true love

That was good and people should read it. We have had many discussions here about homosexuality and this would help add to our thoughts.

I´m glad you find it useful

How did you stumble on that site?

Ha!, I was depressed like hell, I would sleep 24 hours a day ,one day I managed to get to the computer, I searched google for some help and that´s when I found the site,the ´depression and suicide´ essay helped me a lot.


ayways…this article says that love is an “illusion”…and unfortunately i beleive it.
…does anyone else find this depressing?

In which part did it say that?

Love does exist, however,there are a lot of illussons posing as love,and yes,our existential misery is depressing.

True indeed. Love exist outside of our minds. We obtain glimpses here and there, possibly at child birth and at few other times. But most if not all the emotions we experience within our daily lives are a result of fear. This appears to be the root to which we feel emotion. Out of it comes all other emotions which exist at different degrees. Fear doesnt have a clear opposite. Acceptance would be the closest one. In acceptance you lose all fear, and then are able to experience true love.

Right.That root fear you talk about is the fear of death and fragmentation,which is the result of or very nature ( that of helplessness and unwholeness).
The key to true love lies in taking responsability, stopping the futile and perverted war on our vulnerabilities,once you willingly give up,the oppresive feeling of our lacks and insignificance is gone,and is substituted with existential freedom which leads to true love


:unamused: why?

Have any of you experienced true love? How would you know? Are you suggesting that love is universal?

oh illative!
i LOVE dahli!

‘Love’ is nothing more than an emotion which has evolved from a prehistoric urge a.k.a sex. Love is just built on the desire to forefill this urge and nothing more.

I dont support any concept of ‘love’


[size=150]BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH[/size]

I’m tired of the love threads already! There has been enough talk around here about love by now, hasn’t there!? At this point it feels like we’re saying the same things over and over again.

That’s what you do in love, but you never get tired of doing it.

Yeah- certain things you never get tired of, but talking about it here is different. I only have so much to say. Perhaps it would be different if there were some better love stories out there coming from fellow ILPers… There just doesn’t seem to be any new insight.

to love is to risk to live.

Love is one of those things that has many many different meanings and definetions based on many different things. But to say that you dont believe in any form of love is like saying you dont belive in happiness, and in contrast, dont believe in sadness. This makes no sense to me. Love is not felt only between two people interested in mating, that is but one perspective of love. I love my son, my dog, my friends, my family, but I have no desire to have sex with any of them. I do, however, believe that ‘true love’ is a way for people to describe a natural feeling (urge to mate you were talking about) in an unnatural way. I also believe that describing and attempting to understand natural feelings in very unnatural ways is horrible for our ability to understand life , and seems to me like we’re trying to make things seem more ‘important’ than they really are. the fact that life is meaningless and everyone is doomed to die does not have to be depressing at all. its all about perspective, as is everything…

‘true love’ could also be seen as complete comfortability usually requiring complete honesty in every way shape and form, or at least the illusion that complete honesty exists. if complete honesty doest exist, then ‘true love’ turns out to be happiness. happiness like most of us have never felt before, because we live in societies that are not only based on lies, mistrust, and greed, but offer all kinds of rewards for lying, manipulating, cheating, and being greedy… people feel guilt for lying not because they’re taught to, but because its unnatural to lie. 1+1=3 just isn’t right and everyone knows it… the only way to make it right, is to completey abandon everything we know about mathematics and make up something completely new, that has little possiblity of making sense… similarly, the only way to make our lifestyles seem right is to make up things like ‘true love’ to make ourselves feel better about how we’re acting.