
seriously… how do you plan on proving any of that? I find you interesting in that you don’t seem to read the replies that truly challenge your idealogy.

War on terror

All of us can see we have a new war.
People are interested in the causes of the war, who are involved…
People try to predict wars.

For me is very important to CALCULATE when the war will happen, like we calculate when an earthquake will happen etc.
Like I said the average time between first life and second life is 55 years, these means people at their first life who died in WWII, they are now back, ready for a REVANGE.

This means now is the time for a new war.

your theory is flawed, the war in the middle east has been going on for several millenia.

and the gap between WW1 and WW2 was less than 35 years.

anther reason it’s flawed, let’s say that someone from WW2 died in 1946 in the frontlines, that means they wouldn’t be born “again” until 2001. Which means they’d currently be 3 years old.

:astonished: dude i’m really concerned, maybe you need to put the drugs down. Your not exactly living in reality… Like a madman thinks he’s smart but everyone thinks he’s nuts… Who’s right?

Sounds familiar Cyrux.

Look Yoghi, no disrespect intended but I’d start consulting Boo Boo for some insight! :smiley:

Well…maybe if we wait long enough, he’ll turn into some. THAT would be the first time he made himself useful!

Low level people LOVE WARS!

notice how yoghi ignored my post about the people from ww2 being 3 if they died in WW2.


I didn’t ignore you but I let you to think thinker.

I’ll let you make no sense yoghi.

Do you know something about reincarnation ?

Genetics and Spirituality

Like I said all the time is a link between Spirituality and Genetics; it’s normal. That’s why low level people have low level children.

Check in today’s issue of the Time Magazine carrries an article on the ‘God Gene’ - evidence that information about our creator is embodied in our DNA.

I was right, Evolved people have Evolved genes and here is the confirmation:

On chopra.com → ask Deepak->Off Topic->Welcome Home, Dr. Chopra

is a discussion about spirituality and genetics:

From beliefnet.com

The Brain Chemistry of the Buddha
In ‘The God Gene,’ geneticist Dean Hamer says human spirituality may have an innate genetic component to it.

Interview by Laura Sheahen
Dean Hamer is a molecular biologist at the National Institutes of Health, where he heads the Gene Structure and Regulation section at the National Cancer Institute. In his latest book, Hamer says certain brain chemicals affect higher consciousness and spirituality, and that the actions of these chemicals are linked to a gene his team has researched. He spoke to us recently about “The God Gene: How Faith Is Hardwired into Our Genes.”

What is the God gene?

The God gene refers to the idea that human spirituality has an innate genetic component to it. It doesn’t mean that there’s one gene that makes people believe in God, but it refers to the fact that humans inherit a predisposition to be spiritual–to reach out and look for a higher being.

A big part of your research involved a “self-transcendence scale” to rate people’s spirituality. What is this scale?

As you can imagine, it’s not trivial to separate spirituality from more formal aspects of religion, but some psychologists like Robert Cloninger have tried to do that. They use a scale called “self-transcendence.”

Overall, it tries to measure a sense of “at-oneness” with the universe independent of formal religious beliefs. More specifically, it actually looks at three different subscales. One of them is called self-forgetfulness: a measure of people’s propensity to completely lose themselves in what they’re doing, whether it’s weeding the garden or meditating or whatever. People who are self-transcendent put less focus on themselves and more on everything outside of them. They see the connections to things.

A psychic component is called “transpersonal identification,” a feeling of a sense of unity with everything else in the universe. Then there’s a third scale called mysticism or spiritual acceptance which is more like, do you think mystical experiences have changed your life? Do you believe that science can’t explain everything? Do you believe that there might be ESP, for example? Believing that there is more going on than meets the eye.

So you studied a certain gene to see how it related to this self-transcendence scale?

Right. There was a twin study suggesting that this spirituality scale is at least partially inherited. We were interested in finding out what are the genes. So we did a cla*sical type of study that molecular biologists do: we rounded up a bunch of people and measured their self-transcendence. Then we looked at a bunch of genes and looked for differences. And we found this one gene that was at least correlated with self-transcendence. It’s called VMAT2, which stands for ‘vesicular monoamine transporter no. 2.’ It handles one type of brain chemical, monoamines, that have a lot to do with emotional sensitivity.

