A Christian sent in a post to an atheist group I was on titled ‘To All The God Haters’ I think this is a misconception within the religious community that all atheists must be God haters. I am not going to claim that most atheist are God lovers, but many atheists were members of organized religions at some point in their lives and started to think for themselves and one day saw the light. One can put something down without turning to hate. Hate destroys one’s peace and atheists are just as subject to peace disruption as the religious fellow when they live wrong.
An Atheist by logical reason cannot be a god hater.
Ex: The existential quantifier.
G: God.
H: Hate
Atheism: ~(ExG) There is no God.
(HG) ↔ (ExG) In order for anyone to hate God, there must be a God.
The Christians you’re discussing are confusing Atheism with Satanism.
Now according to the Bible (we’ll say arbitrarily- King James), there are quotes that would categorize Atheists as Heretics. There are also quotes that would categorize anyone worshipping alternate deities as Satanists. According to that reasoning, anyone not Christian is a Satanist, and Atheists are Heretics.
But I think the Bible is full of unreasonable contradictions in the first place, so to hell with it. (Or without it, pun intended). That being within limits of course. I have Christian friends.
Well, atheism does deny the existence of a God, so it is impossible to hate God when you’re atheist. You could, however, fiercely dislike religious belief, or dislike proponents of religion, or whatever the hell you want, as long as it still exists. However, I think that very few atheists hate theists. Mostly, they, the atheists, simply think that they are much smarter than theists. Which is exactly how the theists feel towards them, more or less. Each group thinks it has found some absolute truth.
I hate preachers, anyone who tries to impose a system of belief through brainwashing is in the wrong. I don’t hate those who’ve been brainwashed, I’m just disappointed at how easy it is to exploit people.
If preachers are brainwashing people, then they must be the worst people at brainwashing in the world, given that church attendence, and Christianity generally, is on the decline in the UK.
Luckily though, the idea that religious people are brainwashed is utterly absurd.
I’m know that Christianity is dying in our country, I think it’ll be dead as an organised faith in about 200 years at most if the modern trends of paganism and rationalism continue but that has nothing to do with my statement. I simply said that I hate people who try to impose their beliefs on others via any method eg. brainwashing, the fact that Christian preachers, in particular, are failing to brainwash people because of their beliefs becoming increasingly irrelevant in modern-day society is beside the point.
I’m glad to say that most religious people now are just deluded rather than brainwashed.
I don’t think all atheist actually (directly) hate God, they don’t even know him. They hate the people who believe in God and all that God is told to be and revealed through the actions of the religious folk. However they do irrationally blame God a lot when conversing with theist, so maybe their more confused then anything. Either way, they are completely irrational to dismiss that which they know nothing about and illogical to assume that a God would be personified by a book or the actions of fallible humans.