you are here, you have some guts, everyone writes what they think. In the “real world” no one says what they think.

It’s so difficult to write so as not to mean through total sensibility, for it will surely imply a lack of variability of sense. As readers measure style within a range of intent , within degrees of specific content, they will gage the spontaneous, or too direct that described too honestly, the harsh light rather than that lit up with an exclusive focus. The margins will appear drastically stark and brutally cut away
A feeling of float will distance on a carpet ride, of depersonalized every man; in any assumed position, to be juxtaplaced into movements of his tending. from within.
To fade away the simulation of moving the scenery to effect , while standing still , blends it with the foreground.
You can please some people all times, sometimes all , but not all of them every time, realing? (f)it.! ; not! reading.
They may resent the gaping pigeon hole as being trapped, and thus a rose is not, as risen.
In that case, a home is bare, furnished in too early , & not late of yet;
Becoming mixed into, the experiment. They will be looking out, from the outside.
Tempering the fear of sudden and illicit endings.

Bonding over Philosophy… much more preferable to the mundane likes, of social sites and such.

A haven for forbidden thought… the Medina of the mind, but don’t get lost in it… will yas.

After having said that ^^^ I had to check in on my SM accounts… it wasn’t too bad a task. Posts on the Irish back stop, where EU Nationals can sign-up to remain in the UK, The new PM Boris on Brexiting on the 31st of October, Local and National politics, event invites… Enough now!

I kind of like Boris.
I read his book on Churchill which was fresh.
And you cant be all wrong as an English politician if you’ve got such passion for the man who grabbed Europe from the jaws of the ugliest regime of eternity.

Maybe Boris is precisely what is needed. You never can tell in advance, but he sure is giving a less helpless impression than May.

All this helplessness was ridiculous. You cant be England and pretend to have no power or leverage.
Plus a deal? Really? Are you going to trust a deal, made with the likes of … them?

It was a weird era in British politics indeed… please note that I’ve been intentionally diplomatic in that reply. :stuck_out_tongue:

Boris, the latter day Churchill… I’ve never thought of him as such, but a worthy comparison to make. He does seem to have gotten our power and leverage back on track, and so putting discussions back on the table, where there were none… due to the EU Officials’ childish attitude to us Brexiting.

Sure… there’s already less brands on the shelves, of biscuits and other such unhealthy produce, but the country is already happier on the whole, and that wages and living standards in general will rise.

I read that the Queen has been asking if she has the right to fire him?
But now he is making a u turn (as it is phrased) on the Irish border issue.

I would not like to be a politician in this day and age.

Anyway, you’re the only sane Brit I know online I suppose, so the only way I can get some news out of England. Its good to hear people are feeling a bit better.

I read that Boris said he’d rather be sacked than resign, and the story became “Can the Queen sack the Prime Minister” lol… the situation seems to have settled down now, so I think that option is off the table.

The thing is… the opposition watches and documents Boris’ every move of his every waking moment, and spins a negative angle on all the articles that go to press. That seems to have died down and subsided now, leaving him to get on with negotiating an optimal Brexit deal as possible.

This appeared on Russia Today - a lady who normally votes Conservative but “cant stand the buffoon” –
Yet she certainly refuses to vote for “the red man”.


So Farage then?
Or is he also a buffoon?


He used to be seen as one, when he was a heavy drinker… wouldn’t/couldn’t be anywhere without a drink in his hand… even in television interviews and public appearances, but he’s taken more seriously since that ceased. She may vote Green, which is who voters vote for when they have become disenfranchised with the Left Centre and Right parties, but the Greens only main policy is to plant more trees

Labour has announced plans to plant two billion trees by 2040 and create 10 new national parks, as part of its rewilding plans to tackle the climate crisis and help the environment.
The other parties have gone for smaller targets, as the Tories have pledged 30 million trees a year until 2024, while the Lib Dems have said 60 million until 2045 if they win.”

I’ve not been out campaigning, so I don’t know what the voting intentions are, but I’ll have a better idea tomorrow evening.

Boris is being denigrated for avoiding some interviews and TV debates, but he doesn’t have to accept them all, but this is not the case when Corbyn does likewise… it’s not a big deal then. The Conservative-bias is real.

One week to go…