Okay, since there are so many who are convinced there is an absolute right and wrong that exists for some reason, I will clarify the truth about right and wrong, good and bad.
If you do not believe in science, then this will seem an invalid argument. I think it also should be mentioned that it requires faith to assume one can believe some things that science shows us, but disbelieve other things science shows us. It all works on the same system of gathering evidence and data, performing tests, and making conclusions. There are no sects of science that perform their own unique techniques and guidelines of discovering new theories.
Science shows us we evolved from bacteria. It’s showed that intelligent design is bunk. It’s made clear there is no God judging our actions. Naturally, at some point in mankind’s development, the traits of friendship, kindness, helping one another out, etc., would have formed, as it was beneficial to our survival as species (as apes and monkeys have shown around the world that have communities). It makes sense that we wouldn’t want to kill each other; evolution is about survival, and it usually helps if you’re not killing off your own species. In the evolution of our society and culture, it was obvious that it was much more productive to tell the truth to one another as opposed to lying, for obvious reasons.
If you look back in the short history of our race, it is obvious that many of the things that seem “good,” or “gut-feeling right,” are so because of our evolutionary development. We feel racism is wrong, and naturally this is helpful because we realize a great mind can come from any race or sex, as well as the realization that we are all created equal.
I’m no expert, so it would be impossible to determine where every single concept, idea, thought, and feeling came about on the evolutionary timeline, as well as what it was the side effect of in terms of changes to the brain, etc. I would assume that is what they are trying to figure out right now. But to believe anything else would require faith. There aren’t answers to everything right now, but we’re finding them. Be patient, and don’t jump to conclusions without the proper evidence and data, and I mean the kind that would be published in a peer review journal.