
I was just thinking the other day about whether or not it is difinitive about how many dimensions of space there are. For instance, if X can lead to Y which leads to Z and then we could say that X leads to Z. This means you could also say that A leads to B and C, but that does not mean that B leads to C or C leads to B. What I’m getting at is that there seems to be two dimensions of time, continuous and dicontinueous, happening together . If this is the case, then couldn’t physics be explained in two dimensions of space.

I could argue that there is no such thing as time. There definately is no time (or all time) in the 5th dimension.

As for your question about the 2nd dimension. I don’t understand it, so I can’t comment.


there no such thing as time . time is mathematiclly based only , because of our desire to order our world.

time is dependent on movement but movement is not dependent upon time. movement therefore is independent of time.

I was just thinking the other day about whether or not it is difinitive about how many dimensions of space there are. For instance, if X can lead to Y which leads to Z and then we could say that X leads to Z. This means you could also say that A leads to B and C, but that does not mean that B leads to C or C leads to B.

the thing is though is that they X , Y , and Z are interrelated. you can’t one without the other. miss X and Y , Z disappear and so on.

Which raises the question as to whether or not there’s such a thing as movement, either.

This thread is funny.



Time is a measurement; a human measurement of a shared phenomenon - the apparent.
It is a measurement of movement or change: Flux.

All value judgments are comparisons and so time is also a comparison.
Time is the measurement of the differentiations observed in these comparisons, based on human sensual speeds and limitations and based on the nature of consciousness, of knowledge and of existence itself.

Consciousness and experience/knowledge depends on the construction of artificial, generalized, simplified absolutes - which, in essence are non-existent.
Language exemplifies these artificial absolutes since, like all art-forms, it insinuates reality, attempting to express, as closely as possible, using metaphor and symbolism, what can never be expressed.

These simplified, generalized absolutes (abstractions) are like ‘snapshots’ of the flux - ‘snapshots’ of this constant flow and change or movement - so as to make it comprehensible.
Using these ‘snapshots’ of the flux - an artificial freezing of time - man becomes aware of his own condition, as a part of this flow, emerging from it as faster or slower than the background or the other, by comparing these multiple consecutive ‘snapshots’ in a stream of thought manner.

The observer usually takes himself as a static point and a static element, placing himself (imagining) in a non-existent absolute here/now position, in relation to the phenomena he observes.
He calls this position a ‘Self’ and identifies it from what it is not, rather than from what it is…because it is nothing trying to become something (from an optimistic non-nihilistic perspective) or trying to Become an Absolute, whether this absolute is defined as a nothing or Something: One…Whole.

This implies that movement is the awareness of a differentiation, a relationship between observed and observer, which is measured using the concept of time; meaning that there can be no comparison between the known, or the apparent (the artificial abstraction of a piece of the flow), and the unknown, the non-apparent and therefore either non-existent or imagined projected known into the unknown.

Right away we become aware that movement or change is general and constant, denoting an ubiquitous inequality between observer and observed, but also between observed and observed. Even the seemingly static and stable and hard or eternal are in a constant state of flux, which is at such a rate, in relation to us, that they appear unchanging or more substantial.

Time is not a thing as there are no things - No-thingness. There are only phenomena or a process which we interpret and know and comprehend by artificially freezing it into simplified moments of spatial or temporal positions, along an imagined grid.
This grid represents all the possible, potential future states of interrelations - the imagined, exaggerated or minimized projected future, based on the known and so the perceptual and imaginative abilities of the observer.

This grid is space; its possibility or potential, in relation to the observer, is time.

Whoever attempts to discredit his or her own experience by positing his or her own experience as proof is, to put it mildly, either a fool, in which case his mental inferiority excuses him or her, or a hypocrite, in which case he is a coward trying to escape the ramifications of what is observed or duplicitous for his own reasons.

But because we believe the experience must be the totality of “being”, we continue with the charade, and wax philosophical about nothingness being valuable, to “those in the know”.

Time is irrelevant, as is experience. Once the conscious dies, neither have any applicability, both are equally useless constructs of validation.

Who said “nothingness was valuable”?

The experience is all there is…whether it has value to you or not, or whether you give it value is another matter.

The universe doesn’t care how you define it or expreince it or how it affects your sensitivities and cultural ideals.
Your perspective is either more or less accurate and your reactions are either more or less effective.
If you call it emptiness or illsions or beleive that it is other than how it is, doesn’t matter to nobody except to you, since you will pay the price for being delusional or wrong.
Whether you beleive in gravity or you call it an illusion, doesn’t matter; you are still afected by it.

You can’t close your eyes to a train coming upon you and escape it by finding a different perspective or by reinterpeting it as a butterfly.
You either interpret it correctly and find a method of escaping its thrat or you die in blissful ignornace…but you die indeed.

You pay the price for your own mistakes…unless a social network exists to protect you from the worse of it. Man cleaning nature from all its unwanted elements and seeking an ideal…but even this has a cost and requires great effort and continuous adjustments and corrections and so on and so forth.

And what are the ramifications of shielding the error from its own costs or the bulk of the costs?

It’s no wonder most conversations are absolutely fruitless, no one takes reading comprehension or listening skills seriously any more.

The bottom line is real easy: everything expires, which means assigning value to experience, is just like pissing your self in a dark suit ~ you get the temporal warm fuzzy, and then it dries up and leaves you smelling like ass.

There is death and oblivion, everything else, like the distance between birth and death that we exchange for the construct of time; is utterly meaningless.

