“Without will, without ego (of some sort of other) there is no ‘intellectual pursuit’. Quit appealing to a non-subjective truth which you cannot demonstrate.”
There is will of course but as to ego there is none. The will however is only the raw content of knowledge and arisings upon our calling in our imagination or inherited externally through sensation which nature as to the determination of what is outside ourselves, that is, as to the determination of the thing-in-itself is purely will. Such deductions I do not care to make at this time but I would refer to the long list of philosophers Existentialists and Idealists who have progressed the philosophical view of experience very far indeed while Empiricists still have no even investigated the phenomenon of experience beyond their dogmatic holding that it is passive (this belief with no foundation as since experience is passive all that is empirically derived by their belief cannot be affirmed actively to be as such). Activity s required in order for such affirmations to be made, to have ground, otherwise it reduces itself to pure relativism and subjectivity. Under Empiricism infact one cannot distinguish a law of nature from a rare phenomenon that occurs one in the history of all existence. This is because Empiricism posits what is views to be somehow the constituting value of which the viewing takes place through. That is what we experience is what we are bound to - plain dogmatic induction without necessary foundation, really, a matter of convience created from everyday dependence on experience and an underdeveloped intellectual virtually incapable of being anything but passive and holding dogmatic to ones own passivity so that experience is really all such an individual experiences. The intellectual pursuit is nonetheless the willing under which methdology is apropriated intellectually.
"Your goal is futile, since you’ll never accomplish either the transcending of yourself or the reaching of a position from which you can assess the necessity which is so important to transcendental philosophy. "
You cannot say that with postivity until you have achieved the highest state, which requires you to experiment and try either finding that transcendence is quite possible or that it would merely seem unreachable. It is plain irrational fear infact to not try to transcend and if you find yourself giving up because it seem like it is impossible then prehaps you will never reach it. However, I know for a matter of fact through the strive I went through to experiment and actually achieve it that it is indeed possible. If you really wanted truth bad enough then you would have achieved it like me but I guess for you more immediate things, smaller things, more so-called real or practical things go in the way. The name “Idealists” has significance in that it requires great amount of faith to get into the unknown never knowing if you are going to fail or suceed or what effects either end will cause. The truth of the matter is in life there should be nothing to fear because no matter if you feeel secure or not you could be dead in an instant or by fortunate circumstances life a very long life but this does not really matter. In order to known the unknown one must experience it, I have experienced it. Just because you are to fearful to enter it does not mean that it does not exist as you ignore this unknown in order to keep distance from you fear and cower away in the so-called real what is so immediate the undeveloped intellectual cannto overcome. You can cower if you want, if you like, for as long as you like but you will never get to truth until you enter the unknown and experiment. YOU/I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. YOU/I ARE NOTHING!!!
“Science hasn’t a damn thing to do with it. You cannot be motivated by logic, which simply states what is logical. One is motivated by will and will alone.”
Logic is a methodology through which my motivation (by will) is given character and thus in the finality as I view back upon the series of activity that formed this one act the act for me is motivated by logic. Motivated not as the source of the possibility of the action itself but motivated in its character or form, which, however are manifestations of the will but real for us because we ourselves are manifestations of the will, ao althought the will grants the content the manifestation of will we call logic which is real for me and you gives from of which gives the act knowability (the ability for us to know it). The motivation of logic is exactly the connection of one activity and another such that with logic given to the pure content of willing froms one will I give it a quality beneficial and necessary for another activity to make use of the act as product or as act itself.
“That’s it, retreat back into your ‘you are conforming, I’m radical, therefore I must be right’ argument I’ve heard about a dozen times…”
Its not really an argument but I am limited to my experience and you to yours. If I claim superiority due to a transcendent view then you have no claims against it nor I you. My argument as you call it was a refutation of your comments and not to be considered postive. It was a critica comment setting up limitations that we oth individually have to work with of which particular character you and I can regard as hypothetical and intended purely to explain and communicate an understanding rather than cast judgements and claim superiority as a sort of dogmatic elitist argument.
"They aren’t, appearance are appearances, not the result of reflection. Schelling or no Schelling.
Your ‘reflection’ is simply another appearance, thus the origin of appearance is another appearance? This makes little sense, or means that we only have appearances and can say no more about it. "
An activity called “consciousness” is “for-itself”, that is, always trying to achieve self-consciousness and eternally positing itself finitely through contradictory activities that arise from consciousness. The reflection is the act in which contradictory activities meet so that consciousness is literally meet with itself at a particular point in a particular appearence. Reflection implies the continual mutual oppositions created by opposing activities within an appearence which debilitate the two constituting activities eternally. You should have read Schelling so you could understood what “reflection” means instead of dogmatically assuming the most retarted notion which only made you seem well…not too bright.
