I don’t think the word isle has any sort of literal meaning in an isolative sense. Rather, the world and what values it holds is just a potential isle. Any other isle would have been possible if you went back 2000 years ago, but just because we discovered the isle we are in now, does not mean it is still impossible to travel to other isles. Perhaps we can find one where higher men can be happy, rather than green pastures for the herd.
Cezar, are you advocating finding an “isle” absent of rabble? Rabble will always be a reality. There is no way to avoid it. Rather than try to find our own “Kingdom of God” ala the Puritans, we must work to recreate the world around us.
Yes, shall you import the service workers then?
I just cannot see many Ubermenschen wanting to pick up the garbage, or baking a pie from scratch.
But yes, a Republic seems the best structure, if there is to be structure.
As much as I like the notion of the Ubermensch, however, I still find it to be necessarily “anti-society” as to the problem of willingly passing ANY power to a “state.”
Can you imagine Ubermensch trying to create a Constitution?
Paying for common services?
The Ubermensch should all just go live in the forest.
I would think that, before comparing relative strategies, one would first establish that this is something people want to do?