What are some of these brain chemicals? Is serotonin a monoamine?

It is. A lot of people know about serotonin because that’s depression, anxiety, feeling bad, etc. Although it’s also ecstasy, feeling connected. With every brain chemical, like every personality trait, there’s two sides. With depression and anxiety, the opposites are ecstasy, happiness, euphoria.

Norepinephrine is another one, although its functions are a little bit less defined. Dopamine is the third major one.

So basically this VMAT2 gene, which you have been able to isolate, affects those brain chemicals–which in turn, you feel, affect people’s sense of spirituality?

Exactly. That’s the theory. The best interpretation is that the monoamines are affecting higher consciousness. By higher consciousness, I mean the way that we perceive the world around us and our connection to it. We see all of these sites and sounds and smells and data coming in. We make it into sort of a coherent picture like ‘that’s a person’, ‘that’s a building’, etc. Furthermore, we’re able to place ourselves precisely in that picture at all times. We know where we fit and we know that we’re the same person that we were yesterday. We know that we’ll be the same person tomorrow. There’s never any discontinuity in who we are. We never think we’re somebody else.

Yet there are stories of holy people who do feel like their own personalities have evolved or changed.

Exactly, changed. Or they feel like they’re not on Earth anymore or they feel like they’ve reached Nirvana, if you’re more of an Eastern type.

All of those are examples of people’s consciousness changing, and I don’t mean that in a flaky way. I mean it very particularly. Their relationship to the universe is somehow changed, and that’s a very deep spiritual experience. I would say that every great religious leader had that type of experience.

Jesus went to the desert, Muhammad had all these flights, and Saul on the road to Damascus became Paul. Moses talked to the burning bush. Buddha spent a long time under a tree, contemplating. That’s really the heart and soul of spirituality, changes in consciousness. Monoamines play a very important role in the brain, in connecting ourselves to the world around us.

From a brain chemistry standpoint, what was happening in Jesus’, Buddha’s and Muhammad’s brains during these spiritual experiences?

I think that what happened in Buddha’s brain is that by focusing really hard and concentrating the front part of his brain (the attention-orientation region) on his meditation, breathing, etc., that he sort of relaxed another part of the brain, probably a back part of the brain, and that there’s a change in the flow of monoamines. And then his whole sense of orientation of himself relative to the universe just relaxed or changed. And bingo.

Hail, Yoghi. OR should I say HEIL

Time is hardly scientific journal material, the article below is pure conjecture And in now way even backs up your “low level” theory anyways, it just backs up that spirituality is genetic, and that has been shown in MRI studies that the brain is built for prayer and meditation low level or not.

I realize that you did not write this article but I noticed two inherent problems.

not everyone has such a predisposition, and not everyone who looks for god finds anything, that is why their are agnostic and atheists. Do you think that these types of people are inferior to you, oh mighty yoghi?

yeah like it’s THAT easy… Like “Bingo” transcendentalism reached. If it were that easy alot more people would have accomplished it.

The truth about this matter with the “god gene” is that everyone has the innate “desire” to be bigger than themselves. It’s not a strong desire, it’s not something everyone even succesfully fulfills. But it is the same in everyone even you. But I doubt you are seriously transcended. if you were you wouldn’t be calling 92% of humanity low level people.

what do you know about reincarnation? just what has been taught by the sages you subscribe to. What do I know about reincarnation? that it is more ridiculous of a theory then heaven and hell. At least with those ideals this life is worth living the best way possible. With reincarnation? what does it matter? you screw up you’ll be back again and again to get it right. and in your mind you are an old soul. Maybe you are, and maybe that means you’ve failed to get it right, to move on to the next stage of spiritual evolution. whatever that may be.

Please read more about reincarnation.

I consider the shape of the brain give us a lot of information.

Because people don’t understand much about ‘God genes’ an easy way to evaluate the level of Evolution is the shape of the brain.

This means the shape of the head show the level of Evolution.