Perplexingly insanetresting, inssspires one to evaluate all range-ohs les concepts-la la like liberal abuse of conventional uses of “language,” ven especially vee no what peoples mean what we say yet are sometimes so quite pushed into the direction of established “rules” we “must” follow regarding communication tecniques when I understand about this collaboration, these chefs we are.
Descriptions of philosophical concepts often appear to become strangled within the very medium which sets out to define them (language). This is both the curse and the beauty of philosophy.
But beyond this difficulty and game, or perhaps as part of it, ther lurks an energy which appears to transcend these trivial matters and why? Well, first, what?
It feels as if truth has a voice in all this, it gets muffled, or “spoiled”…
Certainly not everyone will know what everyone means to the point of brain-scan (beyond that-- total self-scan, whatever).
Yet, the delivery of a message, one message being that language is limited, for example, appears to occur, even if the packaging is torn or alterered by the time it reaches a recipient. The core is the same, even if the message was sent more to show off the packaging than anything else.
This is a controversial position.
How do we know that it is the same for me as it is for you?
Where is the absolute truth?
Yet, watch how these very questions instantly obtain an identity that, although we can’t use language to nail down definitively (unless one is liberal enough to appreciate the way our languages proudly and seductively celibrate this mysterious element in a manner that arguably comes as close as humanly possible to an actual symbol of the Unspeakable) feels universal or at least so extremely profound to such a degree of feeling I can’t help but imagine it be universally felt by philosophers.
Of course, I could be mistaken, but then this would be another objective paradox.
The question is Is Truth Real (Absolute), or Subjective (There is no Truth), right? (Don’t answer,… you can’t. (O philosophy, you wait!))
I cannot be truly mistaken in a claim that there is Absolute Truth. It cannot be false that there is truth, there would be no false without it.
So we may conclude that I am not mistaken, and that there is Absolute Truth. To say that I am wrong would create a paradox. Against what standard would my accuser be measuring the Truth value of my “mistake”? Why, The Truth, of course!
Or… we may conclude that I am mistaken, and that there is no Absolute Truth. This means now that it is again possible that I am not mistaken, simply because there is no truth to assert that I can’t be both things. To say that I can’t be both establishes an Absolute Truth of the way things are. Without such truth…free reign, baby!!! To hell with rules of logic-- take me down to the Paradox City.
In such a world we cannot make any assertions that are true. This gets some pretty crazy “realizations” happening. Among others, this very notion of Non-Truth (that there is no truth) which appears to obliterate the very floodgates of Absolute Truth and logic, is itself without truth-value. This can’t help but inspire, for me, questions like, "How, then, does it have this power to do something so effective as like, “[size=200]SHUT DOWN TRUTH[/size]” , if it’s not even true itself?
How else?