Uccisore is now accessible on MSN. Private Message me if you want the address.

EDIT: If you suck, please disregard.

I thought I already had your MSN ID…

And talking about yourself in the third person is confusing. Please desist.

How does one know if one sucks? What would the requirements of sucking be? What if you only barely don’t suck, I mean is there a line between not sucking and sucking? Could you please define your definition of suck? I may flip flop from time to time, I may suck then not suck then suck then not suck and occasionally I may blow. So I should really know what it is you want. You know darn well that someone was going to have to do a post like this so suck it up and blow it off. LOL

The question of “Do I suck?” is a journey you must take on your own. SIATD, I don’t have you on my list for whatever reason. It’s strange. I didn’t use msn for like a year, when I started it up again, my login in still worked, but there was nobody in my contacts list anymore.


Stuff this funny and so little words…

Wait a second Ucci, I agree with Kriswest, that you founded a tangent of this discourse on the basis of “suck”, then refuse to give parameters of “suck” by your own definition.

You wound us Ucci, truly, you wound us. This sucks, but I won’t blow up over it.

The Libertine:

“I desist… C***!”