Time is elastic !

Twins one stays on earth
the other travels space at the speed of light for two years:
when the space-traveling twin retains it will of been 20 years
for the twin that remained on earth.

then even better.(with the use of einstein’s theories)

We can exit space/time in the singularity of a black hole, by travelling the speed of light we’ll arrive there before we went.(well faster than the speed of light)
.ignoring the details of the need for anti-gravity[wot]
.needing to rotate the black-hole electricaly charged
.the spagetti effect
.singularity/boundarie-infinite cirvacitur

getting to the point: does it sound possible ? [ i believe newton was right in expaining the universe]
is a mearly a truth(like the greeks used to dominate others)

how can the facultys possibly comprehend that…
throught wot suffient reason finds this plosable:- i thought science was conducted simply through observating and analysis of causalism.

Its seems a way of us making up some way to live forever; science betting death- like religion once did.

could someone shine some light on this matter ?
there seems alot to be skeptical about.

The first thing that comes to mind is WTF, then assorted “you’re an idiot”'s “stfu”'s, and “Moron”'s enter the thought process

Well you see the problem with this statement, is that when you approach the speed of light, time becomes infinite, so if someone travels at the speed of light it will have been 100000000000 Earth years…Maybe more maybe less.

The rest of the post seems to be an incoherent torrent of ignorance that has all the incites of Kant. I’m not exactly sure how this could happen, but maybe you read a book, and thought you understood it, or maybe you just want to feel smart, either way this is a discusting display, the likes of which I have never seen before, and never wish to see again. The way you present these idea’s proves that you don’t understand it, you didn’t have to tell us. But just because you don’t understand, doesn’t mean it’s a religion, it just means your DUMB.

doesnt that just mean that time is relative? that according to einstein there is no absolute time and that we each have our measurement of time,which slows down the faster one travels?

“science is the new religion”.
true. if one makes it dogmatic, faith based and mostly hypothesis to strike down. (with all due respect to science.) scientific ‘fact’ changes with paradigm shifts…

Time’s related to mass, too. The farther one is from earth’s gravitational pull, the slower a clock will tick. Time on jupiter is thuper fast compared to our time. We wouldn’t notice the difference, though.

That’s why, at the speed of light, all of time stops flowing and as speed increases towards the speed of light, time approaches infinite (infinite time is like time that’s no longer flowing, it just is). In order for something to reach the speed of light…it cannot have mass :sunglasses:. Energy does not exist in time, but is an effect of time.

Wow, intelligence and patience, you’re one of the rare one’s on this orany other online forum…


Now I know science claims that time can speed up, and can produce mathematical equations to support this.

However, being more interested in in the subject from a philosophical stand point than science or maths, I have great trouble with the logic of ‘time’ speeding up.

Time is a measurement system. It deals with short durations and long durations. A short duration is fast and long duration is slow. THe longer the duration of the measure the slower the measure. So surely it is the ‘duration of the measure’ that can be speedier or not, not ‘time’ itself as a measurement system.

Lets compare this with the measurement system of tempurature. You can have degrees of hot or cold within the tempurature system. But the Temperature ‘system’ itself cannot get hotter or colder. That is talking nonsense.

If I fly to another part of space where I age more quickly and the plants grow faster, and then fly back to earth and I look much older than you who have stayed on this planet, does that mean time went faster on the foreign planet. Or does it just mean the physical laws of nature move at a faster rate. After all, we all know there is a medical condition on earth where some people age very quickly. Was time faster on the other planet? Again. How could it have been; time itself can’t speed up. Even if I perceived that time was going at a slow rate on the foreign planet doesn’t necessarily mean it actually was. After all, we all know that time can appear to go fast when we’re having fun and slowly when we’re bored.

AHHH but here’s where we get into some interesting points…

First off, time is a dual edged sword of a word. There’s time, and then there’s timespace. The two are used interchangably. Time is relative, timespace is dynamic. When they say “time” speeds up, it’s not really time as it is the dimension of time.

