Thoughts after having had the vaccine

Here are more “Thoughts after having had the vaccine” that Maia would like to silence:

Multiply by hundreds of thousands.

And by 2022? Millions.

So what’s that, six cases of adverse reactions? Why would you multiply it by hundreds of thousands? Or millions?

You could just as well argue that the already millions of cases of covid could also be muliplied by millions.

You’re not the only one who doesn’t see what’s coming.

Can you tell us why you’ve been blessed with the ability to do so?

If the vaccines are a conspiracy, it’s a singularly inept one. After everyone has been killed by the jab, the only people left alive will be exactly the people the conspirators fear the most. So perhaps it’s a double bluff…


What are the worst kind of people that you can never trust? thieves and liars… for they are addicted to the instant-high that thieving and lieing bequeaths them.

The mind’s eye is equally a curse as it is a blessing.

It’s simple though. I do my homework. Who are the world leaders, governments, and controllers in charge? I’m older than you are. I lived through the “Weapons of Mass Destruction” that justified the second Iraq War. Were you even born yet?

The same people are in charge today as then. Dick Cheney’s daughter, is the hero of the DNC. Or how about Obama’s bailing out the US banksters and global financers in 2008? What happened there?

What causes and events led to the election of Donald Trump? What happened in 2020 with the election? Why is “Widespread Voter Fraud that changed the outcome of the election” banned on facebook, twitter, google, yahoo, youtube, and every major outlet? Did you see the videos? I did. I’ve been paying attention.

Do you know that the Chinese Communist Party literally bought the US Presidency for $1 billion through Hunter Biden? Do you know that Hunter Biden, right now, is laundering money and bribes under the guise of “selling Art”? It’s out in the wide open. Yet nobody bats an eye, no riots, no protests. Why not? Who owns the Media? Who owns the internet? Who owns the institutions of power, the corporations, etc?

Was the CCP ever, once, brought to account for the Wuhan Laboratory Leak? No, they weren’t. They are not being brought to justice now. What is there to prevent another bioweapon attack? When an “accident” excuses this, for the entire world, and nobody is held accountable? Why not do it again? Why not release a deadlier bioweapon virus?

You’re thinking in small terms. You’re not thinking in terms of the entire world, globally. You don’t know where Covid came from. You don’t know why. You don’t know how.

Are you even aware that Anthony Fauci is connected to the Wuhan Lab in China, through funding? If you don’t know this, or don’t understand its importance or significance, then yes, you may remain in your blissful ignorance, your innocence, and use it as a shield for what’s lined up for humanity this century. Ignorance is no excuse, though. And it will not save you, or anybody.

The same people who told you Saddam Hussein has Weapons of Mass Destruction, are the same ones telling you and the greater population, to take the covid vaccine.

It’s not even a live-virus vaccine. It is not an MMR shot. The two are not the same. So you don’t even know what you injected yourself with, do you???

The election of Donald Trump was closely connected with Brexit, and was part of the same popular movement for change, a general revolt against the elites.

Some of the rest of what you say may well be true too, or at least plausible. But none of it has anything to do with a conspiracy to kill the world’s population with a vaccine. For that to happen, all the governments of the world would have to be part of it (including Trump, incidentally).

No, it is clear that the world’s governments reacted with blind panic when the pandemic began, like headless chickens, with no idea what to do. That fact alone accounts for why it has all been a complete shambles.

Never confuse incompetence for conspiracy.

Are you aware that pharmaceutical companies, insurers, doctors, receive $50,000 for every person vaccinated in the United States?

And you still don’t know what they injected you with…

Do you know how medical experiments are run?

Allow me to illuminate you, because I do. There are control groups. There are placebos. Some groups get saline, which means they will have no changes or side-effects at all. Some groups get small doses. Some groups get medium doses. Some groups get high doses. That knowledge and information is not available to the general public. The methodology of biological experimentation alone, immediately accounts as to why some people are severely maimed, injured, and killed, and others feel “perfectly fine”. Because people don’t know what they receive.

