Time does not really exist

We think Time exist because of the interplay between the two hemispheres of our brains. There’s a delay in communicating information back and forth and we interpret this delay as Time. That is why we can not see nor hear Time. We plot it in space but what we’re really doing is using matter (light, measuring stick, etc.) to plot distance. So when we use Time to cut Matter, we’re really using Matter to cut Matter.

I already know, but thanks for reminding me.

I’ve always been fascinated by time; but I cringe when someone tells me things like “time is an illusion”. It just feels totally counterintuitive, and no argument has thus far persuaded me into believing such claims are true.

My initial concern, however, is whether it’s even proper to speak of time’s existence (or nonexistence). Usually, we speak of physical objects (stars, planets, tables) or processes (running, burning, nuclear fusion) as exising; but time seems different, for some reason I can’t quite put my finger on. I don’t know.

How does one stop a river from flowing? How does one stop the rains from falling?

A delay in what?

Time is just the name of the phenomenon that things occur in sequence and in simultaneity. I see no reason to doubt that this is true. If it is true, then time exists as so defined.

Theres no reason to believe time is linear or has a begining or an end. Unless you are a Creationist.

While this is true, there is good reason to believe any time that we could ever actually experience in the real world is linear, unless you have counterfactuals to offer…?

I dont believe you have stated a fact to counter, time could be cyclical.

Time could be. Of course, this thread is about the existence of time and not its nature. Are you denying the existence of time?

Time is a real human construct and exists as a unit of measurement.

That’s one definition of time, but not the most fundamental one.

Do you mean the biblical notion?

Er… no… why do you keep bringing up the bible? I mean the common, everyday notion and experience of time, as I stated above, that things/events/phenomena occur simultaneous or in sequence (whether or that sequence is linear, cyclical, etc)

Your the one who brought god into the conversation. If time has no beginning then the universe could not have been created.

Where did I bring God into this conversation? Perhaps you are thinking of another thread… one on free will perhaps…

Oops. #-o

If time doesn’t exist then neither does length or width.

Time is a measurement, not an actual object.

Ockham’s razor is your friend :stuck_out_tongue:

If time did not really exist, I would never really be late.

Maybe time doesn’t exist for the starter of this thread, hence he hasn’t been able to submit any replies :-k