Top Gear

I’ve watched several episodes of this show on BBC America, and love it, and yet I couldn’t care less about shows. That great showmanship and content in my opinion.

How is the show received in the UK?

Very popular show and relatively high quality, Jeremy Clarkson is an amusing presenter and the style of which its done is… nice.

One of the few tv shows i like.

I think it gets viewed around Europe aswell, atleast some places in Europe.

Yep, very popular, highly rated entertainment show. Clarkson is a racist moron, but he’s quite an entertaining racist moron.

There is one thing about it that pisses me off no end - the only cars they review are out of reach for the majority of people. Who cares what the latest £400,000 sportscar can do when no one can afford them and they’re only producing a couple of hundred of the things? Well, idiotic males who think the number of gears your car has is somehow related to virility…

Yeah, in Holland, too.

I’ve seen a few snippets of it, but don’t watch it, partly because I’m not into cars, but mainly because I can’t be doing with Hammond. I feel embarassmed for him.

Never heard of it and am not going to tell my guys about it. They already overwhelm the poor TV set with car shows, military shows and the Yawn fishing shows. I refuse to give them one more idiotic show to watch.

I meant to say that I don’t care about cars, not shows. My point being that the program makes watching a show about autos interesting and fun without the show exactly being about them. It’s more about watching these guys go on and on and having fun.

I like the smaller guy on the show as well, he was hosting a comedy science show that’s been playing here as well. Is he very popular in the UK?

What do you mean about Clarkson and racism, what does he say?

Richard Hammond is extremely popular, not least because he suffered a near fatal crash while trying to break the land speed record in this country.

He presents dozens of shows, including the science one you mentioned which I believe is called Brainiacs.

Clarkson is a racist. He writes for a racist tabloid newspaper and constantly makes references to how much he hates the French, the Germans, the Americans, the Italians…

They even gave him his own show traveling around Europe in which he basically concluded that he hated the place. Largely uninteresting and nowhere near as good as Top Gear.

Ah, you mean nationalistic. I think that it’s funny how the English still think that other nationalities are races. It’s in fact racist to say that a nationalistic European is being racist against other white nations.

Anyhow, I looked up Hammon on wiki and it seems that he’s lucky to be alive. I like his attitude and funny enough think that he would make a great Dr. Who, but he’s a bit like the guy playing him now.

On Doctor Who:
I actually preferred Christopher E. as the Doctor. But we all have to admit that Tom Baker was the ultimate Doctor.

Hammond as the next Doctor? Please, never let that happen!

The funny thing about Clarkson is that he supports Britain’s membership of the EU.

Tom Baker was the best, however, the current guy David Tennent, I’m not sure of the spelling, has a nice crazy smartypants quality.

Yeah, but still… I absolutely hate Martha though! I preferred Rose to that, and even then Rose was annoying. But that is off subject. So anyway, I haven’t had much time to watch either Top Gear or Torchwood, but I have been wondering what they were both like and how the shows were actually being perceived.

I like Martha, she much more intelligent than Rose. Also, she had the face of a midget.

Torchwood is now on in the US and it’s not bad so far. The strange thing is that it’s more serious than Dr. Who. I wish that the Doctor was a much more serious action show, kind of like how the last Batman was made with no jokes. It could be really great and enjoyable for the whole family.

Since we’re on the subject of shows, how did people in the UK feel, or how did the people here stateside feel about Red Dwarf?

Red Dwarf was the shit.

Good times.

I used to enjoy it at times.

By chance I had read the book years before I saw the show, which used to play on a pbs channel in this area.

Red Dwarf was good.

Ain´t fussed on Torchwood (apart from its being filmed in Cardiff!).

I suppose so.

‘Racist’ is a catchall term in English English.

I can’t stand Dr Who…

What’s with Cardiff?