And neither do you.

It still stuns me how brazenly stupid, cowardly, and weak the populations of the world are to inject themselves with poison that they don’t even know what it is, if it works, why they are getting it, or if they are getting it.

I’ve never been one to easily be swayed by peer-pressure, so I understand the masses and majority of the world falling in to line like sheep though, you among them.

It’s difficult when families line-up against each other, and turn coat.

The death rate of the Covid virus among teenagers and young children is 1 per million.

The death rate of the Covid VACCINE among teenagers and young children is 1 per 3000.

And these sick fucks want to MANDATE it.

I’m not familiar with how the American vaccine rollout is being organised, but I know that the British AstraZeneca jab, developed in Oxford, has been given to the world at cost, with no profit being taken by the company. No other company has done this. Whether this is why it has not been authorised in the US is an interesting question.

I do, however, know how medical trials are run, at least in general terms, and these were conducted last year, for all the vaccines now being used. In those trials, some people, all volunteers, did indeed get placebos. But you appear to have made a gross error, by confusing those trials, conducted last year, with the actual vaccine rollout, which began (in the UK) in December. No one in the rollout is getting a placebo.

You say you are not easily swayed by peer pressure. Yet isn’t it precisely that, from anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists, that has persuaded you not to take the vaccine?

Do you have a reliable source for that?

What I said was that my life is filled with distractions – film, music, books, magazine, quality television – that bring me enormous amounts of fulfilment and satisfaction. And what these things distract me from is the part where I have thought myself into believing that my own individual existence is essentially meaningless and purposeless. And that sooner or later “I” will tumble over into the abyss that is oblivion. And I’m surely not happy about that. But I might be less unhappy if I can interact with others who empathize with me in regard to a fractured and fragmented “self” in the is/ought world. Me in a nutshell here.

And how can sharing what I have honestly, introspectively come to think about meaning and purpose and mortality with others who have honestly, introspectively come to think as I do be wrong? Quite the opposite. Being able to share something like that with others seems fundamentally right to me. As long as no one is being manipulated or coerced. We’re simply sharing conclusions that we have arrived at honestly and introspectively.

And, again, in seeking this out there is in turn the possibility of encountering those who don’t think like me at all. But, instead, are able to be convinced that there is a path up out of the hole I have dug for myself honestly and introspectively because they have succeeded in doing so themselves.

Well, in my own more or less imploded world, I don’t have those sort of connections anymore. I can only attempt to experience what you suggested and see what happens. And in a week or so relate to you what I honestly and introspectively did experience.

It’s just that if you want to grapple with different states of mind you either do or do not have the option to try different paths. Each to their own, I agree. But that doesn’t mean we can’t attempt to communicate to each other while on the different paths. Learn from each other about the different paths. Then to the best of our ability [and given the role that dasein plays here] find a path that is most rewarding to us as individuals.

Oh, and just out of curiosity, why would you sustain an exchange with Adam here? Apart from all the other stuff, he is, from my frame of mind, a particularly hardcore fulminating fanatic objectivist. You don’t discuss and debate with “minds” like his. You expose them for the hardcore fulminating fanatic objectivists that they are.

Well, if “I” do say so myself of course.

You mean like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, BBC, Reuters, or any of the major networks who have yet to report on a single vaccine injury or death?

Why are vaccine injured people, who want to warn others and share testimony, removed from speaking on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc?

You tell me.

I’ve already said I don’t agree with censorship.

Have you actively sought out such individuals, who share your viewpoint? It might be worth doing so.

Ok, it’ll be interesting to hear how it goes.

Yes, I agree. It’s always worth hearing about the experiences of others.

I thought I was doing a pretty good job of exposing his fanaticism in the way I was doing it.

It doesn’t matter whether you agree.

It only matters whether you can beat the censors or not.