annnd back to reality…
when faced, as we are today, the question of what
is wrong within our society/state/culture/civilization…
as many have been faced with that exact same question…
one can see, quite clearly something is wrong in America today,
so what are the solutions? we have a couple of solutions possible…
one: we can react as UR has reacted and turn to violence…
two: we can try to change the rules of society, politically,
which tends to be the response of the left/liberal…
three: we can hide and pretend there is nothing see here…
four: we can claim, as the right/conservative does, that there
is no possibility of change… a man cannot change their spots…
I.E. a person is born evil or good, and they cannot ever change
that thus the possibility of change is not possible… what is, is
because we cannot change who we are…
five: we can engage in social/cultural change… change the society we live in,
but not by political laws, but by changing our culture…
six: we can hold as the conservative does, that the society is fucked up
because of this group or that group…if society is a mess, it must be someone’s
else fault, so we have the conservative begin the blame game, it is the liberal’s fault,
or the Jews fault or its the feminists fault because there are feminizing men…
whatever the hell that means…the conservative in search of a utopia, needs
to blame someone…thus the various wars, the war on drugs for example, is
an conservative attempt to find blame for a failing society…
the Iraqi war beginning in 2002, is another attempt to make war on someone
to seek correction of the supposed ills of society… there are many
problems with number 6… one of those problems is that this is
simplistic answer…it is nothing different than saying, poverty
is bad, and all we have to do to end poverty is to remove all the poor people…
a simplistic answer to a complex problem… the conservative loves
giving simplistic answers to complex situations… the “throw everyone into
prison” is one such simplistic answer to a complex problem of crime in America…
a liberal will ask, ‘why is there crime?’ and the conservative will say, “who cares”
someone must pay for there being crime in America…
seven: what if change is to come, not just in changing the conditions of life,
but in changing the conditions of one’s existence… to use the Socratic method
and maxims by an engagement with “to know thyself” and “The unexamined life
isn’t worth living” instead of rushing to making changes in the laws or within
the society, perhaps we could begin by changing who we are… the path to
the evolution of society really begins with one person asking themselves,
“What do I hold to be true”… or “What am I to do today?” “What should
I believe in?” “What can I know?” here we use the philosophical questions
given to us by Socrates and Kant to explore who we are and what are we
to do next? Despite UR insistence on violence as a method, we cannot
travel down that path… for all violence brings about is more violence…
the conservative’s path of hate, anger, lust, violence, following the
lower-level animal/human path can only lead us to more hate, anger,
lust, violence…the use of violence or hate or anger can never lead us
to a more just society, a more peaceful society, a society worth living in…
if we ask, what can we do to improve America or improve the American
society, and the answer is, as UR says, violence, hate anger, lust, fear,
then those who propose those answers are wrong…for those animal/human
values can only lead us back to those values…
so let us take a concrete situation and ask yourself, who was the bigger man
here? so on May 13, 1981, Pope John Paul II was shot and wounded by
Mehmet Ali Agca… in 1983, the Pope visited Agca in prison and forgave him…
who is the bigger man here and why?
which action has created a bigger impact in people’s lives? the violent act
or the forgiving act? You do know the answer, but are you brave enough to
acknowledge that answer and then also engage in the “correct” answer?
anybody and everybody can engage in violence, hate, anger, those
emotions are easy to engage with, they are right there, always lurking
very close to us… all one has to do is bring them up and bingo,
we have reached back to our animal side, we are nothing better then
animals…but to reach into our soul and forgive? that is the higher,
more human path of existence… and that path is far tougher then
any random act of violence…violence is an easy answer, but to rise
above violence to reach forgiveness, love, peace, hope, charity,
these values are hard to reach and even harder to act upon every single day…
violence is the easy path, love and forgiveness is the much harder path of
existence…so are you going to take the easy path of the conservative
and act with violence, hate, anger, lust, greed, or are you going to
reach to your higher level and engage with love, peace, justice,
hope, charity… the higher values?
and the answer given will lay the path to either a better America or
to a failing America…if you want to create a better America,
you have to create a better person within you…
are you taking the easy path or the hard path?
for most people, the easy path is the path the will take,
but if you actually cared about America and where it is going,
then you will make an engagement with the hard, higher level
existence of life, which is love, peace, hope…
so today, “do not ask who you are?” but ask, “who can I become?”