Trolling -- from Christian Myth thread

Particularly to Detrop, Uccisore, and Ouden:

What is trolling? Does the term come from trailing a lure, as in fishing? Or does it come from the Dungeons and Dragons creature who is only properly attacked by flames? I think it must be a linguistic conspiracy that both seem to fit – and a malicious one as people apparently have only greed as a motivation. Perhaps what is worst about the Catholic Church and it’s philosophies, is that it believes in good intentions. [Please note the sarcasm.]

This thread, however, might be more properly on Rant House. I leave it to the moderators to decide. It’s in Social Sciences as I thought the crux of the post had to do with language and society.


From wikipedia.

But all-too-often the term is misused to mean “Someone on the internet who disagrees with my argument.”

You have apparently fallen for the Wikipedian conspiracy. Posting online can not be any good – it only serves self-aggrandisement and greed and never information to force others to believe what you believe. …Or so I have learned from Detrop and Ouden.

(Also, you didn’t give an origin of the word “troll” which I have pointed out links fishermen with evil mind games.)

The morally unfortunate thing about this is that I even put in my footer that I’m trying to be nicer online. With some posters, I just can’t handle it.

I think this is Mundane Babble. Not that it isn’t interesting. I’ll move it there. . . if I can figure out how. . .

Maybe Rant House would be better, so my irony is not lost. After all, that’s how Machievalli became universally misunderstood.