The conscious itself, is nothing more than a biological construct for point of reference; utterly meaningless and valueless. Leading to, any experiences attached, or assigned values, are nothing more than humping the greased football. Which by proxy of the fact that we count and measure everything we do; makes time irrelevant.

Time and life share one thing in common; they are both exercises in futility that only breed more fucking idiotic want and need of validation.

Oh jeez…

There is no life without time. You can’t seperate the two concepts.
Existence is the phenomenon that exhibits a temporal character: a movement/change; a flux.
The eternal, the perfect, the stable and innert absolute would not be alive, nor would it be conscious, since thinking is a temporal manifestation; a stream of thought held together by memory (the ordering and storage of experiences in information bites)

Sorry you need eternity to feel that your life is worth living or that the very process that makes your existence and your experience of it posible, disatisfies you.

If it were not for this flux, life would never have been and you would not be here crying over how meaningless it all is.

Now tell me again about “reading skills”. Should we discuss comprehending, instead?

Yes we should discuss comprehension, because there is obviously a problem here.

I never said one fucking thing about “eternity” or “satisfaction/dissatisfaction” … but here’s another post for you to ignore, and just type out what you want to think/believe I said.

Death: the end. All over. No eternity, no nothing. No tomorrow. No next “anything”. Death. End. Stoppage. Cessation. Finis. Blank. None. Nil. Null. Done. Over. Deletion. Extinction. Conclusion. Finality. Termination. Expiration. Cancellation. All with no possibility of parole.

Like experience, time is irrelevant, because at the moment of death, everything, (of the “you” and “I”), ends. So, all is valueless because consciousness extends nowhere. Get it yet? Terminating process with no direction. Whether you hump your hand because your brain tells you to, or your brain humps itself for validation, it is still the same process, without point or direction.

Life as “flux” is just a piss poor description because it alludes to positive or lateral direction changes as well as negative, meaning a bullshit metaphysical position. The fact is, life is just continuing decay, nothing more. When life is no more, time is no more.

Time is irrelevant.

Wow, you should consider putting that in a hallmark card.

After what you said it makes you wonder why Bruce Lee even bothered to train himself to grab a dollar from another’s outstretched hand and leave behind two quarters, three dimes, five nickels and a bunch of pennies, all the while knitting a sweater and lighting a cigar…all at once.

“Time is irrelevant” … Translation:
“Life is irrelevant.” …Implication:
Activity is irrelevant, thinking, doing, and any other verb is irrelevant.

What is relevant?
The emptiness or maybe your statement of irrelevance, perchance?
Why are you even here?

One of the intellect’s masterpieces; a statement proven by being unprovable.
It’s understandable, though, that many people don’t buy it. Why would death be the end? If you go to sleep, you wake up in a dream, and who’s to say a dreams is not real? so when I die, I might as well as not wake up in another experience with my selfawareness intact.

Non, non, non, my dear friend, don’t sell yourself short.
It is your statement which is the height of masterpiece theater and an example of wishful thinking pretending to be unbiased, rational objective thought.

Here you are demanding proof for the unnecessary.
That’s like placing a giant to hold up the earth - unnecessary but somewhat comforting in its simplicity.

Or like asking for proof for the non-existence of Leprechauns.
I do believe that the higher probability lies on the side that states that your after-death dreams will be as vivid and real as your before-birth ones.
I do hope you enjoy them just as much.

The desperate mind seeks for a way out of its temporal predicament and grasps for straws in asking for proof for a negative so as to maintain its hope for a positive.

But why would death not be an end?
My how important and indispensable you must think you are.
You sound like you think of yourself as irreplaceable. You cannot be replaced and so you must go on, and on, and on…like the Enrgizer Bunny.

Let us forget, for the moment all the problems involved in defining what identity is and how someone can forget the past, restart and still be the same person.

Nevertheless you do make a “good point” with the “who’s to say” extravaganza.
That has to be your ace up the sleeve.

Who’s to say that I’m not right there watching you?
Who’s to say that Santa Clause is not real?
Who’s to say there is no Big Foot or that aliens are not controlling the White house…who’s to say?

I mean, like, who’s to say, right?! Since nobody can say, then why not beleive whatever suits our fancies?
I think I’ll deny gravity, today…who’s to say I cannot float on air?

Ah, brilliant mind, how cleverly you secure for yourself that which is essential for your survival and mental health: Hope.

Well done, my man.


WTF??? You’re here. Deal with it - any way you can. If speculating about an afterlife pleases you, by all means go ahead, but you still have to eat and shit while you’re here. At some point living is just a wee bit more important than talking about it.

I’m not Buddhist, so I don’t use “emptiness” in any conversation that doesn’t find application of containers to be in contention.

Three times now you’ve just inserted “something” that wasn’t found in any of my posts. Is that all you have to offer, subjective additions that have no backing from the previous posters words?

I’m here for the same reason you are here, chemical process, nothing more. It wasn’t a choice from our end, just as with our children, it isn’t their choice.

Okay, time for the next post of subjectively included terminology having nothing to do with my post.

All we really know is that we are walking perceptions within a physical body. There is nothing else but our predispositions of knowing anything else. Non-existance beyond this existance is just as probable as existance continuing beyond this one.

I try to respond to more than one person with evry posting.

Your chemical reactions are insignificant, so why do you bother or why do you allow yourself to be manipulated?

Erroneous Satyr, all that there is, is chemical process under force of Universal principles, (i.e. gravity, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, etc.).

Manipulations? As if anyone has a will that can defy what makes them exist at all. It isn’t a choice.

I mean if you know that everything is futile why allow yourself to be controled by these forces?