Second, yes, time CAN speed up! What the important achievment of quantum dynamics was the proof that EVERYTHING is a waveform. This means, electrons are waves, protons are three waves added together, neutrons are three waves added together, photons are waves, space is a wave, and time is a wave…

Now…picture yourself…you’re in the water, on a raft, in the ocean. You measure the distance between the rising and falling action of the ocean to be a frequency of one wave per ten seconds (you undulate every 10 seconds). Now, a storm approaches, just out of view on the horizon. You can’t see it…but you know it’s coming. How? You undulate once every 5 seconds instead of 10 seconds. The water is not moving faster due to the waves, the mover, the energy is moving faster. In fact, a water molecule could remain in the same place, idealy, and the wave would still go faster.

Apply this to time, which is now represented as a waveform with dipole disturbances. If time speeds up, the effect of the disturbances (a man in a raft) become more dense. The amount of change from one place in time to another increase. Now, that’s frequency modulation.

However, another important change that could happen would be amplitude modulation. Picture, instead, you in a pool. The fat kid down the street decides he wants to do a cannon ball. You’re bobing at the same rate when he jumps in, but you’re traveling MUCH higher and much lower. That’s amplitude modulation. This is where the changes in time are more drastic and just as spaced out.

So, I hope that gives you a new paradigm to consider about time.

Oh, and how is energy an effect of time? Without the mucky math, let’s just say that as time approaches infinity, only one thing can exist in time. That’s energy. There is no matter in infinite time, it’s impossible. Matter is related to finite time. Now take that energy and matter are related by matter times the speed of light squared. This means that matter has a ratio relationship to energy by the speed of light such that

c = sqrt(e/m)

Where “c” is the speed of light, “e” is energy, and “m” is matter. Take the prior given information that as one approaches the speed of light, matter can no longer exist. Also take the information that as one approaches the speed of light, time approaches infinity. Take the limit of the speed of light, and energy goes towards infinity. If all of energy is represented by the limit of speed, and that goes towards infinite time, then energy and time are related. Energy is an effect of time as without time, there would be no energy, and without energy, time could still exist as it is a function of reason, not substance.

Sorry, you’ve lost me. Too much jargon for me maybe. Might try and work through it more slowly, later.

PS. Does your argument really make sense to you? How do you know spacetime is a reality?

I have a better idea than most. I’m sorry if you do not. I’ll explain better, but if you call into question the knowledge of someone answering your question, that does not make them want to help you out again.

It’s like asking directions from someone, getting an answer, then saying, “How do you know that’s right.” If you think you know better, then don’t ask.

How do I know what I know? It’s a hobby of mine to learn these things. Has been since I was a child. CS stuff I’m both self taught and college educated. Physics is merely an interest of mine. I like to find answers to my own questions.


First off, Quantum Mechanics and Wave Mechanics - pretty much same deal. Wave is a little more specific, but in terms of subatomic particles, same deal.

That’s a frequency modulated waveform. Time is a wave, it can be represented in a waveform that’s to the Fourier Series Synthesis.

This is amplitude modulation. As you see, the height of the wave changes in relaion to the independant variable.

Perhaps this will give you an idea of why time can have both density and magnitude. In the first waveform, the parts where you see a higher frequency is more “dense”, the point where you see lower frequency has higher density. This is slowing and speeding of time. That’s the best way to picture it. I wont help you beyond that.

As for how I know spacetime is real? Fragile knowledge in my case.

I think this is where I say “I love you Rafajafar”

I was wondering why people were addressing this from a scientific view point - it is the science forum. Sorry. I thought it was a philosophy thread. I still think there are philosophical problems with the concept of space time. If anyone wants to discuss the topic in the philosophy forum I would be interested.


I’m down with that discussion, start it and i’ll join.

Do you think we can create a time machine???
Update: … ch&q=blood
youtube.com/watch?v=wQipgNJz … re=related
youtube.com/watch?v=5aHLzO74 … re=related
youtube.com/watch?v=-mYSJGki … re=related
youtube.com/watch?v=aQWd8RWl … re=related
youtube.com/watch?v=aUKpm_cG … re=related
We don’t need it at all. :banana-dance: If you willing to receive GOD’S salvation, GOD will reverse the effect & we will be with GOD forever more.