Blah. Halb. Spam-Blah. Falacy of Pythonism.… Halb. [size=75]Blah[/size]. Not playing with you any more. I’m sorry come back…please…? This thread is deceased, it is no more… No longer living… dead… Falacy of ad infinitum…
The patterns of threads: you have described it nearly perfectly Tabula
How about:
—> Sod off!
—> No, you sod off!
—> [insert voice of reason here]
—> I am reasonable
—> Me Too!
—>Halb —>Blah and Halb
—>That is no solution. Blah.
–>Yeah! Halb. —>The right to Blah/Halb is only for [insert racial/religious/special group here]
–>BEN: Member so-and-so is banned because… —>Member so-and-so should not have been banned
—>YES HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN BANNED —>No, he should not and as for you @#$%^&*
—>WHY YOU !@#$%^
–>BEN: Members them-and-they have been banned because…
(By the way Thirst - there’s a rumour going round that you’re Childsplay…? Or is she your sister… Anyway - say hi to either yourself or her, I don’t care.
Well, not much.
Well, quite a bit actually.
Well, okay, I’m devastated.
I have forgotten some classics, apparently…
…??? [size=75][Notices another thread has sprung up][/size]