“Depends on which ‘empiricist’ you ask.”
Any other positions and that individual could not longer call himself an Empiricist.
“Nope, it’s all subjective.”
Prehaps, but mind you I ma using subjective and objective in the Hegelian sense as dialectically opposed elements of consciousness which constantly struggle against each other transcendening toward absolute self-consciousness or as Hegel calls it more appropriately in his Phenomenology of Spirit the “Absolute Spirit”. *The focus on spirit an influence upon Hegel from Schelling.
"Nope, you’ve made an arbitrary distinction then demanded that we make on an origin. This is logocentric sophistry at its prime. Congratulations!
Answer the damn question, how do you propose leaping from the experiences we do have, which are connected inasmuch as we see them successively, to the position where we can ascertain this necessity which you think is so important?"
Do not pay attention to the distinction because I only open it up to adress the seeming difference that is there later on I resolve form as but a manifestation of content. I have answered your question but I have done it methdodically for I cannot put truth in one sentence it requires an investigation, a development, a summation among many things.
“Nope, ‘content’ ‘activity’ ‘passivity’ and the rest are all simply appearances, as momentary as they are. First you claim consciousness is the origin of experiences, then you say reflection is, now you’re equivocating over an irrelevant issue. Can you please focus on the issue at hand and not keep wandering off onto other issues?”
Consciousness is “for-itself” the for-itself nature of consciousness leads to reflection or self-consciousness. My work is just developing. It all together there is no division, it would seem it appears that way but you mistake what is appearing that is the problem at hand. You claim I do not focus but really I am the fact of the matter is you not focusing on what is appearing enough otherwise you would not think I am wandering off or claim my lack of focus.
“ditto above”
Seriousness is key. Laziness is never a good substitute.
"Again, it depends on which philosopher you ask. Hegel’s notion of Becoming is indeed pretty similar to Sartre’s of consciousnes as being-for-itself. But Nietzsche’s notion of Becoming is very different.
But none of this is relevant anyway "
Nietzsche was anti-systematic he do not believe in those various distinction the Ontological, Epistemological, Metaphysical. He just wrote inspite of those distinctions and this is what gives his work the quality in which his ideas apply to all areas of philosophy and life. Sartre and Hegel were systematic so the concept of “becoming” particularly for both has a ontological connotation but I imagine if you either removed the systematism from Hegel and Sartre or instated systematicism on Nietzsche the conceptions of “becoming” would be pretty much the same.
"Would you like to explain how this was possible and not just claim that it was? In plain, grammatically consistent English? Otherwise I’m sorry, but I have little more to say to you "
Schelling saw consciousness as infinite and “for-itself” and saw consciousness as subjective. This was supposed to be before the ontological as if this view of consciousness was Metaphysical but Schelling view of self was Epistemological therefore in assigning subjectivity to consciousness it made it post-ontological, that is, Epistemological. Sartre I am not sure either seeing this problem are accidentally adressing it positing the being-in-itself as the source of self and being-for-itself as consciousness. This created a dualism in which I found that the self as being-in-itself is an activity in which must be presupposed by a more basic activity. I took Schelling conception of consciousness, that of will seen as infinite and “for-itself” and found I can adapt it to explain the phenomenon of the creation of the being-in-itself and how it was then possible to explain how being-for-itself arose from being-in-itself. Being-for-itself or becoming is really a beings (self’s) act toward self-consciousness not of ones own being but of the will which one being is and of which all becoming is and is sustained by.
“You can’t even write clearly!”
Philosophy exists in thinking not in writing.
"Again, why the plea for trust? You’ve failed to answer a single one of the 50 or so questions I’ve asked you so far, all you do is provide long, dull passages of irrelevant material and assertions of your own brilliance, which you’ve yet to demonstrate. I’m a better philosopher than you, and I’m not even a philosopher.
If your ‘absolutely valid Metaphysics’ is as irrelevant, wandering, ambiguous and illogical as your posts here then it ain’t worth a dime, love"
I have answered all your questions but you have no accepted the answers mostly infact because you did not understand what I was talking about. Now, you may claim otherwise but the nature of your responses shows your ignorance to what I wrote, you show yourself at least to me quick to judge, assumptionary, and take little time to develop an understanding before going to judge. It is almost like you got a toolkit in which you have judgements ready at hand to hand out randomly without truly taking sufficient time to see what tool goes where or you try to fit tools in one area which does not even fit.