Trolls, INCELs, and coexistence

The “war” is more a deterioration of the West. If women are pawns, who is playing the game? In my eyes, authoritarians across the globe manage to mobilise the resentment of people who feel hard done by and, of course, those who have been hard done by. Whether men or women, they are all used in the struggle to do away with liberal democracy and build hegemony via oligarchies. the question is only whether those who give their support are clear about what that means for them – I fear they don’t.

Now, this is typical. I give you an example of a feminist who is against the so-called progress of people like Judith Butler, and you sweep it aside, possibly because Harrington is a woman and, in your eyes, can’t be right. Her perspective could help you gain a broader perspective – if you wanted that. No one is more blind than those who will not open their eyes.

And all you have to combat this is incomprehensible ranting and verbal abuse towards anyone who engages with you. You are as much a symptom of the problem because your attitude weakens any opposition. You never lay out an alternative view or clarify what you mean. What is a traditional family in your mind? All I have read that you write is the terminology, and I only have some lackadaisical comments that my idea doesn’t correspond to yours. You’re about as helpful as a guard dog that barks incessantly at every passerby, every gust of wind and every creaking bough.

So, you believe that social interaction is all about manipulation? No wonder you’re mixed up. I like the idea of a dance, preferably something like a barn dance, in which you move into the space that opens for you while moving around the room to the music. I copied people I saw moving like that even when they were not dancing, acknowledging with a smile, in motion with their surroundings while following their own route. It was fun in a professional environment and one physically impaired lady who watched me carefully actually said that I seemed to dance.

It is always a question of your intentions, and if people catch on to someone manipulating others, they generally avoid them. When I was younger, I found I was most popular when I wasn’t trying to be and was at ease with my lot. Later, as a regional manager, travelling between locations, I discovered that my predecessor had been manipulative and that the staff at each location expressed their relief that I was not. It would have been a fluke if it was only one location, but six? You will no doubt say I am making it about me, but I can only tell you what experience I had with my approach. Your approach doesn’t seem to be so successful.

The term “hypergamy” is derived from the Greek words “hyper,” meaning beyond or above, and “gamos,” meaning marriage or union. In its literal sense, hypergamy refers to the practice of marrying or forming relationships with individuals of a higher social, economic, or educational status. However, discussions around mate selection and preferences are not limited to women, and there is an acknowledgement that men also exhibit preferences that resemble a form of hypergamy.

Therefore, the idea of hypergamy being an innate feminine impulse doesn’t have unanimous support within the scientific community. Evolutionary psychology proposes that women may be predisposed to seek mates with resources and higher social status to ensure their offspring’s well-being and survival. Some argue that this preference could be deeply rooted in evolutionary history. However, once more, you oversimplify the complex and varied reasons individuals choose their partners.

The quote you provided is from George Orwell’s novel “1984.” In this context, Orwell is describing a characteristic of the society depicted in the book, where the ruling Party seeks absolute control over the thoughts and behaviours of its citizens. The statement suggests that, in this dystopian society, women, especially young women, are portrayed as fervent and loyal followers of the Party’s ideology.

George Orwell also expressed some reservations and criticisms regarding certain aspects of academic socialists and intellectuals. In his essay “The Road to Wigan Pier” (1937) and other writings, Orwell discussed what he perceived as a disconnect between some intellectuals and the working class. He criticised the tendency of some intellectuals to romanticise and theorise about socialism without fully understanding or experiencing the practical challenges faced by the working class. His criticisms were directed not at socialism but at what he perceived as the elitism and detachment of some intellectuals within the socialist movement.

Mitchell Heisman was an American writer who gained attention for his lengthy and unconventional suicide note, titled “Suicide Note,” which was published online. Heisman’s suicide occurred on September 18, 2010, in Harvard Yard, near Memorial Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The note, which is extensive and covers a wide range of philosophical and existential topics, includes the quote you provided. Heisman is said to have had several romantic partners but always broke off with them to focus on Suicide Note.

Heisman’s tragic end raises, above all, questions about mental health, existential despair, and the limits of human understanding. The thesis of the suicide note affirms the nihilistic stance that life is meaningless, including the emotional ends that Heisman claims to have replaced God in the wake of atheism. Heisman travelled to the Memorial Church of Harvard University, where he shot himself dead on the church steps in front of a tourist group, thereby traumatising innocent bystanders.

This passage by Christopher Lasch reflects his perspective on the changing dynamics of sexual conventions and gender relations, particularly regarding women and the feminist movement. He suggests that there has been a significant shift in the nature of defiance against sexual conventions. In the past, this defiance was portrayed as a matter of individual choice, particularly for early feminists. However, according to Lasch, this has changed over time. I think this is true.

Lasch notes that many sexual conventions have already collapsed, presumably societal norms, expectations, and rules regarding sexual behaviour, relationships, and gender roles. He says that even women who do not explicitly claim feminist ideals find it challenging to assert traditional privileges associated with their gender, but I have experienced more of a rejection of traditional privileges, with women insisting on opening the door for me rather than I for them. In Germany, I see many women wanting to pay their way rather than have things bought for them. On the other hand, he says that one aspect of the changes is that men no longer treat women as “ladies,” which makes me ask who is to blame.

Once more, you list numerous examples of what you believe to be problems, but you have not a single proposal of how to cope with the situation so that cooperation takes place between the sexes.

…yes it does.

Nearly every, or simply EVERY monkey/hominid specie, the females are hypergamous, not monogamous…

Just goes to how delusional your beliefs about human sexuality really is…

Lol, your response reads like a Philosophy 351 class homework assignment. Are you going to college, Bob? Aiming for a Bachelor’s in Philosophy, are ya?? :-"

Let’s leave that for other threads.
War Like No Other.

Liberal democracy is the disease.
The symptoms are feminism, transexuality, hedonism, degenracy…desruction of family, loss of culture and on and on.

I don’t care, as much and at this point in history, about the “exceptions to the rule”…I care about the rule.
If she spoke out against the filth, then good for her.
If she were a man, she would have been slandered and accused of misogyny.

When among zombies, i do not carry a medicine kit, hoping I can manage to heal them.
Among zombies I carry a baseball bat, or a rifle.
I am an interventionalist, not a healer.

The brain dead are a lost cause…but maybe I can open someone’s eyes before they are infected.

Genders based on sexual roles - specialized reproductive roles, transferred to society.

I sense tension…
If you cared to look, hypocrite, you would find that I have explained my positions in multiple threads.

Civilization is built on pretences and social platitudes - masks.
Nobody’s ‘true self’ would be toerable…other than the simpletons who hasn’t developed a personality but performs the character others imposed upon him.

Women manipulate men; men manipulate women.
Wearing a push-up bra, and lipstick is a manipulative pretence.
Buying a sportscar to get the chicks, is a manipulative pretence.

Even dance is a display.

[quote="Trivers"If… deceit is fundamental to animal communication, then there must be strong selection to spot deception and this ought, in turn to select for a degree of self-deception, rendering some facts and motives unconscious so as to not betray – by the subtle signs of self-knowledge – the deception being practiced. Thus, the conventional view that natural selection favors nervous systems which produce ever more accurate images of the world must be a very naïve view of mental evolution.[/quote]

As if your consciousness was necessary.
Men, like you, manipulate without even knowing it. Consciously convinced that they are being forthcoming and compassionate.

It’s always been about you, Bob.
You probably don’t even realize it when you brag.
Those casual anecdotes, telling us who you were…how important, how happy…how good.

Modern “males” yes.
Females, are by their nature, unable to marry beneath them…males have no issue.
Of course, what they consider “beneath them” is based on their self-esteem…same goes for females.
Females always want to mate with what is superior…to make their efforts and pains and sacrifices valuable.

Women and men, Bob, are determined by their reproductive roles.
A female’s role forces her to submit to the “penetrations” of another.
She then must gestate and wean a helpless infant for over 6 years.

All this requires a particular disposition - psychology.
Evolution has naturally selected these traits in females of our species.
This also affects their politics.

Why a specific individual chose, or settled, for his/her partner, would require an investigation, based on general patterns.
The self-esteem of the individual, for example, factors in.
The personal trauma, experiences, of an individual, warp these natural impulses.
But, in general, all healthy females want to mate up…and the smarter a female is the more difficulty she faces in finding a superior male.
Demasses are more physical. attracted to masculine markers of fitness. They are more primal, base.
How attractive a female is, also factors into the formula…BOB.

Here we are establishing general foundations, not offering personal advice or treatments.

Yes…Bob…it also suggests that women are naturally inclined to submit to power.
They adapt to collectives, because their reproductive role necessitates dependence on a group.

And now we know that you are a socialist/communist.

You cut & paste brilliantly.
I’m beginning to empathize with you Bob.
A google genius.

So, Nietzsche’s tragic end, would also help you dismiss his insights, right Bob?
Did the site you visited tell you why he committed suicide?
He wrote it in his thesis.

I’m sure, a commie like you, has found many clever ways to dismiss anything and anyone challenging your utopian romantic worldview.
Does Kaczynski’s Unabomber Manifesto become nonsense because of his “mental condition”, or, according to the other twat, his supposed repressed sexuality? How many of the author’s you admire are lacking a secret mental disorder…
Liberalism itself is one.

Cut & paste…pretence.
I realized it when you defined the Greek terms…and you aren’t Greek nor speak it.
A google genius.
Was the comment, above, entirely a paste job?

Men no longer treat women s ladies?
Are you serious?
You are fucked-up, aren’t ya Bob.
How simplistic…from such a complicated pseudointellectual.

Tell me Bob, do you trat whores and sluts as ladies?
Have you seen what is going on out there?
It was not as bad, during my time…but now it is getting real bad.

Do we even know who is a real woman?

Unlike some of the other members on this forum, i do not claim to be a god, or a demi-god, or a hero, or a revolutionary…I am a reporter.
I report what I see.

No man, BOB, can stop a civilization from collapsing.
This is all symptomology of a dying empire of lies.
When a hoard of zombies - returning to that Hollywood symbol of diseased decay - you don’t try to heal them or stop them.
You have to let the disease run its course.
The empire that caused this disease, must fall, for the disease to end.
A new disease will emerge…but this one must end.

What I purpose you would not like…so I will not waste my time.
A return…Timocracy…google it…you’re good at that…then cut & paste an encapsulation for us.

He’s copying the descriptions he finds when he googles the words.

trace the source of the infection…you’ll find it has its roots in Marxism…and Marxism in?
Mutating from patient to patient. Evolving.

Well, if I interact with you again, I’ll call you shooter.

As it is, I just can’t spend my time trying to engage with your contempt and whining.

There are more pressing issues in the world, and a threat is rising that could consume the world.

I have, at the most, 20 years more to live, so I’m not going to waste that time with people like you.

When you self-destruct, try not to take too many people with you.

Like what?

The “Global Warming” that was supposed to sink the coastal areas 10 years ago?

Or the Ozone evaporating that was supposed to fry everybody’s skin 25 years ago?

Is Armageddon coming? The Rapture? What is it, Bob?

Another brain-dead zombie parroting official narratives.

Hello, Bob.

You remind me of my brother, who also believes that he was very much different in the past than he is today. But this alleged being different in the past is a lie to himself, because every alleged being different only affects the surface, but not the depth, the core of every person. My brother’s personality has not changed, and his past keeps catching up with him.

If people are typically masculine (what is “typically masculine”?) and later, due to re-education, “therapy”, brainwashing or whatever, they become more typically feminine (what is “typically feminine”?), then they express themselves differently, but the motive in depth remains the same, so that they now have two problems instead of the one they might have had before. They now always have to think twice about what they say, whether it’s politically, socially or otherwise “correct”. It would be best if they were able to accept their supposedly overcome “otherness” in the past and yet show different behavior on the surface, but without blaming the past or other people from the past and present for their own problems.

