You’re talking about width when you say “16 cm”, right?
I like it when boys stay out of my way, or when they give me advice on what pieces of ass are secretly receptive to me. Other than this, they are not all that useful or good.
Are you strait?
When asleep, awake, half awake, half asleep, unconscious, alive or dead, I think about vaginas, tits, ass.
I cried when a woman asked me to be more sensative, a little bit, after poking my eye.
I later told her that if she tickled a certian area of my body every day, I would eventually become more physically and emotionally sensative due to the neurological plasticity factors and mind-body syncronization effects of that particular place. But this form of therapy required years of practice and dedication at the right times [when I asked].
I only eat at Hooters.
Ronald is not worthy of our trust.
Thank you. The thing you have to keep in mind is, I am engaged and getting married next month, so I inherited many of my fiance’s friends.(which are girls) Her sisters became my friends, I am loyal to my fiance’ and all guys talk about (all apologies for the generalization) is girls, a topic which I no longer have interest in because I think my fiance’ is hot, so other than sports, there is a lack of common ground with guys.
Boys are almost entirely idiotic and tedious. And I’m straight.
When I found out my girlfriend passed her year one medical exams.
Can’t remember and can’t remember. Haven’t been to a McD’s in years. Probably about 8 or 9 years ago, probably had a double cheeseburger. But I honestly don’t recall the details.
1.) I shit myself five years ago because I was leaving my then girlfriend’s house, and the ONLY gas station on the way to my then house closes at 11:00p.m. (It was 11:05, or some shit) and I tried like hell to hightail it home, and the shit came just as I was running up the porch to the door!!!
(I have some stomach problems and have since managed to ensure that there is a gas station that is always open no more than ten minutes between me and most of my destinations!)
2.) To the best of my knowledge, I have never committed a felony.