Total war on terrorism

  1. Induct all able-bodied men between the ages of 18-22 into the armed forces so the military can assume the patrol duty for potential terrorist targets that is now entrusted to civilian police or not patrolled at all.

  2. Ration gasoline and electricity and develop solar, wind and biomass alternatives to completely eliminate our reliance on Middle Eastern oil supplies.

  3. Establish regional stockpiles of food, fuel and medical supplies for use in the aftermath of a terrorist attack. These stockpiles should have a service radius of no more than 100 miles to make distribution easier if the transportation system beaks down.

  4. Provide school-based civil defense training for all persons between the ages of 16 and 18. This training should include first aid, recognizing the symptoms of bio-chemical chemical weapons exposure as well as general disaster preparedness.

  5. Disseminate daily radio and television war briefings on all broadcast, satellite and cable channels. These briefings should include a threat assessment as well as preparedness advice.

  6. Use daily newspapers and movie theater newsreels to notify the public of persons wanted by law enforcement authorities for suspected terrorist activity.

  7. Retool the entire economy towards mass recycling to conserve energy and natural resources so we can be as economically self-sufficient as possible. This way our economy will not have to be tied our foreign policy.

  8. Eliminate all federal spending not designated for Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, law enforcement and the war effort (which would include public education).

  9. The federal government must provide every U.S. citizen with gas masks and establish monitoring stations to detect bio-chemical weapons.

  10. The federal government must establish, maintain and fully provision sufficient bio-chemical/fallout shelter space for all U.S. citizens.

That would be awesome. I’ve always said that the biggest problem that the US faces in international affairs is that the rest of the world doesn’t fear us enough. Who’s ideas are these? Can I vote for them?

The ideas are mine- based on my understanding of the current problem we face and my knowledge of how we dealt with a problem of similar scope that was World War II.

I’ve always said that the USA will never have the world’s love so I would prefer to have its fear rather than its respect.

Who are these terrorists I keep hearing about and why exactly do they pose a bigger threat than Germany circa 1940s?

Terrorists is too broad a term; we’d have to kill most…well, all of our own media people, politicians, (because they are technically using terror to get at some goal, i.e. to further the war on terror, or get reelected, or more ratings). Thus most religions would be decreed illegal since their most basic tenets follow the formula do this or else bad shit will happen to you, most commercials that begin with “do you feel tired in the morning,” etc. You get the point. Pretty much anyone who poses an or else after their demands would be a target.

Perhaps you mean Islamic culture when you say terrorists, or the middle east as a whole, or maybe, just maybe, just oil-bearing countries…or maybe more specifically all those not yielding to our coercion who have some mineral of worth to the US who presently have no nukes.

Do you honestly believe those dumbshits yipping jihad deserve even 1/100000th of our military or economic attention, let alone such drastic measures as you’re proposing? I don’t understand why even 1 of our soldiers is there. We could be doing the job from over here with some laser guided missiles.

I agree w/ you that missles always work better than ground troops. If you don’t want to be a part of the collateral damage then get the fuck out of the way.

We should nuke those towel-heads! Te smelly bastards are like animals compared to us Americans. Kill 'em all!

God can only pick one country, and God blesses AMERICA!!!

God can bless more than one nation, but if he only had one to pick he already picked it, Israel. This kind of racial inequality is why the terroists are blowing us up now. They will use that one comment, and promote it as a general view that all Americans have upon them. They will use it during their propaganda campaigns to recruit young radicalists. Are you happy.

So they killed 5000 people. We have, like, 300 000 000.

We can’t have a war on Terrorism!!! Terrorism isn’t a country, terrorism is an idea. We are terrorists over in Iraq and such!

Yep. You can’t fight it with bombs. If it’s a disease, it’s a disease of the mind. It’d be like killing people to eradicate smallpox, it’d be ineffective.

By the way, party like it’s 1999!

The song goes “Tonight we’re going to party like it’s 1699” Don’t you know your Weird Al lyrics?



Terrorism = Concept = ideas are bulletproof.

Why not stage another false flag attack and have a war against ‘jealousy’ next.

The main point the people need to wake up to here is that violence is good for the govt – the gov’t wants and needs violence and attacks and wars. This is what they -want-.

Someone dispute that.

The question is Do you -want- war? Do you want people do die? After all… you’re not getting rich off this. They are, but you’re not… so why would you want it? Security? Well you’re a fucking moron who has no idea how security works.

I’m not sure I can take this seriously, but for arguments sake lets say these measures are being seriously considered.

There is the obvious problem of a Pyrrhic “victory”, where we do more damage to ourselves than the enemy could have. Not to mention the security dilemma…how are other countries supposed to interpret this…a complete militarization of the U.S. economy and populace is sure to worry even our closest allies, and probably create a certain degree of nationalism in places where we do not want it. A trained and mobilizited American force of 30-50 million is going to cost astronomical amounts of money, that is going to further destroy our economy. Not to mention that “war on terrorism” is a metaphor and it is pure nonsense to employ the term in a way that effects policy. Plus, supposing we do effectively immunize ourself from a terrorist threat that is not there, this policy is sure to result in domestic radicalization.

I do, however, like the general idea of dissolving our dependence on oil. However, the U.S. is the most interdependent country in the world, so even doing this will not make us “economically self-sufficient” by any standards.