Truth, religion, morality, left vs right, monkeypiss:

First: Greeks, arrogant idle bachelors and gay men
Wrote a shit-load of semi-religious “truth seeking”.

By then, most “wise” and most “true” was most morally right, and everyone else was lower-class, compared to that version of wise-true.

A sophisticated “quest for truth” became a religion then. All of the non-logic was shunned, crusified, dubbed as harassy. [Check how cruel the early English/British were to anybody they called ‘insane’, and later the allopaths poisoned them and usedto cut the front of their brain out too. Oppress the hell out of what you can’t understand, due to your own mental limits. That was their style, too. Lots of this in the modern debunkers.]

Later “truth” got into this stupid american left-vs-right,
So that a large pack of “free” monkeys can piss all excited over a fantasy-war. So now truth is fighting, popularity, waste, dancing, and whatnot.

Originally it all started as a discharge of castrated old male aggression. Later became passive-aggressive subversion, and two-party hollywood democracy.

If you’re not being sarcastic then I totally agree with you.

Cool thanks. :sunglasses: :laughing:

Truth is the last thing that people want these days. They don’t want to hear that this is fucked. That somewhere along the road, we gave up on the quest and have subsequently been hijacked into an alternate reality, where Dancing with the Stars is doing incredibly well. Ignorance is held in higher esteem than reason, in the public eye. Majority rules, don’t work in mental institutions and in the immortal words of NOFX, “I must admit I’m beginning to feel a bit like Charleton Heston, stranded on a primate planet.”

On that note, in 2005, American Idol received 500 million votes for the next great superstar. The 2004 presidential elections: 122 million.

I can’t help but to think ‘what the fuck’?


People don’t have to get up from their chair to vote for a superstar, they do have to for a president. Put the presidential voting on TV like these shows and you will have a higher amount of votes cast.

we get more than enough votes from the dead as it is…


Thats cold, true but ,cold. :laughing:

It has always amazed me that a bunch of ancient Greek philosophers discussing truth and morality had the presence of slaves pouring wine in their cups at the actual discussion of such conjectures.

American Idol aside, slavery being what it is, lol, what is so different about our society? We don’t have slaves per se, but we have a shit ton of illegal immigrants doing our grunt work for next to nothing, followed by brigades of the ignorant or unlucky flipping our burgers and mowing our yards etc… making a pitiful wage, so upon these people is built our majestic capitalistic society, enabling us all in some degree to sit and talk in this virtual meeting ground. It just seems to be the only way for some of us to have spare time is to make other people work all the time for nothing or next to it. Such is life I guess?

Slavery still exists. It is called low or minimal wage.

and how is us, sitting here discussing this and being able to do so by the fruit of others slave-like existences, any different than a slave pouring Socrates wine?

I am different on the account that I live a slave life everyday unlike most over privileged asses on the internet.

I can say with certainty that currently I don’t own my life and that I’m a puppet for others moral ideals of a greater good for humanity which engulfs my entire being in constant torture.

Can you say the same?

I am an apprentice electrician doing that 40 hours a week then i put in 30 or so hours at a chevron and I have two kids, and I still can’t make ends meet, so yeah I am with you. It seems that the broad base of the hardworking poor is growing at an explosive rate, while the top three percent control all our resources. Ever feel like you have been sold out?

Every minute of my breathing life.

Recently I have become a convenience store cashier at a overnight gas station and you don’t want to know how little money I make.

( It is a means to an end as I have told myself that this degradation that I’m going through will not last much longer. Eventually I will start fighting even if it means to the death.)

how is it that in the 1930’s a father could work one nine to five job, pay off a house, two cars, support his family and put his kids through school and now, well you know how it is now. What honestly happened here?

No its not slavery, it would be more like indentured servitude.

The servant has more choices but, less choices than a slave. Do you understand the difference?

The value market system combined with corporations is part of the problem while a another theory I have of the historical sense is that the more man’s system of living becomes complex the more violent and chaotic his very means to interaction comes to be.

Read this and get back to me.

Also the choices technically aren’t mine because like all things they are hurled amongst men when they are born much like the pathetic social contract.

Amongst civilization there is little choice and freedom.
