Thread for Old Farts Only

Ferking whipper snappers!

I enjoyed my young years, and I didn’t mind it too much when I became a “classic”, but this being an antique is a bunch of shit… :imp:

Next stop: “relic”.

That’s reserved for being dead, which will happen soon enough. In the meantime, spreading hate and discontent will be my job regardless the labels… :evilfun:

And you do it so well :evilfun:

Hey, practice makes perfect. :wink: It would have been easier if I had been born with red hair… :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:

yes you are right i should not flaunt my advantage :smiley:

Haha, then you are definitely welcome in our thread Old Man :wink: and remember… you have to bend at the knees when you pick things up to qualify to be in this thread :smiley: :laughing: :laughing-rolling:

I think Rust’s memory is going/his senility is kicking in, as it seems he forgot he joined this here community, for he hasn’t posted since :laughing:

I was trying to figure out a clever way to slip in some fixodent -vs- poligrip shtick, but we’ll go with your senility bit instead. Ah, ignorant bliss. :slight_smile:

Just one question Rust: do you sleep?

Sometimes between naps I do.

You sleep less as you get older, until you get very old then you sleep more.

hmmm… I was hoping for rust-never-sleeps, though that might on reflection have been too Young a reply…

Damn, I failed the secret initiation.

You may pass… gas.

I disagree with the older you get the less you sleep. I’m getting the best sleep of my life now days.

I’m only 26, but someone told me once that I’m 26 going on 70. I think this thread is for me.

If you have perky boobs it’s not.

So you have saggy boobs, I take it?


Rust was fishing for a pic for ummmm… comparative purposes. Strictly scientific research, you understand. :unamused:

It makes little difference. Gravity ALWAYS wins unless you have a really good nip and tuck plastic surgeon. :wink:

Umm, I think you might have to wait a few years before you can be acredited. You DO have your moments but not enough consistency to be a genuine old fart. Just post here when you catch yourself thinking or acting like your mother. :laughing: