"Time Travel" Is A Fantasy

No matter how much we enjoy the metaphors of “Star Trek” and “Star Wars” and the like, one thing is certain: time travel is a fantasy.

We will never travel in time.

The concept of time travel states that somehow we can go “backward” or “forward” in time.

For example, a person living here in 2006 could travel not just to a place but to a time, like to the year 2050 or 1950, according to the fantasy of time travel.

But, of course, that is a fantasy.

And the reason it is a fantasy is because of the misuse of the word “time” travel for the word more applicable to the matter: clock travel.

And when we appropriately replace the word “time” with the word “clock”, we immediately see the fantasy in the concept.

A clock measures motion in increments of time, just as a yardstick measures form-substance size in increments of space.

An object so measured has dimensions of space according to the standard measuring device: the yardstick.

An object so measured has dimensions of time according to the standard measuring device: the clock.

An object can change in yardstick size through space over clock time as it moves.

When we say that an object travels we mean that it changed. Change is measured by the standard yardstick and clock in increments of space and time.

We say that the object, in changing, traveled through space and time.

We say “traveled” as a metaphor for the object’s change.

But the intervals of time measure, like the intervals of space measure, have no “forward” or “backward” quality to them. :astonished:

The concepts of “forward” or “backward” in either space or time is a human constructed relational, existing only in the mind of the observer.

Outside of the mind, there is no such thing as “forward” or “backward” with respect to space or time.

There are only interval comparisons which we use to assign meaning in a number of ways.

That meaning is only meaningful to us in our mind.

Thus, since space and time intervals only exist outside the human mind in a holistic instance sense, without a “forward” or a “backward” quality to them, there can be no “time” travel “forward” or “backward” through “time” outside of our mind.

Only in our mind can we turn the clock forward or backward … and once we look outside of our self, we find that our changed clock within us does not match the standard clock outside of our mind.

Thus there will be no escape of death by traveling “back” to the “past” and being a kid again.

And there will be no escape of death by traveling “forward” to the “future” for some fountain of youth medicine.

“Time Travel” “forward” or “backward” remains merely an error of logic, a fun science fiction metaphor for “a second chance”, … and a sometimes lovely thought when the real moment leaves a bit to be desired.

Are you still relying on the “Heart” philosophy?

It would seem so.

You seem to be preoccupied with other people’s fantasies. While failing to acknowledge that you’ve given us nothing but your own.

Can you give us a scientific argument for why time travel is impossible?

The one you’ve given us is anything but scientific.

I guarantee you, the universe is not conviced when you replace the word “time” with the word “clock” that you have divined its core essence. :unamused: The universe doesn’t speak English.

Can you provide the site with anything aside from your dogmatic assertions?

It is giving you the chance.

I am having a difficult time believing that you can. I just don’t feel it in my heart.

Time forward-or-backward travel is an obvious fantasy.

I have presented the proof of that.

There is nothing more “scientific” to it.

Many theoretical physicists took a wrong turn back when into the abstract extremist’s land of fantasy when they said otherwise.

And, of course, they have not been able to prove their fantasy of time travel.

But, we should just cut them some slack – after all, they’re human too, and subject to the same fear-based errors of reason as anyone else who is unable to deal with the reality of their mortality … and I can think of no class of people more afraid to deal with feelings of such fear than hyper-mentally centered theoretical physicists (except for, perhaps, theologians), theoretical physicists who’ve yet to “prove” the existence of an afterlife as well. :astonished:

Again, the onus of proof that an obvious fantasy is not a fantasy rests with those who think the fantasy is not a fantasy.

So, be my guest, Yopele – give it your best scientific method shot.

If I ever make a dogmatic assertion regarding a scientific issue, I assure you that it will be backed with more than what I feel in my heart.

One doesn’t “feel” in one’s heart, Yopele.

If you don’t put your heart into it, what good can come of it.

And science isn’t all about agnostic maybes, as Newton’s laws of motion still attest.

Well of course one doesn’t, unless he’s having a heart attack- even then, the Heart probably hasn’t felt anything. I was just attempting to speak your language.

Waste of time.

I wasn’t referring to “maybes”. Actually, I wasn’t referring to anything, just disputing your claim based on science beyond the Heart philosophy. Theoretical physics and the like…but the Heart can’t know that…so it was pointless to bring it up with you.

You need to unleash your Heart - just let it go!

My wild-assed guess is that time travel isn’t possible, but I’m not willing to bet much on it. Certainly we aren’t at a point in our understanding of physics yet to be real sure either way. Some of the greatest minds in 20th & 21st century physics have argued over this, sometimes switching sides periodically. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics would seem to discourage time travel, but I think the jury is still out.

it is obviously yesterday.


“It” being the place-holding impersonal pronoun name-designation given to the previous 24-hour period of clock from midnight to midnight, and nothing more. “It” is a name, not an ontological aspect.

In reality, the science fiction of “time travel” simply cannot occur.

no, in reality, nothing can occur. there is constant change.

are you who you were before you read this post? no


Your wild ass is pretty smart.

Go ahead and wager – it’s a safe bet.

And “time travel” won’t be resolved by physicists – “time travel” is a witty error in language usage, and is thus resolved by linguists.

Since time travel can thus only occur in the mind, only in the mind can we travel in time.

So the only shot we have at time travel is if we are a manifestation of the mind of God.

The trick, then, is to get God to think of us in another time.

Let us pray. :wink:


“Nothing” cannot exist.

And for change to occur, existence, that which changes, must be.

Again, erroneous, obviously.

I’m still me, just as you are still you.

Our changes in space and time have not caused us to disappear … yet.

We remain reality over space and time.

Such is the miracle of identity.

smokey has left the building

ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … 09637508d9

ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … 90&start=0

there are actual philosophic arguments about the problem in those links.


My presentation in the opening post of this thread incorporates philosophy as well as other disciplines, and is a presentation also founded on accurate common-to-all beliefs of the human heart.

If you limit your perspective to just philosophy, or if you limit your perspective to that “philosophy” which orients from a dominant mind, your limitations will likely result in erroneous conclusions.

Why would you want to so limit yourself?

You have taken an interesting position.

What you claim proves time travel as a fantasy also brings your own position into question.

Language is human relational construction that exists nowhere but in our mind. As such, ‘heart’, exists nowhere but in our mind. So too with ‘mind’ and ‘soul’.


And I suppose that truck traveling down the road at 90 miles an hour is just in your mind, and “exists nowhere” else, so that if you stepped out in front of it and it killed you, you wouldn’t really be dead, except in your mind. :unamused:

Mental moral relativists are so amusing. :laughing:

limiting oneself to what exists is what many philosophers and realists do. limiting yourself to whatever make believe fantasy you wish to imagine and calling it reality is likely to get yourself killed.


As has been my experience on this board, telling the relevant truth that “philosophy” addicts" deny is also grounds to be crucifiably “murdered”.

But wasn’t it Plato who said what we see isn’t what’s really there, it’s just a facade for what is truly there underneath/beyond, that “idealized” world we strive to grasp?!

Me thinks the fundamentalist “philosophers” are running the “church”.

the church? LOL… right… but the lunatics do run the asylum… would you care to be fitted for a jacket? :wink:


No thanks, I’ll pass on the jacket … but that does account for why so many here seem to have their “hands” tied. :wink:

Regardless, time travel is a fantasy, which is, of course, obvious.