This is pretty random

imagine what life was like since the beginning of human history… since it’s first days… what would you imagine, knowing what you know now, would be the single most thing that human beings have fallen victim to? It could be a law commonly broken, or a social institution being exploited…

from merriam webster online:

One entry found for victim.

Main Entry: vic·tim
Pronunciation: 'vik-t&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin victima; perhaps akin to Old High German wIh holy
1 : a living being sacrificed to a deity or in the performance of a religious rite
2 : one that is acted on and usually adversely affected by a force or agent : as a (1) : one that is injured, destroyed, or sacrificed under any of various conditions (2) : one that is subjected to oppression, hardship, or mistreatment b : one that is tricked or duped

  • vic·tim·hood /-"hud/ noun

I thought the first definition was a little hokey for some reason…

I guess people have been victims of exclusion or have been punished for not following the rules set forth by an authority figure. So it’s basically no different than in the kingdom of nature.

Humans sure are advanced compared to other species in the animal kingdom as far as the development of culture and all. No wonder why we have more elobarate methods of herd domination than say, the hyena. In a hyena pack, the strongest gets to eat first. If a suboordinate male tries to eat before a dominant one, the suboordinate gets punished. All to impress chicks really.

The punishment of suboordination is the theme most common throughout human history.

You guys probably know more about this than I do… what school of thought is something like that from? I’d like to read more about it.