The wife and I went on a cruise on our ten year wedding
anniversary and that is where I have been for the last week.
Several things of interest to report.
First of all, we went on a tour that went
by a lot of glaciers. And each time, the deck report
went like this,
"we are now passing the … glacier, discovered in 18…
by …, this glacier is … wide and … deep and … long,
this glacier has receded since it was discovered. What we see today
is the glacier having receded … number of miles from where
it was when discovered.
Every single glacier, every one, was reported this way.
Some on the Alaska mainland had a visitor center, and
when the visitor center was built, it had a view of the
glacier in question, but the glacier had receded so much,
the visitor center couldn’t even see the glacier any more.
One of the other things I can report is I saw very little wildlife
either on land or in the sea. I remember reading books about
Alaska in the early days and how the wildlife was every where.
You could look in any direction at any time and see wildlife,
and in 7 days on a cruise and we saw the tail of a whale once.
At one point, we were at a glacier that still reached the water,
and the cruise ship parked about a quarter mile away.
We, (the passengers)were standing at the side watching the
glacier, and the most noticeable thing about the glacier
(besides the size) is the noise. A piece of glacier breaking off
sounds like a cannon going off. At one point, I was replacing my
hearing aid battery, so my aid was off, and a piece broke off
the glacier and it still sounding really loud, even without my
hearing aid! The noise of a glacier is immpressive.
Well that’s all I can think of right now.
Of course after traveling all day yesterday, I can barely think
today anyway. Yesterday, woke up at 5:30 AM, off the ship by 6:30 AM and home by 8:30 PM last night. lONG DAY.
Anyway that is my report from alaska.