Here’s a link:
Not a pretty picture but here it is:
Post it in religion then.
Hahaha! You are very funny!
I hope they have a sense of humor. [-o<
But seriously, if you don’t want me to post on your threads I’ll stay away. I honestly couldn’t tell if you were serious with your “uberman” persona. If you really mean to act like a tyrant and call people “scum”, then I will happily stay away from your posts.
Membrain is an old man Cezar. He cannot comprehend your strong spirit. I on the other hand, am the rising stock, a youthful man of 18. I can understand your expression. Don’t let your composure be compromised by dying spirits.
Hmmm… I think I was rapt in these ideas at the age of 18 also.
Is Neitzshe-an ubermensch fascism something that appeals to angry young men? Is it the philosphy of selfishness that, along with Ayn Rand, gives young self-centred guys a reason to feel smugly superior and justify thoughts that would - sans the philosophical vindication - look ugly, petty, unfair and small?
Whatever it is, I personally grew out of it and so did all the other angry young men I read that stuff with did too…
Granted. And just to be clear, I won’t be replying to anything you say on any thread.
Perhaps it is necessary for young men to be discontented with the existing structures in which they live - isn’t it the same with young male lions? They have yet to find, or create, a structure in which they can live in peace with themselves. This is not something to scoff at, but something that has promise. It is a reaction against “the feminization of man”, as Satyr calls it (see the Essays & Theses forum), a rebellion against the “alpha males” of today - the institutions.
Believe what you will, but the matter still remains:
Nietzsche is dead and god has killed him.
… ah but what will all the sheep do now? Why they will hide in the shadow of their Shepard! so that they may not be exposed by the light …
Most young men suffer from an excess of energy that is frowned upon to be discharged. Satyr is right to point out the slow eradication of manly instincts from society. Man either discharges his excess energy outwardly or it gets redirected back toward the self. Redirecting it back to the self leads to self-torture, guilt for possessing this energy which he has no control over possessing in the first place, and therefore leads to man banging and racking his head against an inner iron cage.
Modern society, through advertising, social interaction, and monotonous labour, tries to tame man into a domestic housepet that should attempt to sublimate his excess energy into consumerism and kneeling before the opposite sex in all spheres of human interaction.
A counter-movement in inevitable. Try to ‘drive nature out with a pitch-fork, she will surely return’.
Oh sir, I pray that such a counter-revolution will come. I pray doubly that I can experience it in my life. And well, I’ve always styled myself as being a leader…