On the one hand, namely at its core, every ego is always itself, and on the other hand, namely on its surface, it is not, because it is changing, yes, but these various part-egos from the past always remain connected to the overall ego, although they compete with each other for it. One has to integrate them, if one has not already integrated them.

Can you agree with this text, Bob?

Maybe you should think about including climate change as evidence of your own conspiratorial agenda… caused by overpopulation/overindustrialization/consumerism/feminization/Globalhomo/anti-nature/transhumanism, etc… etc… etc… ad infinitum

Hello Alf!

I agree that the surface is what changes, but that is what I was describing. I am a natural introvert but tried for decades to be like the extroverts I knew, and I could play one, but only at a great cost. It was only when I learned to introspect and take the solitude that I needed that I came to that core you mentioned. So, in effect, we are both right.

When I entered nursing, it was a re-education, obviously, but it also showed me the dormant side of my character that I believe we all have. The brainwashing is what commonly occurs and suggests that we are either masculine or feminine and undermines the strengths that a non-stereotype can give us. We all have varying talents and access to certain necessary attributes, so it isn’t that we are all the same, and men who discover their other side are not naturally able to nurse, just as there are things I can’t do. It is just that we can escape the narrow interpretation of what it means to be a man.

For me, the ego has to do with survival, so it isn’t inherently bad, but often, when the ego dominates, it is not appropriate. Other people are not automatically competitors; we do not always have to put ourselves first; we are not always competing in the primordial survival of the fittest, strongest, or most ruthless. We have the capacity to cooperate and collaborate with others; we can give way to others, we can agree to disagree, and we can acknowledge the responsibility of another by following their orders; we can consider the needs of another. These are all the lessons that civilisation taught us, but which stereotypes tend to negect.

So, I don’t believe that we are at odds with each other, but there are some areas where I would want to clarify, as I have now done.

Yes, you see. You say yourself that you are actually introverted and that you have to go into yourself in order to solve your problem (playing extrovert). And I told you before that in the depths you always remain the same anyway and only the past selves, which you were, but still are, and who compete with each other, sometimes report themselves jealously. They confirm me. What you say about yourself, I know from my brother as well.

But “brainwashing” can just as easily be understood as hammering into us to constantly question our sex/sexuality/gender, and you can see where that leads. Just because the consequences do not seem clear enough does not mean they are “good”. It will not end well - I already know that -, the Corona and vaccination mania has given us something similar. It is not possible to just go 100% against nature and then make the absurd claim that it is like the normal, that it is prescriptive, restrictive, oppressive, and you have to get rid of it at all costs. Do you think that - just for example - the “not-more-female-and-yet-not-male-but-still-female-anyhow-female” being seen in the following picture knows what it has done there and how it will feel about it later.

So much projected trauma,physically manifesting self-abnegation.

The mind expressing its esoteric insecurities, against the body…the tangile…the physical.

Like race and sex… 8-[

I am the same observer, but have used various personae throughout my life, some that are suited to me and some with which I had difficulties. These were not “selves” but masks and do not compete but offer a strategy for certain circumstances. My being an introvert is not a mask but a core personal attribute.

I don’t know about others, but my sex was never in question. The dysphoria that some young people are going through is an aspect of puberty, and each of us is confronted with a new role when our body transitions to become a reproductive organism. I was quite disturbed by the physical transition, perhaps because I led a sheltered life as a child, and sexual stirrings came as a bit of a shock because I initially thought I had no control over them. I can imagine that girls have their own experiences, and if they have identified with the nurturing side of womanhood but could not understand the physical implications, what these are could shock them too. Additionally, with the increased spread of pornography, expectations that are made of young women could be another impetus to avoid womanhood and attempt to remain in the androgyny of pre-pubescent life.

Of course, it is unavoidable, and the picture you showed was the pitiful result of misguidance and rejection of biological reality. Just like I had to learn to control my sexual drive, young women have to come to terms with their biology and not just amputate it. The problem has always been around, but before we didn’t have so many people willing and able to exploit the insecurities of young people.