UFOs, the NWO and the Militarization of Space

This 30 second video clip youtube.com/watch?v=2iDmaB5BxzA (posted in another thread), made me think of posting these videos:

video.google.ca/videoplay?docid= … 8249898710 (1 hour) is another version with the same people called “The Disclosure Project”

These are a couple of the best UFO videos around – possibly because there’s no amateur/secret film footage of little green men or craft zipping around the sky and therefore no focus on whether the film could have been faked or not. Instead they’re testimonials from 20 respected and credible people (most from top positions in the U.S. armed forces) who believe it’s time to take this information out of the hands of the military industrial complex/secret government and come clean with their citizens. If people like Carter and Clinton can’t get the information from this secret government then someone has more authority than the elected representative of the people.

If you don’t believe these respected and credible people (and 400 more) who are willing to swear an oath that what they are saying is true, then who would you believe?

In the first video one of the speakers talks about her years working with Wernher von Braun (father of Nazi V2 rocket and U.S. space program). She says that he warned her to do what she could to stop the militarization of space saying that the militarization of space will be built on lies. First, he said, it would be to protect the U.S. from the Russians, then terrorists, then Third World (rogue states) then asteroids, “then he would repeat to me over and over ‘and the last time it will be the extra-terrestrial threat’.”

Was von Braun suggesting that as technology develops, it would be used to create fear in the population (via UFO’s) and therefore make the push to militarize space easier?

Perhaps this is why the UFO’s are allowing us to see them? Perhaps they’re testing their technology while setting the stage for a fear attack? The fact that so many sightings are near military bases in the U.S.( and, increasingly Israel,) is highly suspicious.


Why would people believe that life DOESN’T exist elsewhere? So (whatever creation story you believe), there’s some odd billion planets in the universe and we’re the only one with life? That’s pretty pretentious and unrealistic.

As Calvin said: “Sometimes I think the most obvious evidence that there’s intelligent life is that none of it has tried to contact us.”

It’s not that life exists elsewhere that I doubt but the possibility of beings who are so similar to us, is simply mind boggling.

Both planets would have to be similar in geology and atmospherically to create the type of life we’re talking about (???) THEN that life would have begin to develop about the same time (???) THEN evolution (mutation/natural selection) would have to take a similar path for beings to end up resembling animals like humans ie. 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth. (???).

In other words, the beings we talk about are so much like us, they may as well be our distance cousins just a few thousand years more advanced. It’s this series of happenings that I find unfathomable. I could imagine a life form so strange and billions of years more advanced or more primitive than us but to be just a thousand years or so difference??? No way.

There are ways this could be possible however. For instance, these creatures could have breed us and therefore the similar evolutionary pattern is no longer necessary. Our evolution could got a head start and been engineered up a point.

A second way around this problem is the idea that these creatures may be billions of years more advanced than us and are using time-warping / multi-dimensional technologies to meet us on a similar development/intellectual level. :wink:


ANOTHER UFO/ET ENCOUNTER: This is an interview with a local woman who made a big splash here about 10 years ago when she (and others) told of their ET abductions. I think she comes across as being pretty credible.

video.google.com.au/videoplay?do … +cahill%22

Is this really about aliens or is it possibly part of the secret govt program? Why are the aliens 6 foot males, one of whom apparently speaks in English?

What’s more bizarre: a group of beings from outer space or a black government operation using new technologies and special effects? I can’t shake the feeling in my gut that these types of stories make me sway to the latter.


I agree with Km on this one. I mean… when you really think about it, how could aliens exist? If you just do the math you see it’s impossible. That is, the big bang theory, like all good theories – can’t be proven wrong. We’ve got it all worked out. The idea of the universe as being anything other than a cold void we can fill with Jeopardy and buyin stuff is an idea that’s been around for a while, and like all good ideas… it’ll stay that way. Tesla had wireless electricity in his day, I think that pretty much capped it off right? We’ve reached a nice comfortable place.

Though, on the flipside, as Km pointed out. There does seem to be some sort of fear based strategy going on. Bush has stated that ‘the war on terror’ will be a war we will never see the end to in our life times, perhaps the aliens will be the next step in ubiqituous, vague, etheric fear. Obviously aliens could never exist, as we’ve established, but the gov’t could, over the coming years, introduce the concept to us via these military UFO’s and possibly bogus accounts from ‘ex’ military personal like the ones above.

I think intelligent people like Km will be able to see through this gov’t opacity quite easily. Still though, the cold war went on for a long time, I wonder what exactly they got up to? Aliens don’t exist, but UFO sightings have been going on for a while… since they don’t exist I don’t see why an overwhelmingly proportionate number of people ‘fake’ these reports (since the all-time numbers are very, very large) so this means that the gov’t has had some sort of anti-gravity technology for a good 60 years or so. What’s more, this plan to advance the war on terrorism has been going on for just as long – since before the war on terrorism even started, long before. Quite impressive stuff for those buggers, prolly would have had to stage elections and stuff.


Just to clarify…

I believe BOTH are possible. There may be real ET’s out there but I feel most of the non-faked videos and/or abductions are more likely something closer to home.

There WAS such a thing as the Soviet threat but it was exaggerated out of proportion to the real threat so the fear mongers could advance their own agendas. Communism DIDN’T roll down South East Asia as the Domino Theory had threatened. Additionally, there IS such a thing as Islamic fundamentalist bombings, although I think many (if not most) outside the middle east are Mossad/U.S. staged operations. (There’s been several Mossad busts (some with explosives) in Argentina and even in Australia recently.) So BOTH exist.

So I’m open to the idea that real ET’s exist but when the sighting could have been done with a bit of advanced technology and black jump suits, I tend to tilt toward the black-op theory.

Having said that, there’s still a list of things I am baffled about that I don’t think could have been done by a government with super advanced technology. There’s too many to go into details, but here’s one (Apollo 11 / Buzz Aldrin encounter). If a govt could do this already in the 1950/60’s why hold back? They could have used this to get their One World Govt ages ago?

video.google.com.au/videoplay?do … 5190&q=ufo


Humm, will have to get back to it.

Link on the alien topic.


Well, I haven’t come back to it yet. Intuitively though I just think this whole alien stuff is a hoax. I could much more easily believe the following.
I’m not saying I do, not entirely.
