I did have Quine in mind here, particularly his:
“But the total field is so undetermined by its boundary conditions, experience, that there is much latitude of choice as to what statements to re-evaluate in the light of any single contrary experience. No particular experiences are linked with any particular statements in the interior of the field, except indirectly through considerations of equilibrium affecting the field as a whole.â€
The Verification Theory and Reductionism
So the question arises, given our immense power to translate back into our terms, what does it mean to convince.
As Warren Montag writes of his attempt to convince his reader, that he is caught between two arational alternatives:
“either one disarms oneself by exciting the passions of one’s audience to the extent that their reason is overcome, or, more simply, one remains unintelligible by failing to take into account the manifold prejudices that must first be neutralized for the understanding of one’s readers to operate freely.â€
Bodies, Masses, Power
The question remains the degree to which “reason” and other methods of confirmation are not also dependent upon the bodily experience of stasis that the degree to which argumentation is anything other than the ritualistic attempt to “excite” awareness through genre’d and rule-ridden uses of language. I am of the view, as opposed to Quine and in sympathy to Rorty, that all descriptions are bodily dependent, and none of them can be qualified outside their fields of meaning - which ostensibly are bodily regimentations. The power of particular positions can only be assessed by the values that gave rise to those meaning-fields. Just as the morphology of biological anatomies may be thought to reflect the environments of their multi-generational “adaptation”, no morphology proves “true” in a non-self-referential sense. No “knowing”, though it reflects its genealogical development is more “true” than any other knowing. So to “convince” by argumentation would seem rather only the encouragement to transform bodily the efficiency of knowing under the Cultural auspices of “truth”. To mutate. The resistence to mutation of course produces stability in the form, but in philosophy we must consider this resistance not as epistemologically true, but as conservation of order, as it is experienced as order. The “meta-bolic” is the “turn about”, the “re-volution”, the “kata-strophe”, the “re-pentance”.
“There is a limit to the extent that this is true.”
I am unsure of this. Given time and behavior, any combination of elements would prove meaningful, given the organism’s ability to predict its own states.