
You’ll find fighting for your own thoughts here is almost as rare as actually having any

A luke warm dish of rehashed Nietzsche quotes seems to be becoming the only acceptable bill of fare…


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You know, thinking along the lines of Nietzsche or thinking in a Nietzschean manner does not mean you are rehasing Nietzsche believe it or not. That is like saying that all Capitalists are simply restating Adam Smith or all Socialists are simply copying Marx. They are broad terms for a reason.

On the topic of fighting for one’s own thoughts…

Dionysian Nation, Verse 4

We live for the times that our id is on fire,
The purest air be what our minds desire,
See we like to breath only the best air,
The air of the heights, yeah you’ll know it if you’ve been there.
Musty air be what we fight,
A great health- always lying in our sights.
It’s the kind of heaven that we like,
Striding between peaks or basking in the sunlight.

‘Madness is a neccessary port of call on the voyage to enlightenment.’

Cezar’s posts are increasingly leading me to remember this, so that I may value what he is at the moment and affirm it as a neccessary stage in his personal development.

One day (probably within a year or four; I will assume he is about a quarter way through his colossal years of becoming) Cezar will almost certainly begin to see his early 2007 self as an ape and embarrasment (without denying it’s neccessity).

Cezar is on his way to becoming the superman. He certainly has some of the qualities needed including a resistence to being deceived, a critical eye and a philosophical background. Less madness would be a step forward but takes time, for certain things need to happen before madness dissipates and the superman comes into existence.

ps here are the first 4 verses of Dionysian Nation for your pleasure:

Fighting for your own thoughts can become a lot easier (temporarily) with the aid of drugs. I only attack whilst in a great health, anything else is a compromise. I embrace a certain fatalism when my souls become decadent. In short, when the air is bad, I withdraw from life. Pure, cool, air is an important condition of Dionysian thought.

I agree Sir baller its just the latter (ie the rehash) seems to be a hell of a lot more common on ILP these days.
I’m not excusing me self from this criticism either!


“where philosophy ends - it’s still fun to make random kind of clicky noises”

clicky being the operative word around here :unamused:

CLICK click CLICK click click. :::everyone nods in agreement:: click Click click ::He walks away with his ego satisfied::

Fight fight - Ah maybe I’m too hard on the Nietzsche-bots - it does make for good “harmless” entertainment at least - My money’s on Cezar - his style, at least, is nice.


As krossie knows so little about Nietzsche - whom she tends to confuse with Hegel -, she cannot possible tell where his philosophy ends and the original thought of his readers begins. Indeed, it seems she does not understand that one can think from a certain basis - pretending to prefer having no basis, like all the little females insisting that one “think for oneself” with which this forum abounds.

In Also sprach Zarathustra, Nietzsche writes:

“Und gehorchen muss das Weib und eine Tiefe finden zu seiner Oberfläche. Oberfläche ist des Weibes Gemüth, eine bewegliche stürmische Haut auf einem seichten Gewässer.
Des Mannes Gemüth aber ist tief, sein Strom rauscht in unterirdischen Höhlen: das Weib ahnt seine Kraft, aber begreift sie nicht.”
[Von alten und jungen Weiblein.]

Thomas Common translates this as follows:

“Obey, must the woman, and find a depth for her surface. Surface is woman’s soul, a mobile, stormy film on shallow water.
Man’s soul, however, is deep, its current gusheth in subterranean caverns: woman surmiseth its force, but comprehendeth it not.”
[Thus Spake Zarathustra, Of Old and Young Women.]

The word translated here as “to gush” is rauschen. LEO translates this as “to rustle”, “to sweep”, or “to whoosh”. It is cognate with the important Nietzsche-word Rausch, which is usually translated as “intoxication”, sometimes as “frenzy”. LEO translates it as “intoxication”, “inebriation”, or “flush”.

It is obvious now what all these superficial little females lack, which is the basis of any true understanding of Nietzsche.

“There can be no doubt that the Greeks sought to interpret the ultimate mysteries “of the destiny of the soul” and everything they knew concerning education and purification, above all concerning the immovable order of rank and inequality of value between man and man, on the basis of their Dionysian experiences: here is the great depth, the great silence, in all matters Greek - one does not know the Greeks as long as this hidden subterranean entrance lies blocked. Importunate scholar’s eyes will never see anything in these things”.
[The Will to Power, section 1051.]

Oh I think I know as much as I need - sauwelios who tends to confuse me with a girl! - Mind you I take it absolutely as a complement - women make much better and indeed more dangerous philosophers in my view!


[Thus Spake Zarathustra, Of Old and Young Women.]


All this quoting of Nietzsche and I think your finally begining to understand him - great quote

I did not necessarily mean “little female” literally.

Why do I not believe this? Why do I believe that despite the temperature of the air or the altitude at which you reside, you will continue to recite passages from Ecce Homo in your living room anyway, sitting in your favorite chair while watching the home shopping network.

“OMG…I need strong winds and heights! I’m going out on the back deck to contemplate the tragedy of existence, then I’m going to grill some hotdogs, so will you run to the store and buy some buns please?”

Please man, there are no Zarathustras here.

Oh no you don’t. You just go inside and turn the air-purifier that you bought at Wal-Mart on.

“Going down,” for you, means calling in sick for work, or asking for a water cup at McDonalds and instead filling it with Sprite when they aren’t looking.

That’s hard-core, dude.