Those crazy, war-starting Christians!!!

Check this out:

Wait, do you think that whether a person believes that God exists or not – has any real effect upon how violant or peaceful that person is? I do not think so, because whether or not you believe that Gandhi exists will not effect your violance/peacefulness, and whether or not you think Pluto has any moons around it does not effect how violant/peaceful you are. etc.

Atheist lefties can find allot of biased statistics about religious nations being the most corrupt, but I can find statistics which prove crime rates are lower amoung certain religious persons, compared to average non-religious/atheistic persons.


Its not your religious following that causes religious wars, it is how strong you believe with just a bit of mental imbalance thrown in. You don’t see alot of Buddhists raging or Amish picking up pitch forks. But, then again a few people from those beliefs have gone fanatic and went ballistic.

Devout, fanatic, believer, faithful, foxhole hopeful, it is not the religion, it is the person. You take a belief and mix it with an unstable mind and boom! When someone locks in a religion as the same all the way around they discount that all religions have different levels of believers, maybe level is not the right word. A fanatic is a most dangerous religious human.

Fanatics cause the problems along with power greedy people that manipulate the faithful and bring them to arms. Power Greedy people and fanatics have caused most religious wars. The ones that do the dying are just the faithful trusting sheep.

Religions actually 90% of the time keep people from fighting and hating. Until you get one of the above to come along and start shit.

Look at politicians that use religion to gain office. That is power greedy people. I rank them with religious fanatics. It is a pure con game they are using. They manipulate the faithful to gain a supieror advantage. Any time a politician speaks of morals and values, its a con.

According to a famous Renaissance scholar of law, religion is one of the most abused of God’s gifts to men.

I’m not sure what counts as history of violence where Christianity is concerned. Throughout much of Western history, everyone in Europe was Christian. Does that mean all wars in Western history were religiously based? I don’t think so.

As for LDS, wasn’t there a war of extermination by Brigham Young and his followers, upon others who had gone with them to the Salt Lake? This is a story/legend found in one of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Detective stories. (A Study in Scarlet.)

Did Christ’s apostles kill anyone as Joseph Smith’s apostles are rumored to have done?


I ain’t touchin’ this one. #-o

IMO, religious zeal and patriotism are both the same thing, they were the willingness to fight for, and enforce any sort of idea, and that leads to conflict. War can exist independantly from religion, and has to do with polatics & mobilization, not belief in the unseen.

As regards the most corrupt nations having the most religiousity, perhaps they have no men to turn to, and then they turn to god instead? It’s not unusual for people to become more full of faith, hope and religiousity during difficult times in life. I don’t buy the atheist argument about religion actually causing the disfunctionality.

Well most atheists are like most religious people:

It is never my fault and this is why it is your fault. I refuse to look deeper because this answer is the one I want. You did this because you are this way and that why you are causing social problems. Blah blah blah blah.

It is called blinders, colored glasses, bigotry, fear, misunderstanding, greed, selfishness etc…

You can always find a reason to blame someone it really is very easy.

If you wear a long black trench coat you will go postal and shoot up schools. It is the fault of the music that you listen to. It sucks out any brains you had and causes you to go violent. Your music makes you a sicko killer.

If anyone here believes that line of crap I have a very nice island called Cuba or Hawaii, it is yours for a price.