
And they say there is no justice in the world…

For the record… a ‘hacker’ is someone who programs.

A ‘cracker’ is a racial slur, and the correct name for someone who finds ‘cracks’ in code in which they can exploit for their own ends.

Swordfish is coming on TBS this weekend… for the record they use the correct term… I was surprised for a shit (yet highly highly entertaining movie)

and… I’m rambling

A hacker was originally anyone that sat and ‘hacked’ away at code for hours on end. Later the word evolved, as newer words tend to, to also mean anyone that breaks into servers without permission. Cracker is an acceptable alternate, used mostly by language purists. But the greater part of the digital wizardry crowd couldn’t give a crap about the purity of language or it’s use…they talk with numbers in place of letters for god sake :stuck_out_tongue:

As a side note, as a unix technician I will assure you that nada one hollywood movie comes even close to aproximating what computer hacking actually constitutes or even looks like, least of all swordfish

Ok…there’s one scene in one of the horrible matrix sequels where trinity uses an authentic looking terminal…but even that is cheezed out.

lol if they had actual hacking in a movie wouldn’t it be kinda boring and extremely time consuming? The main character would probably lose all of his “coolness” through the various expressions he would make when he was succeeding or failing.